0020: Dad, Who Are You? - Athena McGonagall

Apr 24, 2003 21:58

Who's your Daddy?

TITLE: Dad, Who Are You?

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Athena McGonagall
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: "long and wavy auburn hair"
EYES: 'her father's eyes', which I suppose makes them light blue.
MARKINGS: None mentioned
POSESSIONS: Dumbledore's watch, the one with all the planets.

ORIGIN: The daughter of Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. Raised in the Muggle world to protect her from Voldemort.

NOTES: Well, were it not for our Sueoine's family, this could be seen as just another 'bore the reader sick by barfing up the whole get-letter-go-shopping-ride-Hogwarts-express thing we've all heard a million times' story... but no, this Sue is the daughter of Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore.

Let us think about that.

It's made quite clear that this takes place at the same time as the books - mentions of Voldemort and Harry Potter, etcetera. Yet the main character is the daughter of Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore. Now, I know for a fact that Dumbledore is over a hundred years old, and McGonagall is at least seventy. I suppose you could explain it by saying that there's probably magic that can let a post-menopausal witch get pregnant... but why would she want to?

And why, why, why did we need the implication that these septugenarians are having sex?

The idea of Dumbledore and McGonagall having had a romance when they were younger is admittedly kind of cute, but thinking of them doing it now is just... ew, ew, ew. I have no problem with old people having sex lives, but I think of it the same way as I think of my parents having a sex life - go ahead and do it, but I don't want to have to think about it. Okay? Okay.

Looking at her other fics, Dumbledore/McGonagall seems to be a semi-obsession of this author's. Does she ever think about how old they are? Bleah.

SAMPLE:Disclaimer: Athena belongs to me. The rest belongs to J.K Rowling.

Note 1: This idea has been locked in my mind for quite a while. I'm planning to write this after I've done with "What Can I Do To Forget The Love Between Us" but I can't help writing this..

Note 2: Ok, in this chapter, Professor McGonagall is a woman in her early 40s' with black hair.

Chapter 1: Goodbye to the wizarding world

"Minerva, MINERVA!!!"

Professor Minerva McGonagall turned around and saw Madam Hooch, Professor Sprouts, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Snape and Hagrid running towards her on the tiny dark platform at Hogsmeade railroad station.

"Ah, I..think...I got...a...stitch on my...side..." Professor Sprouts gasped, clutching her side.

"Minerva, you can't go." Madam Hooch said after she had caught her breath.

"The Muggle world is not good for you." Snape said breathlessly.

"Stay." Hagrid begged.

Professor McGonagall shook her head with a mixture of stubbornness and sadness. "No, I can't. Athena will die if I stay in the wizarding world." She said and looked at the bundle that she had been carrying all this while. A small baby girl was lying in her arms, playing with a watch with 12 hands but no numbers; instead, little planets were moving around the edge. The watch was connected to a long gold chain that the baby had around her neck.

"She won't. Harry Potter will defeat You-Know-Who." Madam Hooch assured.

"And when will that be? 5 years later? 10?." Professor McGonagall asked

Madam Hooch went silent.

"Voldemort (Hooch, Sprouts, Pomfrey and Hagrid shuddered at the name) killed the man I love and I can't let him to get Athena too." Professor McGonagall said through clenched teeth, holding the baby closer to her.

"But...what about Hogwarts? Who is going to take over Professor Dumbledore?" Professor Sprouts asked.

"Professor Flitwick." Professor McGonagall said.

"And..and you, who is going to take over your position as Deputy Headmaster or headmistress?" Madam Hooch asked.

"Professor Sprouts."

"What? Me?!" Professor Sprouts exclaimed.

"Yes, you. You are the oldest apart from me here."

"We can't stop you from leaving, is it?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

Professor McGonagall didn't respond.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"But...." Hagrid started.

Professor McGonagall held up her hand for silence. "I had made my decision ever since I had Athena."

"Will you come back when You-Know-Who is defeated?" Madam Hooch asked.

Professor McGonagall shook her head. "Even if Voldemort is defeated, there will be other dark wizards who will get Athena." She sighed. "She's the daughter of the greatest wizard after all. In the mean time, I can't tell her who is her father. And I can't let her to have his surname."

"Why?" Snape asked.

"I just can't. Her surname alone will catch the dark wizards' attention. Now, I must go, the train is leaving...."

"Could I hold her, Professor?" Hagrid asked suddenly.

All heads turned to look at him.

"I want ter have a las' look at her." Hagrid said, sniffing.

Professor McGonagall smiled a little and handed Athena to Hagrid. As Hagrid cradled Athena in his arms, the other teachers crowded around him to take a look.

Athena stopped playing with the watch and looked up. She saw so many familiar faces and squealed happily.

"Aw, she's so cute." Madam Pomfrey said fondly, sniffed and wiped the tears away from her eyes. "Too bad that her father died before she was born." She whispered.

"I was planning to teach her Quidditch." Madam Hooch said sadly.

"Teachers, I really must be going..." Professor McGonagall started when Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Sprouts rushed to her and hugged her. Professor McGonagall's eyes started to fill with tears. Hagrid started sobbing and even Snape was blinking furiously.

"It's all You-Know-Who's fault!" Hagrid howled. "If it's wasn' fer him, Dumbledore'll be still alive and yer don' have ter go ter live among Muggles..."

"When will we be seeing you again?" Madam Hooch asked after they had let go of Professor McGonagall.

"When Athena knows how to protect herself." Professor McGonagall said, wiping her tears away.

"Friends forever." Madam Pomfrey, Madam Hooch and Professor Sprouts said.

"Friends forever." Professor McGonagall said, nodding. She turned to Snape. "Goodbye, Severus, hope that you will get the Defence Against the Dark Arts job next year."

Snape shrugged. "I got used to Potions already."

"Hagrid." She said, reaching for Athena.

Hagrid sniffed and handed Athena back to her mother.

Professor McGonagall smiled. "Good luck with your Care For Magical Creatures."

Hagrid nodded vigorously.

"Goodbye." She said as she clambered on to the train and soon the train began to move.

"MINERVA!" She heard Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprouts cried.

Professor McGonagall looked out of the window and waved until her colleagues were out of sight. She sat down on her seat wearily. She stared at Hogwarts sadly, knowing that she won't be seeing it for a very, very long time. Her eyes began to fill with eyes and she began to sob. Dumbledore is dead; she had to escape to the Muggle world with Athena, she had to leave her beloved school and friends behind, all because of Voldemort.

What a tragedy her life has turned out to be.

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), related to mcgonagall, rating - awful, sw-o - quanonreip, ship - albus/minerva, rom - none, related to dumbledore, ntr - family issue titles, rom - minerva mcgonagall, rom - albus dumbledore, ntm - god and goddess names, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, o - canon character&, bh - brown hair, #39;s object, pa - au doesnt excuse the impossible, ntr - daddy issue titles

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