So having a few minutes to kill at lunchour today, I logged on to see what was going on in pottersues. What I found was sufficiently disgusting that I disallowed further comments on the entry
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Well that's just terrific. I didn't even get to see any of the comments on last night's Pottersue, and it happens to be one I really wanted to see. :( Looks like a few have ruined it for us all.
Yeah... can't blame you. One thread of poking-the-troll can be amusing, two of them start to grow on your nerves... and you had your share of them now heh.
Ban anonymous?khym_chanurFebruary 4 2004, 22:34:53 UTC
Most of the trolls post anonymously. If troll-poking gets to be too big of a problem, just disallow anonymous posts, and the number of trolls should fall dramatically.
I will not take out my bad day on others. I will not take out my bad day on others. I will not take out my bad day on others. I will not take out my bad day on others. I will not take out my bad day on others. etc etc ad nauseam
I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. The responces I saw to her were all pretty civilized, most offering to help her or what-not. I guess all the posts must've come after I had gone u.u I'm sorry if I had anything to do with it
Comments 32
*shrugs and huggles*
Bring 'em Sues!
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I will not take out my bad day on others.
I will not take out my bad day on others.
I will not take out my bad day on others.
I will not take out my bad day on others.
I will not take out my bad day on others.
etc etc ad nauseam
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