1144: Underneath It All - Isabelle Rey

Jun 12, 2006 21:15

By my count, I owe you guys five retroactive Sues. Three from my suspension and two from this weekend where I was too sick to use the computer.

Being too sick to do anything today but watch a scrillion reruns of That 70s Show, I was in the mood for a MWPP Sue.

TITLE: Underneath It All

FULL NAME: Isabelle Rey
HAIR: Dark hair, I believe.
EYES: Not described.
MARKINGS: None described.
POSSESSIONS: The nickname of "Teacher's Pet."

ORIGIN: Er...her sister was legendarily hot, but apparently didn't share this trait with Isabelle. That's about all I've gotten out of the origin.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Exchanges secret anonymous poems and letters with Sirius Black. Very You've Got Mail, except at Hogwarts. And with poems.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Never had a detention.

NOTES:Sirius is a playboy, who struggles little and is very popular. Isabelle is a hard working, goody two shoes, who nobody really pays attention to. What could these two possibly have in common? A couple of anonymous letters... or many.

Cute idea. Not so sure Sirius is the type.

So terrible to Sue all these fics written by good writers. They spread out their descriptions and explanations instead of clumping it together a la Ann M. Martin. *wink* Makes my job so much harder.

I don't know. It's an okay read, but feels like the author is idealizing Sirius a bit. Maybe that's just my take on it.

SAMPLE:I couldn't believe it, but it happened, I've officially gave him the first impression of myself. Could it been avoided? Not exactly, but was it necessary for Professor McGonagall to go and name me as the perfect student? I've never felt so embarrassed! I should just give it up now before I make myself look like a fool.

"I'll meet you outside of class" was the only thing I caught from Crystal before she made her way amongst the students walking out of class. Why would she even say that when it appears that she is some hurry to leave? Oh, I'll never understand that girl.

As it has become of my routine, I was one of the last people to leave the classroom. But before doing so, I took the letter tapped under the desk. And just like Crystal said, she was waiting for me outside.

"You'll never guess who I was working with last night in the library," was the first thing she said before I could even questioned her why she was waiting for me.

"I don't know, a boyfriend I'm not aware of?" I replied simply as we walked together towards out next class.

"Nope, guess again"

I sighed, "I'm out of guesses, so who was it?"

"Your no fun today, why's that?" Crystal asked as she glanced over at me. Oh no, she was going to try to analyze me.

"Headache" I answered without looking at her. "So?"

"Remus Lupin"

I stopped on my tracks as I turned to her, she better not have done any snooping.. "What for?"

She was smiling, but not that kind of smile, the smile that one gives when they where caught doing something they shouldn't have done. Great, she snooped.

"Not about Sir-"

"That was my intention!" she quickly stated, "but, Peter was there so I couldn't have done so in front of him. So instead we were talking about the writing assignment that McGonagall had assigned to us the other day. In the end Peter left and the two of us continued…”

I stared at her, not totally surprised that she went and done this. "and..?"

She smiled, a genuine one. "He's… interesting”

I grinned, "You fancy him!"

"I do not, I just find him very interesting" she said, again. "Another potential male friend, I suppose so."

"Oh sure, another" I repeated as I continued my way down the hall.

Crystal quickly caught up with me, "Really, I don't fancy him. If you do, then I could arrange a me-"

I scoffed, "No thanks, not him nor Sirius."

Crystal let out a laugh, "Don't tell me you are still upset with what McGo-"

"I'm not!" I interrupted, "I just became aware that we have nothing in common. If there was anyone, then it could have possibly been Remus"

"I'm meeting him tonight, would you like to come along?" she offered. I couldn't believe this girl!

I sighed, "Forget it, lets just get going."

I was sitting in one of the empty tables in the library later that day when I decided to read the letter, but before doing so I remembered that I needed to write a letter to Victoria as well. But what's the hurry? It has only been a couple of days that she had sent me her own, so it wouldn't hurt if I send her mine much later.

Taking out the folded letter I had hidden inside one of the books I brought with me, I began to read.

There is always a part of me that feels embarrassed after I've said something stupid, but I always shrug it off. I'm actually considered a disgrace to my mother because I'm so careless, but I don't sweat over it anymore, I don't think I've ever had, but now I barely even think about it... I ran away from home this summer and personally I've never been happier.

I think I've had enough about my sad and pathetic side, it always makes me kind of nauseous.

