0033: The Moon Wolf - Luna and Lupita Lupin, Rose Black

May 07, 2003 22:04

It's a triple-sue... three times the pain! This one was on
, so I won't be cross-posting it.

TITLE: The Moon Wolf

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Luna and Lupita Lupin (twins), Rose Black.
SPECIES: Human/Witches, Luna and Lupita are (surprise!) werewolves.
HAIR: light brown for Luna and Lupita, black for Rose.
EYES: Luna's and Lupita's are gray, Rose's I don't think are described.

ORIGIN: Luna and Lupita are, of course, the daughters of Remus Lupin and some woman named Angelina. Rose is Sirius Black's daughter... I don't think it ever mentions her mother, but I only skimmed this story.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Daughters of important characters. Snape, of course, hates them all.

NOTES: This author has an obsession with the Moon. Very well, then, everybody... as the bumper sticker says: Down with pants! Up with kilts!

Because it's the end of the day and I'm tired, okay?


Ok, this is my first Harry Potter story. Brief summary?

Luna Lupin is the daughter of Remus Lupin. And yes, she is a werewolf (duh). Her first adventure at Hogwarts. No plot, basically, but one will emerge... eventually. Oh, and I own nothing. Except Luna, Lupita, Rose, and any other character you’ve never heard of.

“Hufflepuff!” the sorting hat screamed. Luna bounced back and forth. Her twin sister, Lupita, smiled at her and then returned her stare towards the front of the row. They had just called a girl named Sarah Luniva. She would be next, almost assuredly. Professor McGonagall stared down at the first years from the front of the table. Finally, the wizard who was calling the names reached her name.

“Lupin... Luna,” the wizard spat. Luna winced at how he pronounced her last name, and slowly walked up to the front of the line. She sat on the stool, and felt the hat be placed on her head. She closed her eyes as the thoughts flooded her mind.

“Ah, yes. Luna Lupin. I remember your father. He was quite scared he’d end up in Slytherin. I hope he put away your fear of such a thing. Now let’s see... your brave, unusually brave for such a young girl. And you are amazingly smart. Not surprising. Any werewolf would want to prove themselves. Oh, you dislike my bantering, eh? Well, let me think then. Hmmm, I think you’d be best for-”


Luna stepped away from the stool and went to sit at the Gryffindor table. A boy, perhaps a seventh year or so, scooted over, and she quickly sat next to him so she could watch her sister be sorted.

“Lupin... Lupita,” the wizard spat again. Luna sighed. He obviously didn’t like them. Her sister ran forward and jammed the hat onto her head. Lupita’s eyes went wide when she heard the verdict in her mind, and Luna nearly collapsed when she heard the ruling out loud.

“Ravenclaw!” the hat screamed again. Luna’s jaw dropped open. She had thought they’d be together, in the same house at least...

So she was alone. Truly alone. How did she get into this mess?


June 23, 2003

“Father, what is it?” Luna screamed. She had heard her father cry out only moments earlier, and she was terrified something horrible had happened to him.

Luna Lupin was eleven years old, and lived with her twin sister and father on the outskirts of a tiny town. They lived near no one, not even Sirius, whose name had been cleared two years ago. Luna prayed that the Death Eaters hadn’t finally found them.

“Luna, Lupita, come here right away!” someone called up the stairs. Luna nearly toppled down the stairs at surprise when she heard Sirius’s voice. She caught herself, however, and ran as fast as she could down the stairs.

To her utter disbelief, Sirius DID stand in her kitchen, with a young girl by his side. She looked about Luna’s age, but she looked almost exactly like Sirius. She turned to her father, who was clutching a letter in his hands. He was stricken pale, and was leaning against the counter.

“Father, what is it?” Luna repeated. Her father’s eyes were wide with excitement, and she heard Sirius laugh from behind her.

“Moony, calm down. Just give her the letter if you can’t speak,” he laughed. Luna stretched out her hand and took the letter. In fancy writing she read:


Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall

Dear Miss Lupin,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall


And on the second piece of paper she pulled out with quivering hands it read:


First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils’ clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

You may not bring a broomstick

Luna stared at the list in amazement. It was true. She and Lupita were going to Hogwarts. She was vaguely aware of the paper slipping from her hands as she pawed around for something to lean on. She never had dreamed about going to Hogwarts. A werewolf? At Hogwarts?

“There must be a mistake,” she heard herself murmur. Sirius laughed again.

“No mistake, kid. You are going to Hogwarts. And Lupita. And so is my daughter here. Hey, you haven’t met yet, have you? Rose, this is Luna. Luna, Rose,” Sirius said, pointing to the tall, black haired girl behind him. Luna frowned.

