3436: Magyk Lives - Harry and company

Apr 05, 2015 22:49

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. While I am still not back to doing link of the days I came across this entry on my “Don't Like, Don't Read” list for my “Don't Like, Don't Read” days. The story isn't features as it's short, and not actually a Mary Sue.

“It was a silly story written by my little brother when he was 10, and the both of us were sick of all the Belieber stuff around us. I admit, it does seem a bit mean now, but can you really get mad a a ten year old? We tell you what happens right in the title of the story.”

TITLE: Magyk Lives (argh...)
PERPETRATOR: CreatureSlashLover
COVER/BANNER ART: Their cover is a clip of their avatar. I at first thought the avatar was Alice in Wonderand related, but then I realized one of the characters is Professor Layton.
SUMMARY:”Harry ends up with three someones to care for. They give him a reason to run from the Dursleys'. He goes to Gringotts and finds out things that will change his life, and shake the core of the Magical World. SLASH! CREATURE!FIC MPREG Children. Cutting in parts (mild). Bashing of Light side-Dumbles, Weasels, Black, and Lupin. Harry/Multi, Harry/Slash Harem Don't like? Don't read!”
FULL NAME: Harry “Hades” Potter, Baby Boy and The Girls - Haidar Momman Rade Potter-Eversun, Susanna Amala Noelani Potter-Eversun, Catriona Alya Primrose Potter-Eversun
SPECIES: I'd rather not answer this one.
HAIR: see markings...
EYES: see markings...
MARKINGS: Harry is thirteen - almost fourteen. “A rush of power surrounded Haidar and I. Before my eyes his blonde wisps became dark, deep mahogany red. His little eyes fluttered open to look at mine, while still mostly baby blue, they were a light hazel around the pupils. His cheeks and jaw became sharper, aristotic. His little nose looked just like mine. He was perfect.” “We began the process all over again. It didn't seem nearly as long as Haidar's had. […] I name thee Catriona Alya Primrose Potter-Evensun, eldest daughter and heir to the Evensun Family." Her sprinkles of red tuft became a dark black, stark against her now ivory pale skin. Her little eyes became a solid dark blue sapphire that I prayed never changed. Her nose was slightly pointier than Haidar's and mine but otherwise she looked much the same as my son. […] I exchanged her calmly for her younger sister, I already knew that the girl would be identical to her sister in everything but height. Smiling down at the girl I began the adoption process again. "I name thee Susanna Amala Noelani Potter-Evensun, second daughter and heir to the Ravenclaw Family." I was correct, she was identical to her sister. She even gained the few missing inches. My three children were beautiful, perfect.”
POSSESSIONS: Harry's aunt and uncle cheated on each other and had kids because of this. The boy's mother died in childbirth, and Petunia's lover ran away.
CONNECTION TO CANON: In the very first scene of this story we see the adults showing now form of real world logic in the way they act though with Vernon taking away Harry's room while he's at Hogwarts despite fearing Dumbledore. The scene shifts to Harry cutting himself. In the next scene Harry has a little boy he plans on adopting with the twins - when he showed. The goblins help him of course and he decides to take the non-existent “blood heritage and magic heritage test”. Everybody has been stealing from him, and he finds out his real name is Hades. Grimhook goes into why Jade and obsidian is used and Grimhook goes into “chi”. There is more cutting for the ceremony. First chapter is about the withdrawals from his account, chapter two is about inheritance, and three is about the adoptions. Chapter four is non-story content with additional information. Chapter five is called “Vaults and Finding a Home”. Bill goes to warn his mother in chapter six. Chapter seven is Harry's birthday. Or it was supposed to be, but then it's about mates and turning fifteen. I've had enough.
ORIGIN: I don't think the writer gets how the real world works. The babies have no names despite the legal need to do so. Harry's going to Gringott's to secure an adoption of the tykes, and all three manage to be Harry's kind. Despite having severe emotional trama that leads Harry to cut himself he is being treated as an apt adoption candidate.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: When I started reading the first chapter I found myself thinking the point of view wasn't from Harry but some live in nanny the Dursley's managed to hire. The point of view doesn't read like Harry, and I suspect it's really the writer self-inserting herself. I find myself very tempted to write “she” instead of “he” the point of view is so bad! Apparently everybody has access to Harry's vaults. There is some kind of special power called Magyk Mother

NOTES: I'm a bit baffled by the writer's list of warnings. “Warning:Slash! Creature!fic! Cutting! Depression! Children! Mpreg! LightBashing! (None are spared my wrath!) May have more warnings to come!” I think by wrath the writer


Chapter 1: The Beginning

But as so many have said before this was not the end, but the start of something new...

The small space seemed impossibly smaller now that I was older and slightly larger. It didn't help that I was now used to open space having spent nine blessed months each year of the past three away from this place.

Though uncle Vernon had moved me to Dudley's second room right before my first year when I received my Hogwarts letter he decided while I was away that I no longer deserved the space. Not that it mattered. The room was in use anyway.

Vernon and Petunia both cheated. Vernon got the woman preggers and she died in childbirth, leaving Vernon another son. Petunia had twin girls with her lover, who ran off when he heard the news.

The babes are lucky to be alive. It seems they are like me - 'freaks' - wizards. Of course my dear relatives blame me. The children are only alive because they refuse to kill their own blood. Good to know the Dursleys' have some consciousness. They haven't even named them. It's 'Baby Boy' and 'the Girls'.

