
Jun 27, 2010 22:33

TITLE: Torment
PERPETRATOR: Endless Torment
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related to the potters, b - speshul eyes, rating - bad

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queen_islanzadi June 28 2010, 11:39:32 UTC
You know, this seems to happen an awful lot. Why would a couple who name one child Harry James name the other Amaryllis Le? The only canonically fitting part of that name is Ann.

HAIR: "unlike her parents and brother her hair was straight"
Don't James and Harry both have straight hair? Messy, yes, but straight?

EYES: "amethyst colored eyes"
And here was me thiking that she'd likely have hazel eyes (James' were hazel, right?), or possibly green. Potentially brown, blue or grey, and there is a slight chance they could be a purple-ish shade of blue due to recessive genes, but it's not likely.

MARKINGS: She "had inherited her father's pureblood features and lightly tanned skin".
What are pureblood features? Does she mean features that are a trait to the Potters?

She is Snape's goddaughter.
WUT. I just can't see Lily and James naming SNAPE godfather.

She is "unlike" a Potter. Her attitude is more "pureblood". She "she was as bad a prankster as her godfather Sirius Black and as cunning, determined, and ambitious as her other godfather, Severus Snape."
Hmmm. First of all, I cannot see a child raised by Lily and James having a typical pureblood attitude. And they're always pranksters aren't they? Come to think of it, isn't it typical to have one godfather and one godmother, usually a couple? OH GOD I JUST REALISED. MAYBE SHE MEANS THAT SIRIUS AND SNAPE ARE A COUPLE. OH GOD. And WHY is she more like Snape than her parents? AARRGH.

...the ravenette said...

"Hello, brats," Severus said...
*rolls eyes*

"Hi, Siri. Hi, Sev,"...
*tears out hair in frustration*

"Aw, is little scarhead pouting?"
If Voldemort hadn't attacked the Potters, why would Harry still have the scar from the attack? I think this fic is melting my brain from the lack of Earth logic.


(The comment has been removed)

queen_islanzadi June 28 2010, 22:35:23 UTC
Yeah. I was like :S ... D:


beacon80 June 28 2010, 18:10:11 UTC
I'm wondering where she got "lightly tanned skin" considering both her parents are British, who (as far as I know) generally aren't known for having skin tan enough to note. None of the Potters or the Evanses are ever described as having tanned skin.


the_dark_hippy June 28 2010, 20:40:21 UTC
Generally in the U.K. children have two godmothers and one godfather. It's quite normal for the godfather to be married to one of the godmothers, for instance my parents are both godparents to my mum's friend's son.
I've never knowingly met anyone British with two godfathers.


queen_islanzadi June 28 2010, 22:37:58 UTC
Hmm, okay.

I know that my mother & father and my aunt & uncle are godparents to my mother's & aunt's brother's children (if that makes sense), and that was quite normal. But this is in Australia, it's probably different to the U.K.


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