0971: Harmony - Lily Elizabeth Anna Potter 'Leap'

Dec 01, 2005 20:03

Link O The Day: The Mary Sue Candy Company

Stupid Sisters of Harry Week, Day Six:

TITLE: Harmony


FULL NAME: Lily Elizabeth Anna Potter, called Leap.
SPECIES: human/witch
HAIR: 'Her hair was a very dark, dark red almost a cross between red and brown it fell half way down her back in soft dark waves'
EYES: 'her eyes, oh her eyes were of a deep brown, they stared forward unrelentingly circled by small dark frame.' I think that means she wears glasses.
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: a Stu who hangs around for no apparent reason.

ORIGIN: After the Potters died, Sue here was sent to live with her aunt and uncle in Canada. Then they died, and she'd back in England now. Yay and all that.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Harry's long-lost twin. Hermione's new bestest friend.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: none mentioned.

NOTES: Man, these Sues find stupid excuses for their nicknames.


Her hair was a very dark, dark red almost a cross between red and brown it fell half way down her back in soft dark waves. Her skin was of the lightest tone of ivory, but her eyes, oh her eyes were of a deep brown, they stared forward unrelentingly circled by small dark frame. Her feet moved quickly down the steeps that lead to the Potions classroom in Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her lips were set in a hard line as her smooth quick steps brought her closer to the dungeon where the Potion class was held. She opened the door quietly and stood there as Snape, Professor of Potion called out,

"Potter", he screeched "what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"They are the same plant, it's name is aconite" Answered the girl at the door coolly, seeming to not be effected at all by Professor Snape harsh words, as she stepped daintily into the classroom.

"I asked Potter", Snape replied angrily

"I am Potter", said the mysterious girl at the door, her voice with just a tiny bit of an edge on it. This effect was lost on the class who only heard her words and turned around in the seat to get a good look at her. Snape looked up and snapped,

"What is your name young lady."

"My name is Leap." she said tossing her hair and meeting Snape with a cold defiant gaze.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you said you name was Potter."

"It is that my name, my surname." A small gasp when through the class the only Potter they had heard of was Harry and he looked just as confused as they did.

"What house are you in?"


"Miss, I find it hard to believe that your first name is Leap", snarled Snape sarcastically.

"It isn't my first name, it my, er, alias."

"Then please Miss Potter, what is your real name." inquired Snape coldly

"It's rather boring, but oh well," she set her shoulders and tossing her hair over one shoulder and raising her eyes to meet his boldly she replied "Lily, sir Lily Potter."

"Yyyyour name is Lily Potter," said Harry in disbelief.

"No Shit Sherlock,"

"Lily Elizabeth Anna Potter!" said a sharp voice from the doorway (A/N now do you understand where Leap comes from) "we just get to a new school and already your lipping off."

"We just get to a new school and already your lipping off" replied Leap in a wonderful imitation of his voice, " gosh you sound like your mother."

" Sit down, Miss Potter and you too Mr. er, um..."

"Knight sir, Edward Knight," said that individual, answering Snape's unasked question. He looked well beside Leap (Lily) as he helped her into a chair. His almost black hair made a pleasing contrast with her red brown mane.

related to the potters, rating - awful, e - canadian

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