(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 16:44

Thanks to the anonymous minion who sent in this Sue!

TITLE: Lily Black

FULL NAME: Lily Evans-Black-Silverwing
SPECIES: Witch, probably part-angel
HAIR: straight and black
EYES: "deep blue eyes" - "Her eyes claimed her years were much, much more then the innocent age of twenty, they shone with knowledge of the world, of knowing the pain that could be brought with words or actions, or lack of." Also described as "sapphire".
MARKINGS: "sharp features"
POSSESSIONS: a "sharp" tongue. A "small but beautiful sapphire" engagement ring.

ORIGIN: Starts at the age of 20. She is the daughter of Lily Evans and Sirius Black. She is four years older than Harry. Sirius wasn't very fatherly to her before being imprisoned. After James and Lily died. She was put into an orphanage, where removed after an incident. Fudge made her a ward of the state, and then sold her to Lucius Malfoy. Sensing that he would "hurt her", she ran away. She went to the Department of Mysteries (clearly the least secure place on the planet) and fell through the veil. As she was an innocent person, she didn't die, but went through to the other side of the portal, which had her end up in Worthing. There she became the Guardian of the Veil, and the keeper of it's secret. She get's the "Silverwing" part from her best friend "Leo Silverwing", a millionaire who adopted her, I think. The story begins when her father comes through the veil.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Meets her dad after years apart when he comes through the veil. She oblivates him and sends him on his way. She remembers when she was little she would help him and give him nutrition potions, but stopped when he was six so he wouldn't be able to remember her. She resents Dumbledore for not allowing them to be together. She is Charlie Weasley's fiancee and "soul mate". She reads that Harry's sanity is being questioned, so she wants to go to Hogwarts and "claim" him, as she is now legal age to do so. She also applies to Hogwarts, under the name "Lillith Silverwing". She rescues Harry from the evil Dursleys, and legally adopts him. Then she tells him the "truth", as no one else is capable of doing it. She teaches Harry legilimency, so he confirms that Ron and Hermione were just using him for his money and fame. Then several students are resorted, and both Draco and Harry are sorted into the "House of Araianne". Araianne is an angel whom Sirius is soul mates with. We also learn that Araianne is "the Angel of the worthy and pure descendants of the founders, as she was the lover of Slytherin and Gryffindor and carried their heirs to term." And that "neither line is fully pure blooded, a little bit of Angel blood, but unlikely Angel powers, resides in them. It was said a fifth house was created in her honour, not only because of the gift of children, but also because she made this castle sentinant, with the ability to play tricks, e.g. the stairs, and to protect it's students, so a little bit of her resides in the castle. However, there has been no recorded document of a student sorted into that house, until now." With all of her angel powers, Lily must be a decendant of Araianne, and/or possibly the founders. Then Charlie breaks up with her because he is actually in love with someone else. We are allowed to vote for who she gets to be paired with, if anyone. Then she leaves Hogwarts to go and cry at Leo Silverwing's castle. Leo calls up Torchwood because they are all chummy-chummy, and know Lily. This makes zero sense, and is what happens when people change fandoms, but don't want to rewrite a story.
SPECIAL ABILITIES Works with the angels, such as Gabriel. She can summon angels to help heal others. Part of her brain works with "angel magic". She has elemental powers. She has advanced magic skills for her age. She can find Death Eaters with her magic.

NOTES: We have a female Blaise! The story was started before it was discovered that he was a male.

The story is as clear as mud.


Two hours later
For almost half the train ride, Harry saw neither of his 'friends', wondering why, but not really bothered. Although, soon enough, a Miss Hermione Granger entered and with her face flustered sat down opposite Harry, who didn't bother to look up from his book. Hermione, who was not doing brilliantly in her spying duties cut to the chase, with a fake sunny voice.

"How was your holiday Harry? You didn't reply to any of mine or Ron's letters." Harry reluctantly closed his book and Ron walked in, having heard Hermione's question. Harry and Lily planned this eventuality and decided that Harry was going to let them know exactly what he thought.

"Oh, you know, the usual, having the crap beaten out of me, being saved by my big sister and cursing the day I made friends with two greedy bastards, aka yourselves." Harry looked at them, his face cool and collected, but his emerald eyes blazing. Hermione and Ron had identical shocked faces and Harry decided to use a small amount of legilimency on them, which his sister had taught him, amongst other things.

Hermione: "Oh no oh no oh no, he knows! What am I going to do? I've already ordered that platinum cauldron and begun paying my college fees…damn! And I was hoping to make him mine this year!"

Harry looked at her disgusted.

Ron: "Oh damn! What are Mum and Dad going to say? There going to flip, they think of Harry as a seventh son… and Ginny will be so heart broken! I promised I'd get her together with Harry!"

