3407: Vaerian Potter and the Mischievous Villain ~ MoonlightBushido

Feb 22, 2015 21:56

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Here is day four of Luna week... though in reality she doesn't really figure as anything more then the real Sues BFF. Her role is to the point she shouldn't really be one of the main characters, or even part of the summary. Then again... see note...

TITLE: Valerian Potter and the Mischievous Villian
PERPETRATOR: MoonlightBushido
SUMMARY:”Fem Harry is saved from the Dursleys by a teacher at Salem. The school enrolls her in classes at Metroburg once they realize she has super powers and she meets Max. Salem also scoops up Luna Lovegood and the three become Salem's pranking trio. Howwill this change both worlds?”
FULL NAME: Valerian Dorea Potter/Valkyrie Norn, and Luna Lovegood
SPECIES: Valerian is supposed to be a female version of Harry Potter
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: The writer thinks it is all right to give characters traits like tattoos just because they did.
POSSESSIONS: “Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore looks at his useless trinkets. Some other magical had gotten the Potter girl away from her Muggle relatives and had apparently changed her name in the Muggle and Magcal worlds.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: I'm going to say none because the only resemblance to the original Harry Potter canon is the use of canon characters names. For some reason Salem is fine with Remus teaching despite his status as a werewolf. (It think that was the writers attempt to try and make American's less prejudiced then the British, but we have the problem in the fact certain prejudices should remain the same out of fear. I mean - what parent would want their kids at risk of being bitten by a werewolf?” The entire first chapter is this Val character flirting with Max from the Thunderman's fandom as well as an information dump. They're also allowed to become Animagi.
ORIGIN: The writer changed Harry's gender and tried making Dumbledore into a manipulative bastard only for the Salem school to be the guilty part as they “managed to gain custody of the young Potter child”.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Vivian's abilities are metamorph, empathy, umbrakinesis, umbraportation, replication, telekinises.

NOTES: I don't think the writer understands the Harry Potter canon - it is that or the writer thinks fanfiction means doing what ever you want to do. Do you remember the Frozen fanfic where Elsa demanded Harry become a member of the order because not letting him was just adults not knowing what was best for him, but in reality it's the exact opposite. We have another one of those. Thus I'm adding an “adults don't know squat” tag.

I also notice their profile is filled with a long chronicling the updates for their stories. They have sixty-one stories, but only six of them are complete.

… as per continuation of my note at the beginning of this entry. There is no reason the writer should be calling this Val character Harry. She is nothing more then an OC the writer is passing off as a canon character.

I wish the writer would use the correct canon terms rather then "metamorph", "magicals" and such.


Everyone knows the story of the child who lived, the murder of James and Lily Potter and placement with the Dursley family of number four Privet Drive. That remains the same in pretty much every alternate throughout the multiverse. Only this time in the case of Valerian Dorea Potter one month before her sixth birthday a teacher from Salem's Academy for Witches found out what was happening in the Dursley home and managed to gain custody of the young Potter child, changing her name to Valkyrie Norn in the Mundane and Magical Worlds. This put a huge damper on the plans of one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. The goblins never bothered to inform the magicals either.

With the help of Marie LeBeau Valkyrie was able to change the name on her vaults, all of them, though she did give instructions to inform her of anymore inheritances. She had the abilities of a Metamorph along with empathy, umbrakinesis, umbraportation, replication, and telekinesis. Thankfully Salem was able to get her enrolled in classes for control in Metroburg where she met Max Thunderman, her nearest and dearest friend. She trusted Max above all others.

Chapter One

Val Norn rolls her shoulders before she allows herself to step into the shadows and emerge at her target destination, " Val, how do you always time your appearances just right anyhow? "

Val smirks, her currently lime green eyes alight with mischief, " I have to have some secrets from you. "

" What brings you my way anyhow? "

" Part boredom and part I need you to read over my latest Potions punishment essay. " Val admits, handing over a flash drive to him.

Max winces, " What happened this time? "

Val sighs, " You know I have no damn clue as to why Potions always blow up around me. "

Max reads over what she has written so far and flinches, " Twenty pages, at least you're allowed tech. Damn, must have been bad. "

" If not for the burn cream you make specifically for me I may have lost all function in my left arm. "

Max curses under his breath, his brown eyes narrowing in concern, there had been a reason why he had been in Val's potions classes. Now that he was living in Hiddenville he just couldn't be there. Val always made sure to visit him, " Okay, we are going to figure out why you blow up every potion you attempt to make on your own. You can handle the prep work just fine. "

ac - metamorphmagus, p - sue what plot? swp, pt - chuunibyou, am - psychic/mutant (non-canon), e - american, stu - harry potter, p - crossover

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