1496: What the Hex! - Minerva McGonagall

Jun 06, 2007 17:47

Sorry about yesterday, I was in a place without internet until very late, and I had to work early in the morning. You will be getting two Sues today!

"Oelika the Bitchy" says that this is the first Harry Potter Mary-Sue that she found herself.

TITLE: What the Hex!

FULL NAME: Minerva McGonagall
HAIR: "The hair at the back of her neck stuck to her flushed flesh". "Dark flowing hair fell down to her waist".
EYES: " almond shaped eyes were bright green with specks of gold".
MARKINGS: "She wasn't bad looking for being a woman of 74. She even looked to be in her mid 30's" "OK, mid 40's". "Slim shoulders, full breasts, thin waist, round hips, lean thighs", "her cheeks sat high and looked as though they've been air brushed to that rosy color. Pale pink lips were kissed by the air",
POSSESSIONS: lots of sexual frustration, a silky nightgown. She created a younger version of herself to have sex with. A "cat shaped black diamond button" on her black robe, and dress robes. "At first glance, Minerva's dress looked simple. It was just a long, well fitted, black, turtle neck gown with a black diamond belt. That was Hermione's mistake, she assumed and boy did it make an ass out of her. Once Minerva had turned around, Hermione's jaw hit the floor. There was a slight oval opening at the back Minerva's gown, following her spine from the base of her neck to the small of her back. Just below stood a black diamond cat, with emerald eyes, whose tail made its way around Minerva's hips. Oh, how Hermione wanted to trail the exposed flesh with her lips and trace the feline's tail with her fingers. Minerva's hips slightly swayed as she walked, drawing attention to the split that was about the length of her legs. It was just a foot below the shimmering tabby, and from there to the floor there was a sufficient amount of bare legs to leave the young woman wanting more". Black pumps.

ORIGIN: Parvati hits Professor McGonagall with a sexual frustration curse by accident. She was really aiming for Lavender. The curse can only be broken if the first person who makes physical contact with her "finishes the job", or she could just wait twenty-four hours.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Parvati Patil hits her with a sexual frustration curse. Hermione comes across McGonagall in this state and offers to break the hex. Why? Cause she's hot for teacher. McGonagall has sexual feelings for Hermione too, so she fantasizes about Hermione while she has sex with her clone. The at the end of year feast, she gives Hermione a medal and then shows off her hot body. All the Gryffindors think she sexy. "Nevile" dances with her, and Ginny cuts in on Hermione's behalf. She calls McGonagall out, saying, "How many times does she have to devote herself to you before you get the picture? Being a model student, falling to your every beck and call, protecting you when others dragged your name through filth, throwing herself in front of your lifeless body to save you from Bellatrix..." So, it works and McGonagall admits her feelings for Hermione, and they make love.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: McGonagall is so hot that none of the Gryffindor men notice Fleur returning to the Gryffindor table to sit with Ron, her boyfriend.

NOTES: The Author tells us that "aussie" is short for "Aussie Kiss". So, a kiss down under? I think a lot of the realization on McGonagall's part could have been expanded upon. Also, the "having sex with you clone" thing is something I don't think I've seen yet. I hope it's nominated in the "Possession" category at the next Bubotubers.


The girls got distracted when they heard Hermione's name being called out by Minerva. Hermione's eyes traveled up to where Minerva was standing. A long red and gold medal dangled from her hands. Hermione stood up and walked over to the woman she loved more than words can say. Minerva's breath caught in her throat when Hermione came in to view. The champagne dress the younger woman wore, clung to her every curve. Even though it was quite simple, there were no patterns or designs besides the short train and the mid cut sleeves, Minerva couldn't help but stare. When Hermione was at Minerva's side, she turned around to allow the older woman to place the medal around her neck. When Minerva finished an applause roared from the other students. Minerva smiled and pulled Hermione towards her for a brief hug.

"You look lovely." Minerva whispered against the younger woman's curls. Hermione blushed and returned to her seat. The ceremony and feast were a blur to Hermione. She couldn't keep her mind nor eyes off of Minerva. She thought back to the feel of Minerva's arms wrapped around her and the sound of her whisper.

"Where had she gone to?" Harry waved his hand in front of Hermione's face.