Harry just picked up his lightweight trunk, his drawstring bag and found another compartment, but not before saying,

"Oh, and Hermione, I think you'll find it was I who beat you as top of the year, I would never touch you with a barge pole let alone date you, that platinum cauldron isn't going to arrive 'coz I stopped my money flowing into your account, and Ron, I prefer my girls non giggly and who likes me for who I am, and not my cash, although I dare say we'll be seeing each other very soon at a wedding." Harry smirked, thinking of Charlie and Lily's wedding, and the havoc that would cause.

After the First Years have been sorted.

"Now students, before I continue with various announcements a student has requested a resorting through one of the Professors, will this student and any other student, except first years, who request resorting, please come upon the stage.

Five students, including Harry stood up. Neville stood, Luna stood, a third year Hufflepuff stood and surprisingly, so did Draco Malfoy. Three sixth years, a fifth year and one third year. Dumbledore frowned.

"Elisa Callaghan," Elisa, the Hufflepuff third year sat nervously on the stool once more.


"Neville Longbottom!"


"Luna Lovegood!"

"Slytherin!" Harry's eyebrows rose. That was unexpected.

"Draco Malfoy!" The hat took a few moments before yelling

"If I may, I would like to sort Mr. Potter before deciding where Mr. Malfoy will go!" The Headmaster nodded, dumbstruck.

Harry sat on the stool, Draco giving him an unidentifiable look before standing aside.

With bated breath, Mc Gonnagal put the hat on Harry's head…

Point of View Swap

Lily also watched nervously as Minerva (as the stern transfiguration teacher told her to call her) put the hat on her brother's head. The other part of her brain, which contained angel magic, was working on the Draco Malfoy thing. She knew from her own experiences that Malfoy senior was infertile and that Draco's hair was obviously charmed, he had also recently escaped the imperius. This worried Lily; to think he had to suffer the fate she herself would have gone through. Finally the hat shouted…

Point of View swap
"Hello Mr. Potter."

"Hello Hat, how are you?"

"Not bad thank you."

"So, what do you think?"

"I think you should drop the occulmency shields a tad so I can get in, for one."


"Think nothing of it, and while I am on your head, Dumbledore, nor Voldermort for that matter, can enter. You're sister might though, interesting lady I must say, I wouldn't mind looking at what makes her tick."

"Can you get on with the sorting? Sorry but I kind of feel silly sitting here."

"Of course, but patience is a virtue. Hmm, having looked in Mr. Malfoy's head I know where to put you both now…


Whispers erupted and Lily's head shot up at the mention of the Angel's name.

The one thought several heads thought was: What the hell?

Dumbledore stood up and the whispers ceased. His eyes continued twinkling and a purple and turquoise table with the symbol of Angel wings appeared and the boys walked cautiously towards it and sat.

"Perhaps I better let our new Potions Mistress explain this as I know she is likely more adept at this then I. Please welcome, Professor Lily Potter Silverwing." Lily stood up, the surprise gone and more then a bit pissed that the Headmaster called her Potter.

"Well I guess I should quickly explain who I am. My name is actually Lily Black Evans Silverwing, not Potter, simply because my mother, Lily Evans did not think it fair or fitting that my stepfather give me the honour of his surname because he was not my father. This means, yes, I am Harry's older half-sister by four years and I recently was granted guardianship of him. Please refer to me as Lily, Professor makes me sound old, no offence of course.

Also, concerning my age, my mother was pregnant with me in her fifth year, which obviously took nine months, and I was three when Harry was born, a year after my parent's graduation, not that my life story is anyone's business." This shocked more then one teacher, although Severus Snape smirked at the girl's antics. Lily ignored them.

"Anyway, the House of Araianne is named after the Angel. Araianne is believed to be the Angel of the worthy and pure descendants of the founders, as she was the lover of Slytherin and Gryffindor and carried their heirs to term.

So neither line is fully pure blooded, a little bit of Angel blood, but unlikely Angel powers, resides in them. It was said a fifth house was created in her honour, not only because of the gift of children, but also because she made this castle sentinant, with the ability to play tricks, e.g. the stairs, and to protect it's students, so a little bit of her resides in the castle. However, there has been no recorded document of a student sorted into that house, until now."

Across the hall, whispers broke out and Dumbledore shot red sparks from his wand. The fact Lily had been granted guardianship worried him, but was determined to keep Harry in his place.

"Yes, well, I believe Professor Evans is perhaps the best person to become head of the Araianne House, and I must assume she has an idea where to put the boys. Anyway, students are reminded that the Forbidden Forest, true to its name, is indeed forbidden, and all Weasley Wizard Wheezes products are banned, and please see Mr. Filch for the full list. Also Professor Snape will now be taking the Defence Against the Dark Arts position."

Lily only half listened to this, her eyes watching the two boys interact. Both seemed embarrassed. Silently Lily tuned into the Angel world, and quickly asked Araianne directions, which were given in picture form. Coming back into reality, Lily easily slipped into conversation with her colleagues.

As the feast finished, and the Houses followed their prefects, the two sole members of her house stood awkwardly, waiting for Lily. Lily smiled and beckoned them to follow her.

related to the potters, related to the blacks, rating - toxic, ct - angel (part), related to the evans, p - crossover

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