A lot of people think of my love life as absolutely intriguing (my friends, for example). Making bets about me is practically their job. The bet thing would be really amusing if it wasn't me the one losing money here. My three best friends have two bets one a hundred galleons each and one fifty galleons each, I have to pay them if I hook up with either one of them before Christmas. I'm planning on shutting myself on the dormitory until then...

Okay, so what happened was that I broke up with A (let's identify them by letter it'll be much easier to explain) because I hooked up with B. That same day B told me she wanted to be my girlfriend and I refused. Later on, she was crying her eyes out for the world to see and I got pretty fed up so I said that she could be my girlfriend. (All of this happened in the same day, I broke up with A at breakfast and got with B at dinner time very insensitive of me...) Then, the next day I broke up with B, and caught A glaring at me because obviously she realized what was going on. And thank god up to now I haven't seen them again...

I see absolutely no problem with your sister being engaged at eighteen. I mean, if she loves him why not marry him? Personally, I wouldn't do it either. I kind of do everything in my power not to feel committed every time I have a girlfriend.

My day wasn't that bad but it wasn't interesting either. I suppose that's what detention does to you. Makes you feel rather you have no clue what was boring or interesting about your day. I suppose detention shouldn't traumatize me anymore, it's been like five years since I've been getting detention at least every week but, whatever.

Ha! That is not a mean thing to do! I was just merely pointing out that since you don't have a boyfriend the poem doesn't really apply. I go up to random girls every week so I wouldn't know how you feel about that...(why do you think I'm always in trouble with my ex-girlfriends!) Okay, tell you what, since you're such a big baby I'll write two more verses and THAT is it!

My love can see my soul just by listening to me speak

But chooses to ignore what from that heart I want to receive

Okay, so I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. You managed it. Congratulations! I think I'm going to go and hide under my pillow...

This wasn't something I was expecting, a direct insult from some unknown stranger. Well, not exactly an insult because I found the whole situation funny but.. well.. it was cute. Cute? No, I meant funny yeah, just funny. Besides, I managed to get what I wanted so yeah, everything was well and dandy. So I pulled out a new parchment and began to write.

It was during lunch, as usual, that I made my way up to Professor McGonagall's classroom without getting caught. But as I walked out of the room into the hall, I saw the task of returning back to the Great Hall tedious. Luckily there was only fifteen minutes left of lunch before classes started, so there was only the matter of waiting for the time to go by. Yep, school life keeps being the same...
“Guess what I’m doing tonight?” said Remus cheerfully as he walked into the dormitory.

“Making mad, passionate love to yourself?” I asked not looking up at him. Peter snorted and I smiled.

“No,” said Remus flatly, the cheerfulness gone.

“Going to bite yourself?” I tried again, making James join in the laughter.

“Must every comment that comes out of your mouth end with ‘yourself’? Remus asked me irritated.

“Well, we are talking about you, Remus,” I pointed out. “And you barely do anything that has to do with real people or the opposite sex.”

“He’s got a point, you know” said James making Remus glare.

“Yeah, side with him,” he said. “I’m going to meet a girl…”

“Remus, your mother doesn’t count,” James said, I laughed out loud. It was a common joke.

“Crystal, from Hufflepuff,” said Remus through gritted teeth. He seemed very annoyed…

“No…” I said. “Not that hot girl that always hangs out with ‘teacher’s pet’!”

“Who’s teacher’s pet,” asked Peter.

“Isabelle Rey,” replied James. “Professor McGonagall likes to rub in the fact that the girl’s never gotten a detention.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Yep, Crystal’s her friend.” I found myself whining at Remus reply. “What?” he asked.

“I wanted to hook up with her… she’s hot!” I said, I think I was almost pouting.

“So?” said Peter. “You will hook up with anything that moves… and it’s not like girls don’t practically throw themselves at you.”

“Yeah you’re right, Peter,” I said. “For a change…” I added under my breath.

“Why don’t you hook up with teacher’s pet?” I almost gagged when James suggested it. She was cute but not that cute.

“I so know you’re joking, Prongs.”

“Why?” James asked seriously. He was seriously missing the point.

“You want me to actually try and hook up with teacher’s pet?” I asked. “Have you even seen her?”


“I think I’ll be sending a letter to the church…” I said slumping down on my bed.

“Why would you, out of all people, do something like that?” asked Peter looking around incredulously.

“’Cause I think I’d rather be a priest.”

