3315: The Lost Lupin - Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin... possibly more

Sep 19, 2014 21:08

Don't forget about the fanfic contest.

TITLE: The Lost Lupin
COVER/BANNER ART: All of the writers Harry Potter fanfics have a cover art that consists of a red circle with the word Beater in yellow in the Harry Potter font with a couple of brooms under the word. They're also in yellow.
SUMMARY:”The Lupins fear Greyback's revenge will not stop with Remus, but might spread to his little sister Hermione. They make an unorthodox decision to protect their daughter without telling their son. Remus has been looking for his sister ever since. Time travel, AU, EWE, NON-CANON SHIPS (underline this bit 8,000 times), etc. Please see warnings.”
FULL NAME: Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin
SPECIES: They are siblings
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter starts off with a flash back where Tonks is jealous of Hermione because she doesn't know the truth and then it jumps to where Adromeda is handing over some of Remus' things to Hermione. Hermione decides to time travel again, this time going into the past and using a de-aging potion so she can become sixteen and stop Dumbledore from getting Remus' doing things for him for information for his sister.
ORIGIN: This may not be the best way to put it, but the writer enjoys trashing canon. This Hermione was sent through time to protect her from Greyback so that she is young enough to be Remus' daughter. “Hermione Rhea Lupin had been born at St. Mungo's Hospital in 1962, she was two years younger than her older brother. Remus had agreed to join the Order, to go undercover with the werewolf packs, because Dumbledore promised him information about his sister. Hermione's stomach clenched in horror. She knew that Remus' activities during the first wizarding war had caused both James and Sirius to question his loyalty to the Order. That was why they'd chosen Pettigrew instead of Remus. It was her fault. It was all her fault. Hermione started crying and couldn't stop. She felt comforting arms slide around her shoulders and she turned her face into Andromeda's neck and sobbed.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Hermione's parents were able to use time travel technology despite the fact it is regulated by the ministry. This is one of those stories where Dumbledore is a manipulative SoB. The characters are horribly out of character and I've only read the first chapter.

NOTES: I felt my eyebrows raise up with the first line of the summary. I then saw the bit about time travel. While this does explain how Remus has a sister who is young enough to be his daughter the honest truth is time travel isn't just unorthodox, it is far from the best sollution for hiding ones child. I got into the story and read this in the author's note. “Completely AU, canon shall be shredded until it begs for mercy, and perhaps a bit more just for fun.”. This is what the writer wrote for their warnings as well. “WARNINGS: AU, Non-canon compliant, EWE, Poking canon with sharp sticks to watch it flinch, time travel, Marauders, slash, het, bisexuality, couples, threesomes, language, overprotective wolfy brother, anything else you might possibly complain that you weren't warned about.”

This particular story is complex, so I don't know if I'll be able to cover every single detail. The best way to put this is the story is over a hundred words long and there is a lot packed into each chapter. Actually... I'm not going to read past the first chapter as the writer really doesn't care about messing up the original canon; to them an AU is … actually, I'm not sure how to word what they think an AU is. I just know that it isn't what an AU actually is. The writer uses walls of text at times and there is no logic at all to the changes they made.

I am though looking at the reviews for the second chapter and egad. Anyways... if you find other things out about this Sue that would normally get tagged let me know. This one is a really toxic kind of toxic.


"Hermione, he's watching you again," Ginny whispered to her friend.

Hermione glanced up and her gaze was caught by his. He flushed slightly and looked away. Hermione felt another set of eyes on her and turned slightly to see Tonks glaring at her. That had been happening quite a bit lately. She'd catch Remus watching her or she'd catch Tonks glaring at her because Remus was watching her. The problem with the whole thing was that Tonks misunderstood. Hermione could tell that she was jealous-one would have to be incredibly stupid to not have picked up on that, but as near as Hermione could tell Tonks shouldn't be jealous. Remus wasn't looking at her with lust or desire or anything remotely like that. There was confusion in his eyes mixed with a sort of desperate hope and a sad sort of despair. She didn't know what it meant so she tried to ignore it.

"Hermione?" Harry called her from the doorway. She turned toward him, and she noticed his slight frown at Tonks. He'd noticed Tonks' glares, and he didn't like them.

"Coming," she replied, rising to her feet with a fluid grace. She could feel Remus frowning at her back. Harry grabbed her hand as soon as she got close enough and dragged her up to the room he shared with Ron.

"What is up with her?" Harry demanded as he dragged her along.

"No idea," Hermione said with a shrug.

"Yeah, well, she'd better watch her step," Harry growled in irritation.

"Oh, spare me the over-protective big brother routine, Harry," Hermione chided. He grunted and continued down the hall, pushing open his door and pulling Hermione in after him. Ron was sprawled across his bed reading a Quidditch magazine and muttering under his breath. He glanced up when he saw Hermione.

"Oh, good," he said cheerfully, and stowed his magazine. "So let's talk about the master plan."

"Well, we'll have to wait until after Bill and Fleur's wedding, obviously," Hermione said thoughtfully. Both boys shuddered at the wrath of Molly and Fleur if they dared miss the wedding.

"Right," the boys said in unison. She grinned slightly. She was so attuned to them both she didn't think anybody else understood them the way she did.

Hermione woke, covered in sweat. She'd been having that dream, over and over for weeks now. She couldn't figure out why she was having that dream now, but she supposed that it was better than nightmares. The war had ended, and she supposed that some people were pleased that it was all over. Those people could dance in fiendfyre for all she cared. They hadn't lost their friends and family. They weren't left alone with nothing and no one. She stared at the ceiling for a moment and sighed. Then she got up as silently as she could and dressed. She slipped downstairs to the kitchen and almost gave a scream of fear when she realized there was someone else in the kitchen with her. She sighed when she realized who it was.

stu - remus lupin, ac - time travel, rating - toxic, 0 - wank, sue - hermione granger

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