3432: The Scale between Black and White - Pansy, Hermione

Mar 28, 2015 21:29

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

Here is the next day of “Don't Like, Don't Read”.

TITLE: The Scale between Black and White The writer says, “the working title was Shades of Grey. Somehow I thought, that would be misleading...”
PERPETRATOR: listen-to
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover contains a ton of words, but I can't place the reason behind them.
SUMMARY:”Except for the prologue this is set after DH, ignoring the epilog. Slightly AU. In the aftermath of the battle of Hogwarts Hermione has to learn to distinguish between black, white and every shade of grey in between. Femslash. Don't like? Don't read. HGPP. Ginny, Fleur, Luna.”
FULL NAME: Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger, and some of the others.
SPECIES: Pansy's a blood traitor. Yes - you read that right.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Harry has a new owl named Hugo. “In the past the opportunity to socialize with your classmates from other houses were scarce. Therefor you will have dinner with your classmates like tonight. Three additional common rooms are installed. One for the first three junior years, one for the two years of pre O.W.L. students and one for the two senior years of N.E.W.T. students. Your prefects will show you the rooms tomorrow in the course of the day. You are welcome make and meet friends in there.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter or prologue starts off with Pansy advocating Potter be given to Voldemort. The writer then attempts to portray Pansy as a blood traitor queer without any character development. Pansy randomly shows up behind Hermione and she “understood that Pansy was protecting her.” This is when Bellatrix calls Pansy out for being a “queer blood traitor”. This is when Mrs. Weasley jumps in to kill Bellatrix. Pansy is also crying - “tears streaming down her cheeks”. Hermione goes back to school. “She had not seen Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, or anyone else from Hogwarts since she had left England at the beginning of the summer,” because “the new headmistress made it clear she didn't want to see the three of them back on the grounds before the beginning of the next school year.” She went to Australia to find her parents. Pansy has also come back and she's the first person Hermione meets. There is quite a few chapters where the rules for Hogwards have been changed and the last chapter up - chapter eight - is about Pansy throwing a hex at Luisa.
ORIGIN: Here is the writer's author's note for the first chapter. “Slightly AU means: I shamelessly mix some aspects from the books with some aspects from the films. And I tweak some of the books/film events in retrospect for the sake of this story.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Hermione doesn't know where her parents are despite the fact she's the one who gave them their background story. Gone is the last year being optional. Ginny is also Quidditch captain instead of Harry. Hermione isn't head girl and Harry isn't captain. For why please see the second part of the sample.

NOTES: I found some of the writer's word choices strange. Bellatrix is referred to as Lestrange, and they also have her call Pansy queer. I'm not sure if my problem is with the fact Bellatrix shouldn't know Pansy has the sexual orientation she does, the fact Belatrix never seemed like the person to really care, or that the wording just isn't right for Bellatrix of all people.

I'm going to be honest here. I would like the writer's story a lot more if canon wasn't randomly changed like it is. I also know the writer thinks Hermione and Harry are being treated well, but what McGonagall does is an insult. The words “drop out” do not describe one Hermione Granger, nor would McGonagall us them for any student who didn't come during that year.

I really thought this one would get an o.k. rating until I got to the part about why Hermione and Harry weren't Head Girl and captain of the quiditch team.


A stray curse caused an explosion near by. Stone chunks flew around. One hit Hermione from behind in the right knee. Her leg bend under the blow. Hermione overbalanced and fell to the floor. She lost the grip of her wand. Triumph flashed in Lestrange's eyes as she saw the Mudblood being defenseless in her presents once more. Their eyes looked. Hermione froze. Every sound reached her through a thick layer of cotton. Lestrange had a familiar, too familiar expression on her face, an expression that knelled torture. Hermione watched as the incantation formed on her nemesis' lips. The Cruciatus Curse ignited with a spark. A jet of red light erupted from the tip of the wand, shooting at Hermione. A shield charm build up from somewhere behind Hermione. It energized her hair as it encapsulated her. The curse and the shield met in the middle between the two duelists. The red light crashed into a sphere of blue energy and dissolved. Hermione turned around just to see Pansy Parkinson standing right behind her. Parkinson's wand pointed at Lestrange, emitting blue magical energy. It was the source of the shield charm. After a moment Hermione understood that Pansy was protecting her. The sound returned.

