1495: The Legend of Chastity Lorna - See Entry

Jun 05, 2007 17:40

Ellen sent in this story. It wasn't her very first Harry Potter sue, but it is the one that has stuck with her the most. She says that "the overall ridiculousness of the premise combined with the ridiculous dialogue of the past sections" make the story horrible. She also points out that the Author's Note about "Old English" (Old English is crap so I quit even trying to write dialogue in it about two sentences into the story. :-) Don’t kill me!) is also ridiculous. I agree.

Link of the Day: I was reading ohnotheydidnt and I found what Mary-Sues look like at book signings! Oh Jordan, you're just a Sparklypoo at heart.

TITLE: The Legend of Chastity Lorna
PERPETRATOR: Alicia Jennings

FULL NAME: Queen Hermione Anne Elizabeth Granger aka Anneli Bradenhurst aka Princess Chastity Lorna Stuart
SPECIES: Witch/Royality/Lady of the Night
HAIR: "dark blonde hair, in curls halfway down her back", "curly, honey-brown hair".
EYES: "deep, rich brown" and "warm brown orbs".
MARKINGS: "generous curves, in all the right places, with a slim waist". "Right above her left breast was a strange, small scar, much like the one on his forehead, the mark of a deadly curse." The "Boss" says she is the prettiest girl in the brothel. She is the exact image of Chasity Lorna". She had natural make-up on now.
POSSESSIONS: A tiny bikini that made Harry wonder if double-sided tape was needed. One of Harry's "old Quidditch team T-shirts". Prostitute friends named Brita, Linne and Selena. Lol @ Brita Water Filtration System. After she is freed her wand is returned to her, and Harry buys her some robes. They are blue and light pink. When she is Queen, she has a "a full-skirted dress of green velvet, and was bedecked with tons of jewels, all with a history like none other". A "a dainty tiara". “This was the crown of Princess Marianna, the last Princess of Atlantis and the first member of any type of monarchy to be of magical powers. Likewise, it is the first crown of the wizarding community.”" It has a "teardrop" in it, and the stone changed colour. Only Hermione or Harry can remove it from her head. Dumbledore tells her to wear it everywhere. Her wedding dress: "an ornate midnight-blue silk dress. It had a lacy, low-necked collar, long bell sleeves, and a huge flared-out skirt, all with lace accents. A silver sash went around the waist. Jewels were sewn into it in places - emeralds, rubies, diamonds. Also, with it, was a white veil, the crown of it midnight blue and hunter green. Matching blue soft slippers and gloves, along with a flouncy slip and white stockings, completed the ensemble". Guess who gave it to her? Queen Elizabeth II! When she is transformed after a vision, she is wearing, "a white dress, a gauzy, light material". A large wedding party. A horse-frawn carriage with "winged horses". A giant castle, "The castle was almost the size of Hogwarts, and she couldn’t imagine how she would ever find her way around. A river and lake sealed off access from the north and east except for a drawbridge. A large wall sealed off the south and west. The castle itself was a five-floored hodgepodge of balconies, turrets, and widow’s walks. Hermione thought that it did not have the look of a huge, forboding castle, but looked graceful and airy." and "A huge skylight showed the starry night sky. Pictures adorned the wall, along with rich tapestries and sconces. Sculptures also dotted the first floor. The rich walnut floor had Oriental rugs and the staircase had a beautiful carpet runner. Accents of gold and silver were everywhere". Harry's spawn.