“Since when were you married Sirius,” Luna asked. Sirius sighed.

“Ok, she’s really adopted. She was my sisters kid,” Sirius answered. Luna smiled warmly at the girl who stood next to Sirius.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rose. Really, it is,” Luna said, by means of introduction. The girl smiled and stepped forward, offering her hand. Luna took it, and immediately yanked it back.

“YOW! What was that?” she asked, nursing her electrified hand. Rose was laughing so hard she could hardly stand.

“Muggle toy. You shake hands with someone, and this buzzer here gives them a shock,” Rose giggled. Luna slipped the device from her hand and peered at it.

“Hmmm... a little bit of magic, and it could easily do... other things as well. Such as turn a persons hair a different color, or skin, whichever you please,” Luna told her. Rose looked at her in astonishment.

“You like pranks?” she asked. Luna shrugged.

“Depends on who it’s on. I dislike being on the wrong end of a prank, but otherwise...” Luna trailed off, allowing her to complete the thought. Rose grinned, but Sirius brought them back into reality.

“Sounds just like us when we were kids, huh Moony? Moony?” Sirius repeated. Her father was still gripping the counter, and had no expression on his face. Sirius waved his hand in front of her fathers face.

“Moony? Moony? Remus? Remus Lupin?” Sirius repeated multiple times. Finally, after snapping his fingers, her father jerked from his stupor.

“My daughter... my daughters.... they’re going to Hogwarts!”

“Hey, kid? Kid? Girl? Luna?”


Luna jumped at her name being called. She looked over at the boy sitting next to her.

“Oh, sorry,” she said sheepishly. The boy grinned.

“So you’re Luna Lupin. Sirius told me a lot about you,” the boy said to her. Luna frowned.

“How do you know Sirius?” she asked. The boy smiled politely at her.

“Sorry, you don’t know me do you? I’m Harry Potter. The boy next to me is Ron Weasley, and the girls across from you are Hermione Granger and-”

“Rose Black,” Luna finished. Harry stared at her.

“Well, yeah. You’ve met?”

“Briefly. Did you bring the stuff?” Luna asked immediately. Rose grinned at her.

“Of course. Hey-” Harry cut Rose off.

“Shhh, Professor McGonagall is speaking.”

Indeed, the Headmistress had risen from her seat.

“Hello, new students. I am the new headmistress, Minerva McGonagall. As many of you heard, Professor Dumbledore died this summer of old age. I was promoted to this role, and Severus Snape was promoted to Deputy Headmistress-Headmaster,” McGonagall said.

So that was the man who hated my name so much, Luna thought.

McGonagall continued. “We would like to remind students that they are not allowed in the Forbidden Forest no matter what, and since the recent uprising of You-Know-Who, students may not go out onto the grounds without adult supervision. We would also like to introduce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Micaro,” McGonagall announced. A very pretty woman stood at the table and smiled at the students. As soon as the clapping had died down, McGonagall smiled.

“Now, may the feast begin!”

The plates began filling with food, and Luna couldn’t help but stare at it all. She had never seen so much at once. Their were some downsides of being poor, as she well knew. Luna carefully picked up a fork and lifted a piece of lamb from the plate. Luna had never been partial to meat for some reason. She carefully bit it, and found herself liking it. She began eating with the rest of the kids, while listening to the other kids. Hermione was talking in hushed tones that Luna could pick up on. She leaned closer so she could hear better.

“-better than the last one. I hope she sticks around for more than one year also,” Hermione said. Harry nodded and began ticking names off on his fingers.

“Professor Quirrell, evil. Professor Lockhart, lost memory. Professor Lupin, werewolf. Professor Moody, fake. Professor Kyla, evil. Now we have Professor Micaro. Lets hope she isn’t evil, fake, or doesn’t lose her memory,” Harry joked. Luna took the opportunity to speak up.

“You forgot werewolf,” she added quietly. Harry looked at her, surprised.

“Being a werewolf has nothing to do if you are good, bad, or just plain creepy like Lockhart. We liked Professor Lupin,” Harry scolded. Luna shrugged and turned back to her food. Harry faced her.

“What, do you have a problem with your dad being a werewolf?” Harry asked. Luna forced a laugh.

“Of course not. I’m just saying that most kids disliked him once they figured out that he was a werewolf,” Luna said carefully. Harry glared at nothing, and picked up his goblet.