"The queer blood traitor is defending the Mudblood! How endearing." Lestrange said, cackling. Than she spat: "You made your decision. You know what to expect."

Pansy Parkinson? A blood traitor? Queer? What decision? Hermione was in shock, not even thinking about standing up again let alone retrieving her wand. She just stared at Pansy. Where did the other girl come from? All Slytherins and with them their first lady had been removed from the school grounds hours ago. Not for their safety. For the sake of the defense of Hogwarts. Nevertheless, there stood Pansy in the middle of the battle field. She did not take her eyes of Lestrange. She just kept the shield charm up, rage in her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Professor McGonagall ordered the whole of Slytherin House out of the Great Hall and from the school grounds under Filch's surveillance. Parkinson went with her house mates without any sign of resistance.

On her way out, Pansy turned her head to get a last glimpse of Hermione only to see that the girl's attention was focused on Weasley. The boy was whispering urgently into her ear.

From chapter two...

"By the way Ginny, I've wanted to congratulate you in person for being the Quidditch captain this year", Hermione said. She stood up to hug her friend.

"Wait. Hermione is not head girl and Harry not the captain?" asked Neville.

"No. McGonagall told me in my letter that she seriously considered to appoint me but was in two minds about it as on the one hand I helped to win a war and on the other hand I dropped out of school. In her opinion, I have outgrown to be a mere student. She wanted to appreciate my academic achievements by offering me to tutor the first and second years in Transfiguration. I cannot be a full teacher as you need a mastery in your subject to be one. But the tutoring will help me to gain a mastery in Transfiguration. McGonagall decided to appoint someone as head girl who is a regular seventh year student." Hermione giggled. „Though I had no idea that ‚someone' meant Luna." Ginny shoved her lightly with a foot. Hermione grinned and shrugged.

„The same goes for me and the position of the Quidditch captain. I will give the youngsters flying lessons. Hooch needs someone to help as she is still recovering from some injuries. I'm free to apply for the Gryffindor team though. And I'm proud that my girlfriend has earned that badge", Harry said, pecking Ginny on the lips. Ron squirmed in his seat. Hermione grinned and swatted him on the arm. He relaxed and smiled back at her. In the corridor a lot of younger students walked by and starred through the windows of their compartment. Neville stood up and closed the curtains. Hermione picked up the thread of their talk again.

„Nevertheless, the headmistress wanted to offer me some private space. Ginny and I will share the head girl dorms of Gryffindor tower as they are not used this year. I'm glad to have Ginny as room mate and that I don't have to squeeze in with the regular seven years, so I won't argue", Hermione said, smiling at her best female friend who whisked at her.

„She did the same for us boys. Harry, Ron and I will share the slightly extended head boy quarters", Neville said.

„Do we know about the rest our class? Are Lavender and Padma are not coming back?" Hermione asked.

„No. Parvati and Padma are learning at home and will return for the N.E.W.T.s exams at the end of the year. Lavender does not even come back for the exams. She is satisfied with her OWLs. And she has got a job offer. She will be Rita Skeeta's assistant", Ron said. Hermione gave him a sideways look. She registered that her probably soon to be boyfriend was very well informed about his ex-girlfriend's plans for the future. Ron looked back at her with an open smile and without any trace of a blush. She decided not to let the topic go for now. It was all so new, too fresh. Nothing was settled between her and Ron. Maybe it was nothing.

"Dean and Seamus are also only coming back for the exams", Neville added.

The old lady with the trolley knocked at their door and asked if they wanted something. They indulged themselves with their favorite sweets. Ron bought some chocolate frogs. Neville decided against them with a sideways glance at Trevor and went for a liquorice wand. Harry and Ginny shared a package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Hermione took some cauldron cakes. It felt good to keep up some well known rituals on the train ride to the school while catching up with her friends.

"Do we know who is returning from the other houses?" Hermione asked.

"Not really. But I guess not many of the Slytherins. Crabbe was killed in the battle. Goyle, Zabini, and Bulstrode will definitely not return. The same goes probably for Malfoy and Parkinson. Daphne Greenblatt maybe?" Harry chipped in. There was a small pause.

rating - awful, sue - pansy parkinson, sue - minerva mcgonagal, stu - harry potter, sue - hermione granger

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