"She's thinking of Minerva." Ron dragged the professor's name longer than he needed to Fleur rolled her eyes. Ginny nudged Harry and smirked.

"Here comes Professor McGonagall!" Ginny almost shouted and Hermione jumped back to reality. Ron chuckled lightly when Hermione play pouted. Fleur turned to Ron and began whispering with an annoyed look on her face.

"That's not funny." Hermione whined while Ginny's shoulders shook with laughter.

"On the contrary, my dear. It's hilarious." Hermione threw a glare Ginny's way.

"I knew you were going to be a bloody pain. Why don't you go home then?" Ron practically shouted toward Fleur.

"I will if you keep acting stupid!" Fleur walked away and headed to the girls lavatory. With her eyebrows raised, Hermione turned to Harry.

"Aren't you glad that, Cho decided to act like a troll before she came?" Harry nodded and turned his attention to Hermione.

"So, you really like her?" Hermione blushed and straightened her posture then slouched again.

"You can't really blame me, right Harry?" Hermione looked at the young man questioningly. Harry nodded, trying to be convincing.

"Oh, yeah. She's hot!" Hermione glared at him. Ron chuckled and looked over at Minerva and noted Nevile standing aside her. The older woman stood up as her fingers worked the cat shaped, black diamond, button off and slipped her robe off her shoulders.

"Oy Look" Ron tapped Hermione lightly. "She's taking off her robe, she never takes off her robe." Ron pointed out and Hermione turned instantly. Minerva turned and rested her robe on the back of the seat she was just occupying. Ginny raised her eyebrow and smirked.

"Where in the bloody hell has she been hiding that?" Ron practically yelled.

At first glance, Minerva's dress looked simple. It was just a long, well fitted, black, turtle neck gown with a black diamond belt. That was Hermione's mistake, she assumed and boy did it make an ass out of her. Once Minerva had turned around, Hermione's jaw hit the floor. There was a slight oval opening at the back Minerva's gown, following her spine from the base of her neck to the small of her back. Just below stood a black diamond cat, with emerald eyes, whose tail made its way around Minerva's hips. Oh, how Hermione wanted to trail the exposed flesh with her lips and trace the feline's tail with her fingers. Minerva's hips slightly swayed as she walked, drawing attention to the split that was about the length of her legs. It was just a foot below the shimmering tabby, and from there to the floor there was a sufficient amount of bare legs to leave the young woman wanting more. Hermione bit her bottom lip; she felt hot suddenly. Ginny nudged Hermione as she chuckled. No one noticed Fleur's return from the ladies room.

"Ye look like she just gave you an aussie!" Harry nearly spit out his drink.

"Gin, don't tease." Ron tried to be serious, but ended up laughing anyway. Fleur stuck her nose in the air and rolled her eyes.

"little boys" She mumbled as tried her best to separate herself from them, which only made them laugh harder. Furious, she finally left without a word to Ron.

'I wish..." Hermione's response was a bit delayed and not meant to be heard. Ginny looked over at the brunette with wide eyes and began shaking with laughter.

"She's got it bad." Harry mumbled and Hermione turned to him.

"Oh, what are you on about?" She glanced over at Minerva once more then turned back to Harry. "It's not everyday you see your professor out of her element." Ron smirked.

"I think it's more like 'It's not every day you see you're professor wearing her element'." Ron snickered slightly.

"I think the elements wearing her..." Harry mumbled and Hermione had to suppress the urge to roll her eyes.

"Showing her element..." Ginny looked over at Minerva and tilted her head slightly. "sss" she added. Hermione backhanded Ginny's arm.

"Ginerva Weasley!" Ginny pointed in Minerva's direction and Hermione followed with her eyes. There she was, sporting a rare smile and being twirled dizzy. Her dress, caught up by wind and pulling at the split, exposed the curves of the back of her thighs. Hermione's heart jumped to her throat. Nevile had the pleasure of guiding Minerva's step; the young woman felt a pang of jealousy hit her like lightening.

"This is just to much; I can't bare it." Hermione began walking off in the direction of the entrance. Harry and Ron took off after her and Ginny slipped off in the direction of the cause of Hermione's pain.
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