3446: The Revenger of Bellatrix Lestrange - Hermione and Ginny

Apr 17, 2015 21:41

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: The Revenge of Bellatrix Lestrange
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar involves the Star Wars fandom.
SUMMARY:”Hermione breaks up with Ron after the Battle of Hogwarts needing some space. When she goes beck with Ginny to take her NEWTs, attacks start occurring around the castle. They thought the Battle was the last of it, and the two girls must face a hidden enemy while juggling Quidditch, Homework and Studying. Will they also find love in the chaos? Femslash Hr/G Don't like? Don't read!”
FULL NAME: Hermione, Ginny
SPECIES: lesbians
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Hermione breaks up with Ron quickly. Ron assumes it is because she is crushing on him. Ginny takes romantic interest in Hermione. Hermione has nightmares. Apparently Bellatrix is going to be the villain. (Hey - said story only has one chapter.)
ORIGIN: “I am completely disregarding the Epilogue since to be honest it's always the guy get the girl and good always wins blah blah blah.” Apparently the epilogue includes Bellatrix dying and the fact Ron and Hermione didn't get together until the day of the battle.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Hermione gets together with Ron and breaks up with him in one day, or real close to one day. I get that impression from this line. “Hermione had started sobbing and released Molly so that the older Weasley could go heal some others.”

NOTES: I think this writer has potential. No telling though whether the story will go up or down rating wise as the writer progresses.


"I needed some space and wanted to take a break in the relationship. He, as always, took it the wrong way and decided I was cheating on him. You heard the rest." She sniffled.

Ginny rushed over with Luna, both stunned at Ron's immature behaviour. Luna had a couple of injures, like everyone else, sustained by the fighting. She patted Hermione on the back and began to speak. "You know, you could do much better than him." No-one noticed Ginny blush only slightly.

"Yeah 'Mione, nobody needs that prat."

Hermione had started sobbing and released Molly so that the older Weasly could go heal some others. She faced her friends and drew them into a very large hug. They hugged her back and let her get all the emotions she had bottled up for months out. They sat her down on a piece of fallen debris so that she didn't have to stand. It took a while for her to calm down a little bit, and Ginny and Luna were happy to give her a shoulder to cry on. They knew that it was a good thing that she were letting all her emotions out, so they sat there until Molly came over to tell them that it was time to go home. Hermione managed to calm herself down.

"Hermione dear, you can stay in Ginny's room. I'll make sure that Ronald won't disturb you and if he does, well I'm sure Ginny wouldn't mind casting one of her Hexes, would you dear?"

"I have permission to Hex my brother? Awesome."

pf - ewe (epilogue what epilogue), sue - ginny weasley, rating - bad, sue - hermione granger, pc - lesbians and more

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