(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 14:36

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!

TITLE: Another Hermione Veela Story. WOW! What an enthusastic title!!! I can't wait to read more!!! /fake excitement.
PERPETRATOR: Smackdownkid01

FULL NAME: Hermione Granger
SPECIES: veela/witch
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none described
POSSESSIONS: letters from Harry and Ron, a mystery gift.

ORIGIN: We don't know! It appears to have been recently revealed, as Ron's writing to her all excited to have a "Veela friend". Apparently this is an "okay" thing for him to say, except for the part where anyone would be appalled if "Veela" was substituted for any other sort of adjective.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Harry recommends that she trains with Sirius. I'm not really sure why, unless she's learning how to be rash. At the same time Draco finds out that he's a Veela, and his mates could either be Hermione, Harry or a Weasley. He's hoping for it to be a girl. He sees a "cute girl" with Ron and Harry and introduces himself to her as "Drake", she welcomes his attention. I'm assuming the "cute girl" is Hermione. Clearly Hermione and Draco are going to be together in all of their Veelaness. Why have them work at a relationship when you can just have animalistic urges take all the work out of it? Also, who would want them to be able to choose their "mates"? It would just result in half-breeds, as Umbridge would say. *shakes head*
SPECIAL ABILITIES She has "pains" randomly. I think she has these pains when she is around her mate. I'm just assuming this from traditional fandom Veela lore.

NOTES: Read the sample as fast as possible. That is how the Suethor intended it, isn't it?


I suddenly jumped at the sudden noise of my mom "Hermione! Time to wake up!" Mom yelled from down stairs "I'm coming" I yelled and I quickly ran downstairs. Mom was making breakfast in the kitchen while dad was reading the paper "Here you go sweetie" Mom said giving me a bowl of cereal "Thank you" I said "You welcome" Mom said and I ate my food fast "Mom when are you taking me to school?" I asked "I guess I can take you now" Mom said "Ok" I said running upstairs to grab my things and I ran quickly back down. "Ready!" I said and Mom walked me to the car and it took us a minute to get there "Here is where we stop" Mom said "Bye Mom" I said while jumping out the car and shutting the door. I walked throughout the bar and tapped my wand on the bricks. "Hey Hermione!" Ron yelled coming out the chimney "Hey Ron!" I said and I ran up to give him a hug "Hey did you get me and Harry's letters?" Ron asked "Yeah and this gift" I said holding up the gift the owl gave me "Who is it from" Ron asked "I don't know" I shrugged "Maybe we can find out who sent it at school" Ron said "Hey Hermione" Harry said by the chimney "You mastered flu powder I see" I said "Yep" Harry said "Hey did you send me a present?" I asked "No why" Harry asked "I got sent one with your letters" I said "Weird" Harry said "Yeah" I said "Lets go shop for our text books" Ron said "Yeah" I said "No need I already shopped for you here are your books" Hagried said handing us text books "Thanks Hagried" Harry said "You guys are very welcome" Hagried said "Well what do we do sense every thing is done?" Ron asked "Actually I didn't think about that really" Hagried said "So how has Hogwarts been?" Harry asked "Pretty good actually" Hagried said "Boo!" Fred and George said "Hey Fred, Hey George" Hagried said "Hi yah Hagried" Fred and George said "Hey guys why aren't you walking around in the stores" One of them asked "Hagried bought us the supplies already" Ron said "lucky you can just sit around" One said "yep"

rating - awful, pw - text-block-of-doom, ct - veela (full), sue - hermione granger

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