0521: Don't Deny Me - Leena Selene

Sep 07, 2004 19:49

Does anybody have any theories on why the Sue Authors always take pains to tell us that they own their Sues? Because every single one of them seems to take trouble to specify it. Is it just a 'I do it 'cause everybody else does' thing, or what?

TITLE: Don't Deny Me
PERPETRATOR: Punkishbrat (oh, that's promising)


FULL NAME: Leena Selene
SPECIES: human/witch
HAIR: 'light blonde hair in curls'
EYES: 'bright blue eyes' - I'm picturing, like, flourescent.
MARKINGS: none mentioned.
POSESSIONS: the usual Muggle wardrobe, with bell-bottoms! My inner optimist is suggesting that perhaps the Sue Author actually did her research, while my outer cynic insists that it's a coincidence. Oh, and Sue best friends: Kira, Ari, and Lily. Yup, it's another set of femme-marauders.

ORIGIN: She's a Sue. Do we care where she came from?
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Will end up with Sirius Black.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: boys find her intimidating 'cause she's a better Chaser than they are! Ooo! Ooo! A flaw! Only not.

NOTES: Y'know, there are some days when this gets so damn repetitive that I can't even be arsed to be witty about it. Another perfect blonde who's destined for Sirius black, best friends with Lily, with a pair of other interchangeable Sue friends, one of whom is destined for Remus. Do people really think this is remotely original? Does it not occur to anybody that a million other people are writing the same story?


"Detention! -I didn't even do anything. I was only defending myself." Leena said angrily to Kira and Lily.

"Well Leena. Don't hate me fore this. But your mouth tends to get you in trouble a lot, maybe you shouldn't have smarted off to Mafloy the way that you did."

"But he called me a mudblood!" Leena bellowed.

"Yes, well. That's just how he is. You know that. I know that. The best thing to do is just let it slid." Lily said.

"You might let Snivelly talk to you that way. But I am not going to allow some rich phrat boy to talk to me that way! Next time I see him I'm going to hex him until he begs for mercy!" Leena said, a hungry glint in her eyes.

Lily rolled her eyes, and decided to let it go, before Leena blew a fuse. The headed into the direction of the Library, and Leena stopped suddenly.

"No, you're not going to get me into that library. I'm going back to the common room." Leena said stubbornly.
"Leena, it's not like the library has some incurable disease. Reading is fun. It's something you should try more often." Lily said.

"Try what more often? Getting an incurable disease?" Leena said, slowly backing away like they're was a giant spider. "Fine, have it your way then." Lily said in exasperation, and waved Leena farewell.

Leena walked down the halls. Running into Peeves along the way, she almost would rather have it be Lucius. The poltergeist did somersaults in the air, singing an annoying tune:

"Leena Selene, you are so mean

You're a wee sixty, and your short You beat all the guys on every sport-"
Before he could finish his lovely lyric, Leena practically shouted the password and the fat lady let her through. In the background she could still hear him singing loudly in the corridor, probably trying to get everyone to listen. She didn't care though, all she wanted know was to simply relax. It had been a long, exhausting weekend, and she had to get up early to go to class tomorrow, and she still had tons of homework she needed to do before daybreak.

Leena went upstairs in the girls dormitory for a while, scribbling down an essay on a blank piece of parchment. When Leena was finished, she felt like going back downstairs. It was getting rather cold up in to dorm and she felt like sitting in front of the fireplace. Leena went down stairs, eyeing few students who were playing wizards chess or doing last minute homework. The red cushion chair was empty. Leena settled in it, basking in the heat from the fire. She shivered as someone entered the common room, the cold air from the corridors swept through the portrait hole. Goose bumps ran up and down Leena's arms.

Sirius came in, an enormous satisfied smirk on his face. He looked around, and to her surprise came to sit by her. He sat on the sofa, at first not saying anything. Then when the silence was exploding his mind, he was the first to talk.

"What's up?" He asked, flashing her one of his charming smiles. Which she ignored.

"You didn't have to save me you know. I have it perfectly under control, until you came along." Leena snorts, still gazing into the fire.

He quirked a brow. "You know, most girls actually like it when guys help them out of sticky situations." Sirius said seriously (omg!).

"I'm not damsel in distress. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm not like most girls." Leena said.

"That's for certain. -But Leena, imagine what would have happened if I hadn't been there."

"A whole lot better."

"Oh I see what the problem really is!"

"What?" She asked, finally looking at him.

"You're still upset about the names I called you at the pub!" He said cheerfully, as if he had just found a clue.

"No! That's not it at all!" Leena yelled, she was fuming now. All the students in the common room were getting a bit scared.

"Oh?" He said, leaning back into his chair, pondering. "Would you like some sweets?" He asked her, completely changing the conversation.

"What?" Leena was taken aback by his question. "You don't care if I'm mad at you right now!" She asked furiously.

"No." Sirius said with a shrug. "Though I do have a faint idea as to why you're really mad. I'm not as clueless as you think." He said, and went upstairs and left her completely baffled by his words. What did he mean by them?

rating - awful, pw - girl power - not!, nts - name is serena/serinity

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