ORIGIN: Hermione becomes a prostitute after a near-death experience from the battle with Voldemort. "In their experience with Voldemort, the dark wizard had thrown a deadly curse at Hermione. But Harry had shielded her with a rare charm that only he and a few other wizards had been able to perform, and the curse only gave her a small scar on the left side of her chest." She had been kidnapped by Death Eaters and then released a few months ago, then she becomes a prostitute under cohesion. Harry frees her and she joins the Trio again. Upon her return, it is discovered that Hermione is the reincarnated of "Chastity Lorna", and Harry is "Perrin Allen", both were magical people. Chastity Lorna is the daughter of Charles II of England. "Charles had many illegitimate children by dozens of mistresses. One of his children, however, was a legitimate child, born of wedlock; a baby girl named Chastity Lorna. Charles sent most of his children off for fostering. Chastity, however, was different....he kept her in his and his wife’s care". Uh, wouldn't that make her a Princess then? Anyways, they were lovers separated by fate, and Chastity ran away to Hogwarts to hone her magical abilities. Then after Hogwarts she was turned into a common wench to avoid being caught by her father. The story is basically the same, only Perrin loses his title and his sister inherits it, and her descendants are the Potters. Anyways, Chastity and the baby die in childbirth. Why is this important? Because, "Nicholas Flamel performed a spell - a very complicated, powerful spell - that would allow the souls of Chastity Lorna and Perrin Allen to return in other bodies when they were needed most, and Chastity would be Queen over all the magical kingdom, and Perrin would be King beside her. Under their rule, the magical kingdom would find peace. Chastity and Perrin would not die such horrible deaths, and their baby would live". So, now Harry and Hermione have to fulfill that destiny.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: At the age of 21, Harry sleeps with her by accident, not knowing her real identity. Then Harry recognizes her scar, and confronts her. To her defence, she didn't recognize him either. Harry agrees to buy her to save her from a life in a brothel. Hermione was the Head Girl at Hogwarts. She marries Harry and they have a baby. Ron toasts them in a bar. Fudge is going to turn over all governmental control over to Harry and Hermione, but they kindly ask for a constitutional monarchy instead. Then they tell Fudge that they don't want to get married right after the coronation, but they want to wait a week or two to plan the wedding. Gryffindor's sword crowns her Queen. Sirius is their personal assistant and wedding planner. Viktor Krum is a spy for Voldemort, and he kidnaps her. She refuses to give in, so they keep in in a cell. Hermione's mystical powers destroy Voldemort's fortress and she escapes with Harry and Ron to Hogwarts.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: In her Voldemort fighting days she helped captives escape from "The Battle of Brundein". Also she "dueled with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley against Voldemort and his Death Eaters and survived a deadly curse and won". Sadly this doesn't make sense. If they had won, then Voldemort wouldn't be around, and in this story he still is. She is a soul reincarnated. She can tell that she is pregnant the very next day. Is wonderful at picking colours for her wedding, "dark navy blue, a hunter green, maybe a little dark red since it’s Christmastime, and silver and gold". She has this "empress" look that gives her that ability to talk down to anyone, even Voldemort. She has a mystical connection to Princess Marianna, and the crown. When Hermone is trapped in Voldemort's fortress she has a vision of herself in a while dress and a magical chant that frees her from her prison. When she awakes, she is suddenly in this dress, and uses the chant, much to the desired effect.

NOTES: "Wow" is all I have to say. Here is the magical chant from Princess Marianna, the last Princess of Atlantis:

Here, in my most desperate hour
I call on my kingdom with all it’s power
And the wind
And the rain
And the snow
And the lightening
And the fire, with all it’s strength
I call on you now, come forth to my aid!
I call on the dragons, the mighty centaurs
The giants in all their glory
The unicorns and all their purity
Cretures of the magical world, large and small
Come to me, serve me, I call you all!


As Ron, Harry, and Hermione sat down to a breakfast of sweet rolls, boiled eggs, and strong coffee, Sirius drew forth a notebook.

“All right, then, might as well get started.” He himself took a long, generous sip of coffee. “What would you like your colors to be?”

Harry and Hermione looked at each other blankly. Harry shrugged, his mouth full. Ron chuckled slightly.

“Blush and bashful?” asked Hermione, grinning. At Harry and Sirius’ blank look, she sighed. “You don’t watch too many Muggle movies or plays, do you?”

“No,” said Harry and Sirius at the same time.

Hermione shook her head. “How about a dark navy blue, a hunter green, maybe a little dark red since it’s Christmastime, and silver and gold?”

“That works,” said Harry hurriedly.

“Your dress, Hermione?” asked Sirius, scribbling down the colors.

“I’m not wearing white,” she said firmly.

“Why not?” asked Harry.

“Because,” she said, taking a slow sip of coffee, “Everyone knows white is meant for virgins, and everyone and their mother-in-law knows I’m not one.”

Harry turned tomato red. Ron and Sirius coughed, and pretended not to notice.


Details of the wedding fell into place over the next week at Hogwarts Castle. The only place big enough to have the wedding was the Great Hall, so it would be held there on Christmas Eve at three o’ clock.

“Hermione!” Sirius ran into their bedroom at seven o’ clock in the morning two days before the wedding. “I’ve found - well, rather recieved - your dress.”

Hermione sat up, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. “You did?”

