(no subject)

Jul 13, 2013 22:23

I'm back from my trip. :D

Anyways, here is the entry for today. It's... I found it and didn't expect... well, I'll just get to the entry.

TITLE: The Other Girl
PERPETRATOR: Katy-The-Platypus
COVER/BANNER ART: A clip of their avatar, which looks to be a picture of someone.

FULL NAME: Georgina Loman
SPECIES: n/a I didn't catch this, but I don't know if it is because it is non-existent or because the characterization grated on my nerves or even because of the big bulky paragraphs.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is a copy of the letter from the first book, except instead of Harry's name we have Georgina's. Second chapter we get a whole angst session as well as her meeting Lily. They get sorted into Gryffindor and go up to the dorms. Chapter three's a potion class. Chapter four she writes a letter to her mother, then re-reads said letter before sending it.
ORIGIN: Apparently the writer felt Sirius needed to be paired up with someone. According to the summary we're supposed to expect major secrets that likely wouldn't exist in canon as well.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: To quote part of the summary, “Georgina Loman, a muggle-born who isn't sure she even wants to be at Hogwarts, captures the attention of Sirius Black. Together the Marauder's, Georgina and Lily uncover the darkest secrets of Hogwarts School.”

NOTES: On top of the writer being seventeen most of her stories have an OC paired with a canon character. I'm thinking I should do a week where the OC's name is posted in the actual summary. Also... when I got farther into the second chapter I had big paragraphs.


Georgina Loman pushed her way down the corridor of the Hogwarts express, trying to shrivel up inside her robes but it wasn't working. She didn't want to be there. She was meant to be getting ready for her first day of secondary school with her friends, not tying to find a seat on a train which didn't even exist. She found a compartment in the middle of the train with one other girl in it and pulled the door open. "Mind if I join you?" Georgina asked hesitantly. The red headed girl inside smiled.

"Please do. I'm Lily Evans."

"Georgina Loman." The pair shook hands before pushing Georgina's trunk onto the shelf above their heads. "Do you have any siblings on the train?" It seemed like a good way to break the ice.

Lily shook her head. "Not on the train, no. I have an older sister called Petunia. She's not a witch though; I'm muggle born."

"'Muggle born'?" Georgina frowned. "Is that the word for non-magic people?" Lily nodded. "I'm muggle born too, then. I don't really want to be here." She added as an afterthought, glancing towards the box which held the small cat she'd brought from that weird street Diagon Alley.

"Don't you? Why not?"

"My friends and my family aren't part of this. I don't want to be a witch. It's unnatural."

ph - gryffindor house, rating - bad

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