3213: Picking Up and Carrying On - Nix123

Mar 09, 2014 21:38

Well, here is a bunch of rants about 1D fic by someone who likes reading it. Be forwarned that it is language heavy.

TITLE: Picking Up and Carrying On
SUMMARY:”This story starts with Harry and Ginny's wedding. It is after the war.”
FULL NAME: Harry, Ginny
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: There are empty seats at Harry and Ginny's wedding, each with a picture of the dead. The Potters have a manor again.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Ginny is walked down the isle by her father and they marry. They then go to the reception hall and they kiss again as they dance. The third chapter is the two going to the Potter manor. Chapter four is Ginny throwing up because she is pregnant... though I don't know if there was an actual time skip or if it is the very next day. Hermione comes over to visit in chapter two and they decide to preform a pregnancy test on her. Chapter six... Harry is happy about the baby. Chapter seven is them having a laugh at how she mistook it for stomach flu. Chapter eight they stop by James and Lily's grave. Chapter nine is her team mate getting excited about her having a baby. Chapter ten is her getting a potion to know more about the baby. Chapter eleven is them announcing their going to have James Sirius. Chapter twelve... Ron proposes to Hermione. Chapter thirteen is more baby talk.
ORIGIN: Harry and Ginny are getting married, but it isn't going to last... at least according to the pairings. And by the time I was done... miscategorized.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: It is another fic where the canon significant others are paired off with each other.

NOTES: The story itself isn't bad, but Ginny's characterization is off.


I look down the aisle and see him, then clutch tighter to my father's arm. This is the day I have been imagining since I was ten and first laid eyes on him. How did I get lucky enough to have him love me back in the same deep, eternal love that I have for him? The music starts and it's our cue, but I don't think that I'm ready. I am ready to be his wife, but not ready to pass those chairs. Passing them for me is accepting that their deaths are real in a way. It was my idea actually. A white chair on the end of each aisle adorned with a gold sash and a simple muggle picture of the person who should have been there, but is not. We are walking, my father and I, passing Colin Creevey then Cedric, Alastor Moody, and Hedwig, who is every bit as important to our lives as the actual humans represented. I am getting even more emotional as we get to the next row up where Ted Tonks's chair is placed next to the one holding his wife. I pass the row of chairs holding my family and the chair on the end where Fred should be sitting. I bring dad to a stop and pull a rose out of my bouquet. Tears start falling as I place it on his chair. I don't know how I can pass this row, let alone the next, but I meet Harry's eyes and see his tears as well, and know that we will get through it together. I continue forward until I am even with the front row. It is empty, but I know they are all there, Lily and James, Remus and Tonks, Sirius, Dobby, Snape, and Professor Dumbledore. Dad hugs me and then my hand meets Harry's and I'm safe. I hand my flowers to Hermione and stand to face the man of my dreams. We vow to honor, love, and cherish each other for all time, and then are pronounced husband and wife entwined together for all time. We kiss for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Harry James Potter.

p - fluff train, sue - ginny weasley, rating - bad, stu - harry potter

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