0010: To Life And Beyond - Willow Harmon

Apr 15, 2003 01:08

Since I was late posting a Sue yesterday, I'll do it early today... very early.

TITLE: To Life And Beyond
PERPETRATOR: EveTheHobbit3354

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Willow Harmon (at least it's not Harmony)
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none so far
POSESSIONS: none so far

ORIGIN: Unknown... she's in Ravenclaw. Draco calls her a 'misfit.'
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Ron's best friend from before he went to Hogwarts, now falling for him.

NOTES: Some authors don't do paragraph breaks... this one does line breaks. Line breaks for lines that are a teensy bit longer than the full width of the screen. I suppose if her monitor resolution is higher than mine, it's really not her fault... but damn, my eyes are watering trying to read this fic. Furthermore, this young lady commits the sin of putting author's notes in the middle of her narrative - ones asking us not to kill her for getting names wrong. What is amusing about this (strange things amuse me at 1:14 in the morning) is that all of the names in question are correct. It's the ones she doesn't apologize for that are wrong.

One thing I did like was the (unfortunately very brief) description of 'fire crabs', which fart flames when threatened. They sound very much like something Hagrid would keep for a pet.

Later in the story, two more minor Sues pop up - Willow's friends, Kinren and Brenna. What sort of names those are supposed to be (besides Sue names) I am not sure. Brenna has premonitions while staring into a fire, and catches the eye of George Weasley. Willow dreams about her own funeral. Lucius Malfoy is this year's DADA teacher (oh, give me a freakin' break) and wants Willow to be 'his servant'. Bow-chicka-bow-wow! Spank me, Lucy!

Great, now I'm gonna have nightmares.


Willow sat in Transfiguration class in the back, sighing lightly. She, for some reason, was troubled, and she'd come to
class earlier than usual. She had Ron on her mind. She growled a little in frustration, scribbling down some homework.
What was wrong with her? With Ron? People started to file in, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors.

Prof. McGonagal smiled a little that most all of them were on time, Harry, Hermione, and Ron saw Willow, her eyes on
her paper. They walked to the back and sat down, but Willow noticed something straight off. Ron but as much distance
between himself and Willow as he could. He sat next to Harry, whom sat next to Hermione, who sat next to Willow. Why?

"Hi guys," Willow whispered to the three of them

"Hullo," Hermione and Harry replied, Ron giving a half-hearted wave.

Willow frowned. What was wrong? Should she confront him after class.. or Harry?

"Excuse me, Miss Harmon, if you would please pay attention," Prof. McGonagal said in an adgitated tone (author note:
Thank you my dearest Poppy for the use of your last name.. even though you really didn't give permission ^^")

"Yes, sorry Professor," Willow answered.

Prof. McGonagal nodded a little and continued with her lesson. Willow began counting down the seconds. Hermione
looekd over to Willow and saw the glazed look over her eyes. Hermione nudged her a little in the side, Willow looked to her
and nodded a bit, starting to pay attention to the lesson again. Finally after what seemed like what was an eternity,
class let out and the group left, Ron in the lead, Harry after, Hermione and Willow following.

Harry felt someone clasp his arm, Willow was pulling him out of his place in line.

"Oh, hi Willow.. whats wrong?," Harry asked as he walked out.

"Um, I have a question.. do you have any idea what's up with Ron? Is he pissed at me or something?," She asked.

"I dunno, all I know was he was up for a while last night, maybe he's just tired today," He replied, shrugging.

"Oh, well, see ya later," Willow said, waving to them all, heading for defence against the dark arts.

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), rating - bad, sw-o - bitchiwitch, pc - bully/bullies, stu - lucius malfoy, b - unknown hair color, ship - ron/oc, ph - ravenclaw house, sw-o - tootsitramp, pw - teacher/student, ntn - plant name - non flower, pc - childhood friend, rom - oc, pw - subject matter not kawaii, ac - seer abilities, sw-c - quanonreip, pc - relationship sue, b - unknown eye color, rom - ron weasley

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