I'm their nanny now that I'm here. I'm locked away at night though- it's the only time Petunia ever goes near them. I don't mind. I love the three. Even though I'm only thirteen (almost fourteen) I see them as my own children, I just haven't decided what I'll call them.

Even though I have the three in my life I still slip up some nights. My tiny mattress is now housed on top of my trunk within my hovel under the stairs. Locking me in with my trunk I now have access to my potions knife. I use it to mark my skin. I'm making sure I can still feel. That I'm still alive...

I know I need help, that I need to stop. I have three little ones counting on me now that I need to think of. I don't plan to stay here much longer. As soon as the Dursleys are all gone for the day I'm taking the tykes and running. My first stop will be Gringotts. I have to find a place to live and hopefully the goblins will help me.

And the info from the bank...

Vault 687 ~ Student Vault for Heir Potter (Hades Raban Jair Potter-Evensun)

Valued - 9,782,309,155 G at this time

Withdrawn by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore ~ 68,945 G over twelve years

Withdrawn by Remus John Lupin ~ 54,890 G over twelve years

Withdrawn by Sirius Black ~ 51,902 G over twelve years

Withdrawn by Mary 'Molly' Weasley (née Prewett) ~ 32,701 G over four years

Withdrawn by Arthurian 'Arthur' Weasley ~ 37,059 G over four years

Withdrawn by William 'Bill' Arthur Weasley ~ 3,000 G over three years

Withdrawn by Charles 'Charlie' Albus Weasley ~ 3,000 G over three years

Withdrawn by Frederick 'Fred' Brian Weasley ~ 3,000 G over three years

Withdrawn by George Wulfric Weasley ~ 3,000 G over three years

Withdrawn by Ronald 'Ron' Billius Weasley ~ 3,000 G over three years

Withdrawn by Hermione Jean Granger ~ 3,000 G over three years

Withdrawn by Ginevra 'Ginny' Molly Weasley ~ 2,000 G over two years

Vaults 932-39 ~ Potter Family Vaults

Valued 599,684,999,123 G at this time plus artifacts, jewels, etc.

Withdrawn by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore ~ 901,850 G over twelve years, Invisibility Cloak, Unknown Family Heirlooms (19), Chest of gems and jewelry

Withdrawn by Remus John Lupin ~ Thirty books, All of Lilith Janith Potter's (née Evensun) journals, Potions ingredients

Withdrawn by Sirius Black ~ Chest of unknown content

Withdrawn by Hermione Jean Granger ~ Seventy books

Withdrawn by Ronald Billius Weasley ~ Set of professional Quidditch balls, Diamond and onyx wizard chess set

Withdrawn by Ginevra 'Ginny' Molly Weasley ~ Potter Family engagement and consort rings, Chest of jewelry, Lilith Janith Potter's (née Evensun) wedding band

Withdrawn by Frederick Brian and George Wulfric Weasley ~ Two chests of Marauder pranks and notes

I sobbed uncontrollably as I finished. All my trust, gone. All my family and friends, gone. I was alone. No! I was not. I had my children. I had the goblins. I had Talin. I had no need to useless cheating, lying wizards. They would pay!

And from chapter two...

My hands tremble as I reach out to take them. I quickly skim just the first page, my eyes widening.

The Potter Paternal Line (Sire Line)

Hades Raban Jair Potter-Evensun (born in Potter)

Father- Jamaal Octavian Charlus Potter (born in Potter)

Grandfather- Charlus Orion Lorcán Potter (born in Potter)

Great-grandfather- Hadad Radek Potter (married into new Potter family)

*creation of Potter Family

Great(2)-grandfather- Javed Lonán Gryffindor (born in Gryffindor)

Great(3)-grandfather- Ryuu Takashi Peverell-Gryffindor (married into Gryffindor)

Great(4)-grandfather- Heito Peverell (born in Peverell)

Great(5)-grandfather- Orphus Arthurius Pendragon-Peverell (married into Peverell)

Heir to Potter, Gryffindor, Peverell, and Pendragon lines through Paternal Line

The Evensun Maternal Line (Carrier Line)

Hades Raban Jair Potter-Evensun (born in Evensun)

Mother- Lilith Janith Potter (née Evensun) (born in Evensun, adopted in Evans)

Grandmother- Calanthe Rosetta Evensun (born in Evensun)

Great-grandmother- Ione Melantha Evensun (née Ravenclaw) (married into Evensun)

Great(2)-grandmother- Edrik Jair Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw (married into Ravenclaw)

Great(3)-grandmother- Isola Jasminé Hufflepuff (née LeFay) (married into Hufflepuff)

Great(4)-grandmother- Melanie Isola LeFay (born in LeFay)

Great(5)-grandmother- Phoenix Salazar LeFay (née Slytherin) (married into LeFay)

Heir to Evensun, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, LeFay, and Slytherin lines through Maternal Line

I blinked. Two of my grandmothers on were male. Men could get preggers? I looked up at Ragnok. "Um, can males get pregnant?" I choked out.


Magical Inheritance

Potter- natural flying

Gryffindor- Felion mage, fire elemental

Peverell- death mage

Pendragon- dragon familiar, Excalibur

Evensun- Metamorphous

Ravenclaw- Edict memory, air elemental

Hufflepuff- nature elemental

LeFay- Occlumency and Legitimes, Blood mage

Emrys- protector of Magyk

Mother Magyk- right hand

am - elemental magic, rating - toxic, related to the dursleys, ac - legilmency and/or oculumency, related to the potters, ac - metamorphmagus, am - flying magic (non-canon), related to the evans, stu - harry potter, ar - eidetic memory

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