“Yeah! Be in the Transfiguration classroom in twenty minutes and they’ll fit it to you. Harry’s outfit is there too.”

Hermione jumped out of bed. Harry did as well. It looked like another double shower this morning.

After showering, they practically ran down to the Transfiguration classroom to avoid being late. And they did avoid being late - by about a second. They burst through the door, startling the seamstress and her assistant.

“Sorry,” Hermione panted. “Bit of a late start.” Her tiara, which Dumbledore had instructed her to wear everywhere, tumbled off her head and fell with a *clink!* to the floor. “Oh dear.” She picked it up, polished it a bit on the sleeve of her robe, and put it back on.

The seamstress and her assistant looked stunned, as if they’d never seen a lady act like her in all their life. “Well,” said Harry, “We’re here to try on our wedding attire...is it ready?”

The question seemed to jar the seamstress to her senses. “Oh...of course...here, Your Majesy,” she said, motioning Harry to a screen. “You can change in there.” She now handed Hermione a wrapped package. “For you, Your Majesty. I believe, by looking at your measurements, it might fit perfectly.”

Hermione carefully unwrapped the package. Inside lay an ornate midnight-blue silk dress. It had a lacy, low-necked collar, long bell sleeves, and a huge flared-out skirt, all with lace accents. A silver sash went around the waist. Jewels were sewn into it in places - emeralds, rubies, diamonds. Also, with it, was a white veil, the crown of it midnight blue and hunter green. Matching blue soft slippers and gloves, along with a flouncy slip and white stockings, completed the ensemble.

“A gift,” said the seamstress.

“But....from who?” As Hermione spoke, a card fluttered to the floor from the folds of the dress. She carefully broke the wax seal and read it. Her eyes widened.

It was a gift from another queen. Queen Elizabeth II - if you wanted to be exact.

Hermione, her hands unsteady, pulled on the lacy slip. Then the seamstress helped her pull the dress over her head and lace the stays. She put on the silky stockings, the soft slippers and the gloves, and the veil. The seamstress’ eyes grew wide. “Oh, your Majesty, you look beautiful. Here, you must look in the mirror.”

Hermione shook her head. “No. Harry sees it first. I - I can’t look.”

“But the groom’s not supposed to see your dress until your wedding day, Your Majesty,” said the seamstress, smiling. “By tradition.”

“We’re not exactly a traditional marriage, madam,” said Hermione, smiling back.

Harry came out, and Hermione smiled nervously at him. He took one look at her and his mouth dropped. She thought he looked rather handsome. He was wearing robes of the same midnight blue, with gold accents. He had on blue slacks under the robes and a starched white shirt. He wore a thin gold mantle with sapphires and rubies on his shoulders, a sign of his kingship.

“Hermione...you’re...you’re...straight out of the storybooks.” Harry made his way over to her. “You’re beautiful.”

“Is it safe for me to look in the mirror?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Never be afraid to look in the mirror, Hermione. Never be afraid to face yourself. You’re always beautiful.”

Hermione took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Harry was right. She looked like a queen out of the storybooks. The veil fit behind her tiara, so the teardrop stone that hung down on her forehead was visible. She noticed that it was a bluish color.

“I - I don’t think it needs any alterations,” said Hermione, her voice faltering slightly. “Ah..Harry...what about your robes?”

“I think they’re quite nice,” said Harry, looking in the mirror. “Fit me fine too.”

“Well, then, that’s settled,” said Hermione, sliding the gloves off her hands. “Thank you very much for your time, madam.”

“It was an honor,” said the seamstress, curtsying. “Would you like to change here or in your rooms?”

“Our rooms, I think,” said Hermione. “That way we can hang them up immediately and they don’t get too wrinkled.”

“An excellent idea, Your Majesty,” said the seamstress. “I shall be here until your wedding, so if they do need altering, please don’t hesitate to come see me.”

“Thank you very much,” said Harry, taking Hermione’s arm and leading her out.

“Harry,” Hermione whispered to him as RA guards joined them, “I don’t think I’ve ever worn as fancy a dress in my life.”

“You look beautiful,” he reassured her. “You do. You look just as beautiful in that as you did in that skimpy bikini the night we met again.”

“I’m a bit surprised to hear that from a male,” said Hermione lightly. “This dress covers much more than that bikini.”

Harry and Hermione slept in different rooms the night before Christmas Eve, the night before their wedding. They wanted the time to themselves to ponder and pray.
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