Remus snorted. “You, a priest? I think you’re a little late for that, mate… Like you say; you ‘like hooking up’.”

“Ha ha… very funny, Moony,” I said sarcastically. “Theirs is only one way of actually getting to bed girls like that.”

“What way would that be “Mr. Expert of Woman Kind” asked James raising an eyebrow.

“Think of the word that doesn’t go in the same sentence as my name,” I replied and I saw three smiles forming.

“Commitment,” they said in unison before they busted out laughing.

“Can you imagine?” said James struggling to breath. “Sirius in a relationship longer than a month?”

“Forget that,” said Peter, who was practically rolling on the floor. “Sirius in a relationship.”

All this time, my glares went unnoticed.

“You can stop now,” I said after about ten minutes. “It’s not that funny.” For some odd reason they busted out laughing again. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. Since they were laughing at me, I might as well go and do something productive.

“Aha!” I said aloud and quickly scolded myself. I looked around making sure Professor McGonagall wouldn’t burst out of the wall or something before taking the later and shoving it inside my pocket.

I went back to the Common Room to find James doing his homework along with Peter. Remus was nowhere in sight.

I sighed and sat down next to James. “What do we have for tomorrow?” I asked staring into the fireplace.

“Potions and Transfiguration,” said Peter not looking up from his essay.

“Done and done,” I said before taking the letter out of my pocket. I acted as though it was just another piece of parchment. I doubted Peter was going to notice but James being so nosy obviously did.

“None of your business, Prongs,” I said waving a hand at him. “This is not your department.” He nodded in understanding and went back to his homework.

See, we have these little departments we consult each other on and until we discuss it with the main person on the department it cannot be discussed with the other guys. James is the head of the “How To Get Rid Of A Girl” department. Peter is the head of the “Who Is The Hottest Girl At The Moment” department, unbelievably he had good taste. I am the head of the “How To Get A Hot Girl” department and the “How To Avoid Being With A Girl For More Than A Month” department. And well, Remus, him being the most mature of the four of us was the head of the “What The Hell Is Happening To Me” department. Yep, I had no clue what was happening to me but I suddenly felt obsessed with finding out who this mysterious girl is.

So you ran away from home this summer and are happy about it? Your mother sees you as a disgrace? Hmm... I don't know what to say to that besides the obvious, that's quite interesting. No really, it is. Seriously, something much bigger is behind it all, am I correct? No need to answer if you don’t feel like it…

So the bet is still going on? Hm, I suppose that's much better than you losing. Are you really that predictable? Well, when it comes to your love life, if I may call it, you certainly seem so. Then again, I shouldn't jump to conclusion to quick, should I? Well, you certainly seem much more interesting than I would have thought you to be, especially when it came to your ex-girlfriends, which I wouldn't blame for how they acted. Then again… these girls really should... err... oh never mind.

You are afraid of commitment aren't you? Or is it the fact that you can't stand the idea of being with one girl forever? Is that the reason why you are able to uh... Jump from one girl to the next? Has it ever occurred to you that you might one day really like a girl only for her not share the same feeling thanks to the err.. reputation that you might have? Are you getting annoyed by the many questions that I'm asking you? Yes? No? Maybe so? Sorry, I'm in a silly mood at the moment.

You had detention too? and you apparently aren't bothered by it. Practically five years straight? You are worse then I would have thought! Haha.. Seriously, I've never received detention and from the looks of it I'm not getting one either. Is that bad? No, its actually quite good.

I suppose I should give you a little update of my life, or day or whatever you want to call it. Guess what? I've been feeling quite ridiculous in these last couple of days. Why? Because I'm pretty sure I made myself look like a stupid girl in front of a guy who I fancied. Yes, its past tense. Yes, I don't like him any more. Why? Because he's.. well.. I'm not going to go into details as to who he is. Then there's this other guy who supposedly is interested in me, only he's a friend and well... yeah, as you can see I'm not into the whole idea of friends-dating-friends. Heh.

Why, thank you for sharing me the next two verses of your poem! I knew you would understand! and to be nice, I'll be letting a letter or two pass before I request the other verses of your poem. Deal? Yes? Great!

So I've managed to embarrassed you in a way that no one else has? Yay! Do I get a prize? Oh there should be one if I managed to embarrassed a great person like yourself! Unfortunately, bragging rights I can’t take… Lucky you...

I chuckled at all of her questions. Note to self: the girl likes getting into the role of questionnaire… just like James.

rating - okay

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