So having a few minutes to kill at lunchour today, I logged on to see what was going on in
pottersues. What I found was sufficiently disgusting that I disallowed further comments on the entry.
For crying out loud, people. By the end of the Not-Bob fiasco, I was starting to feel like I was dealing with a room full of kindergarden students, and I don't want to go through that again. I hate to be the Evil Law-Layer-Downer with the Flaming Sword, but I have had enough.
Those who come here to complain about the treatment given a particular fic have a legitimate opinion. Heck, you guys occasionally disagree among yourselves, or with me, over the relative goodness (or lack thereof) of one of our featured literary gems, and it never leads to this kind of petty baiting and name-calling. When people show up with complaints, whether calm or foaming at the mouth, whether they are authors, sockpuppets, readers, whether they have accounts or not, if you don't have anything to say that doesn't involve trying to provoke them, then don't say anything at all.
I don't want to have to screen comments or run a friends-only journal. Among other things, I don't have the time. So please, please... 'poke the troll' has gotten old, and it isn't funny any longer.
Thank you.