3212: Dear Harry - Ron Weasley or Harry Potter

Mar 08, 2014 21:04

Here is day three.

Today's link of the day involves a person who used to enjoy reading OoC fics recollecting why they used to like reading them and the turning point when they no longer liked OoC fics.

TITLE: Dear Harry
PERPETRATOR: A Sirius Crush On Moony
COVER/BANNER ART: It's a picture of Ron and Harry.
SUMMARY:”Ron writes a letter to Harry, expressing his feelings towards him, but what happens when the owl delivers the letter to the wrong person?”
FULL NAME: Ron, Harry
SPECIES: Supposedly the canon characters.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Ron sends Harry a letter but it is intercepted by Draco and
ORIGIN: Ron is in love with Harry and sends him a letter. Draco tries using it against Ron and before the secret gets out Harry and Draco get into a fight without Ron and then Ron says for Harry to stop. Snape comes over it ends with Draco blabbing Ron's secret. Oh wait... “The room was completely silent. Why there is a “...” in there I don't know. Hermione runs out of the room in tears and everybody else goes back to eating. Harry remains completely oblivious as to why Ron and Harry are acting the way they are and then he reads Ron's letter. Hermione cries some more and she starts talking to this random girl she barely knows about her feelings. Everyone is making fun of Ron for being gay including his house mates. Ron confronts Hermione about why she ran off and the fact Ron has a crush on Harry is now in the news. Eventually Ron gets excited when Harry hugged him. Eventually they have a spat where Ron says he hates him despite Harry confessing and more angst. They move to kissing and making out and that's pretty much about it.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: I don't know how to describe what is off of this story other then the characterization. Perhaps strained is the word for it.

NOTES: Nothing much beyond what I've said


Dear Harry,

Wow mate, I can't believe I'm writing this to you, but I can't work up the courage to say it to your face. You're the best mate I could ask for, though Hermione's great too, she ain't you. For about three years now, I've been feeling things I shouldn't be feeling. I know you may freak out, and never wish to speak to me again but I feel that perhaps I should just let it out. You need to know. The way your eyes shine like stars when you hear exciting news, and the way your hair falls. That smile, oh where to begin on that smile? It drives me insane - in a good way! I can't control my endless butterflies. Listening to you breathing at night, every breath you take means so much to me. I could go on and on. And on and on and on, but lets' not freak you out more than I already have, eh? I'll leave it at this: I love you, Harry Potter.

Love from your best mate,



Draco Malfoy put down the letter, and with a smirk on his face, folded it up, laughed, and ushered the owl to fly back to its' owner. Just then, Crabbe and Goyle entered the room stuffing their faces with chocolates, as usual.

"Hey, boys, you'll never guess what I've found!" Malfoy said, sounded triumphant.

"What?" Crabbe replied, with his mouth full of chocolate. Malfoy opened the letter and allowed Crabbe and Goyle to read it.

"I can't read!" Moaned Goyle.

"Oh give it here!" Malfoy demanded, angrily. He read it aloud, and all three boys sniggered loudly and rudely amongst themselves.

"Oh, these two gays will be getting a nice little surprise at dinner tonight," Malfoy announced after they had finally stopped sniggering. This only lead into more sniggering. Malfoy placed the letter into his pocket and headed out for Quidditch practice.


Ron stepped nervously around the corner, hoping Harry wasn't there.

pc - gary stu, rating - bad, stu - ronald weasley, stu - harry potter

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