“Not Gryffindor. Slytherin, yes. But they already disliked him because Snape did. Don’t let it bug you. We like your dad, and think that he is the best DADA teacher we’ve had yet,” Harry told her. Hermione nodded in agreement, and Ron grinned.

“I think even Slytherin is beginning to regret disliking him. He was fair to everyone. The last couple were creepy, if somewhat cool,” Ron laughed. Luna laughed along with him, and spent the rest of the feast with her- friends.


Luna sat at the edge of her bed and stared out the window at the moon. It was new. She had a little while until the full moon. Rose was lying on the bed and staring at the red canopy.

“Miss your dad or something?” she asked. Luna shook her head.

“No, not really. Just thinking,” Luna answered.

Rose and her had gotten up to the rooms earlier than everyone else, since they had gotten permission. Right now they were waiting for the rest of the girls to get up there.

A sudden fall of footsteps on the stairs told them the other first years had arrived, and Luna and Rose jumped to their feet to meet them.

In walked three other girls.

One was slightly pudgy, and had silver glasses on the edge of her nose. She smiled politely at them, and immediately went to where her trunk was and sat down on the bed. The two other girls looked almost exactly alike, with bright red hair and brown eyes. They both wore Hogwarts regulation robes and smiled as well before sitting on their beds. Finally, the pudgy one came over to them.

“Hi. My name is Michelle. What is yours?” the girl asked. Luna stuck out her hand, and Michelle took it.

“Luna Lupin. She’s Rose Black,” Luna said politely. Michelle smiled at them happily, and went back to her bed. One of the girls stepped forward. This one had short, chopped off red hair, and Luna saw that a silver quill had marked the initials A. K on them.

“Hello. I’m Amy Kensington. Tis a pleasure to meet you,” Amy said kindly. Luna took the proffered hand and shook it tightly.

“Luna Lupin. Is she your twin?” Luna asked, pointing at the other girl who looked like Amy. Amy nodded, and pulled the last girl towards them.

“She’s Lita. You won’t get much conversation from her,” Amy laughed. Luna laughed with her, but waved at Lita all the same. Lita smiled shyly at her, then disappeared into her bed, pulling the canopy around the bed. Amy rolled her eyes at her twin, and then looked back at Luna.

“So, tell me about yourself,” Amy said. Luna stopped breathing for a minute, then grinned.

“Ok. I’m eleven, and I go to Hogwarts. My dad is Remus Lupin, and my mom was Angelina Lupin. She died, though. In a Muggle car crash twenty days after I was born. My twin sister is Lupita Lupin, and she’s in Ravenclaw,” Luna rattled off. That is what she always told people.

You never tell them your secrets though, werewolf!

Luna knocked the thoughts from her head and looked at Amy expectantly. Amy looked at her pocket watch.

“Well, I’m eleven, and I go to Hogwarts. My dad is John Kensington, and my mom is Lisa Kensington. They’re divorced. I’m actually a triplet, my third sister is in Ravenclaw also. I’m muggle born, oddly enough. Well, officially, I’m half and half. My mom was a witch, but she kind of abandoned the lifestyle. She almost didn’t let me come here,” Amy told her. Luna raised an eyebrow. Rose then dashed forward.

“Amy, do you like pranks?” Rose asked. Amy stepped back, obviously startled, but a smile quickly overcame her bland features.

“Yeah. Why?” Amy asked immediately. Rose grinned.

“Well, me and Luna here, we’re both into pranks. We wanted to know if you wanted to help us with our pranks,” Rose offered. Amy ran a hand through her hair.

“Sure, why not? I’m pretty good at getting in trouble,” she laughed. Luna grinned, and then frowned.

“You guys, it’s getting late, we’d better get to bed,” Luna warned. Amy glanced at her pocket watch again, then dropped into her pocket.

“Stupid thing isn’t working. Yeah, I guess it is late. See you in the morning?” asked Amy. Rose and Luna nodded, and then retired to their beds.


I finally have friends. People who won’t care about your lycanthropy. Rose knows, but what about Amy? part of Luna argued. She forced the thoughts from her head for the second time that night, rolled over, and fell asleep.

Well? Please review, I’ll really appreciate it if you do!

ntn - star and sky names, y - hogwarts years (non-specific), ship - remus/oc, ct - werewolf (full), related to the blacks, rating - bad, rom - sirius black, sw-o - bitchiwitch, related to lupin, pa - au - character facets mangled, be - gray/grey eyes, rom - remus lupin, rom - oc, bh - black hair, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, ntn - star and sky titles, ship - sirius/oc, ntn - flower names - my name is rose, related to remus, bh - brown hair, b - unknown eye color

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