3408: Cherry Blossoms in the Moon's Gaze - Luna/Sakura

Feb 23, 2015 20:35

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Two more people need to send in their weeks.

TITLE: Cherry Blossoms in the Moon's Gaze
COVER/BANNER ART: I believe the picture of Sakura's eye with a sparkle texture placed oer the eye.
SUMMARY:”After outliving her family, Luna finds herself helping the child of prophecy in a different world, born into the world of shinobi as Haruno Sakura. The timeline shatters as the mystical touches the plausible to create a new breed of jutsu. What will this change? Family!Rookies ; Fuinjutsu!Naruto ; Magic!Fae!Sakura ; Fairy-tale-esque! Warning:Whimsical cuteness and mixed fables!”
FULL NAME: Luna Lovegood, Sakura Haruno
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter starts off with letting us know how smart Sakura is and that she has a special power to see spirits. There is a lot of stuff we already know. Everybody is gushing her praise, and nobody has a problem with her. Even her enemies know something is amazing about her. The plot for the first chapter pretty much follows the first mission they go through. Gaara instantly falls for her. In chapter two we find out that Luna lived to be 178, and it then has her reborn. (Think of the first chapter as a preview.) She saves her new mother from a mugger by shrieking. At the end there is even more talk about how smart she is. It covers her friendship with Ino, and then it became confusing. I think there is a bit of retelling of the original canon though. Every so often it tosses in random stuff from Sakura's past life that she remembers.
ORIGIN: I'm not sure what to say about this one. It's pretty much a “let's get Sakura to act like Luna” story.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “At 6 she was the smartest girl in the class. The work was easy, and the teachers praised her. She has no flaws.



Haruno Hikari cooed over her newborn, as the baby mocked a small yawn. To her, this baby was new to the world, so when then the dazed green eyes widened in surprise, it was thought of as just a babies curiosity as the eyes glanced around slightly frantically.

'The wrackspurts told me nothing of this,' was the first thought that drifted through the newly dubbed Sakura's mind. But she was tired, exerted despite herself, and despite the struggle to stay alert, the baby drifted off.


Hikari had realized her daughter was a genius within a year of having her. Within the first year her little Sakura-chan was already speaking in lispy broken sentences. She was a quiet child, however, and clung to her mother with a seeming desperation.

Sakura loved her mother, after being so long without. By the time she was 5 years old she was starting to See things again, and it was those visions that led her into befriending the precocious Ino, and after her basic schooling she joined the Ninja Academy.

Ino often wondered about the odd and unusual things her friend would say, and while most of these imaginary friends were quite strange, there was a knowledge in Sakura's distant eyes that cause her unable to mock the silly girl.

Plus, Sakura-chan helped her with her homework, and high forehead or no, Ino could use all the help she could get!

rating - toxic, pc - spechul witch spechul title, sue - luna lovegood, 0 - wank, p - crossover, p - fluff train, ap - academic pursuit, sue - (other canon)

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