0044: Wolfboy's Home Life - Danielle Adamar

May 19, 2003 08:29

I woke up this morning and realized that I went to bed last night without posting a Sue for you all! We cannot have that, so here is my catch-up Sue:

TITLE: Wolfboy's Home Life
PERPETRATOR: Prof. GrumpyWolf and My Minion

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Danielle Adamar is the primary Sue, there's also a 'Phoenix' and a 'Cassie' running around.
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: "dirty blonde, wavy shoulder length hair"
EYES: "chocolate brown eyes"

ORIGIN: Apparently a best friend of the Marauders since they were all two. Yes, two. But now she's dating Lupin.

NOTES: Read the title and the Author's name? Scared yet?

Anybody wanna hear a funny little fact about brain chemistry? Social animals, including human beings, have a sort of incest-prevention-device built into their brains. We remember the faces, voices, and even the scents of people we were around a lot when we were little (including parents, siblings, and friends), and our brains tag them as 'family'. Unless you've got some problems with your brain chemistry, it is very difficult to react sexually to anybody you knew very well when you were a small child, and if you do, the incest prevention mechanism steps in and makes you go 'okay, EW!'

This is why I have a problem with Filia/Valgaav fanfiction for Slayers TRY. It is also one of the reasons why I have a problem with this fic. Ew, ew, ew. For other reasons, see below:


Wolfboy's Home Life

Disclaimer: I own a few things, like Rem's siblings, my friend and I own Phoenix Potter and Dani Adamar.

A/N: If you don't know who Dani, Phoenix or any of the siblings are, email me at the address in my profile and I'll send the answer in a reply.

These are Remus' siblings from youngest too oldest - Remus (15), Romulus (25), Sam and Rebecca (30, twins), Cassie (31) and Robert is the oldest at 33.

For reasons of my laziness, I'm not giving any of Rem's siblings families right now.

Oh, this is extremely important. Dani is a GIRL. Her real name is Danielle.

Dani: 5'4", dirty blonde, wavy shoulder length hair, chocolate brown eyes, slim, very pretty. Extremely bright like Remus, an unofficial Marauder. She has been best friends with Remus, James and Sirius since they were all about 2 years old. She is as big a trouble-maker as the boys though.

Another important point, Remus is not like what he is in the books if you haven't read my other stories.

This is starting in Remus' 5th year Christmas holidays and will continue until he's about 20 years old.

Chapter 1

Remus, James, Sirius, Lily, Phoenix and Dani all got off the train in very happy moods. They'd been eating lots of sweets and with sweets came sugar, lots of sugar.

Remus looked around and spotted his mum and dad, Pam and Jon Lupin.

The six kids all said goodbye to each other in a mature fashion. By mature I mean James snogged Lily, Sirius snogged Phoenix and Remus snogged Dani.

They were all dating.

They all then went their separate ways. Remus headed over to his parents.

Pam pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"Ah! Mum! I can't breathe!" Whined Remus loudly.

Pam pulled away and glared good naturedly at him, "You watch that mouth."

Remus grinned at her.

"So, I see your girl problems have been dealt with?" Said Jon smiling when his son's face went a very unflattering shade of red.

Remus stood there like a fish with his mouth open.

He was glad when his mother made him go to the car.

ship - remus/oc, y - marauder era, nts - no last name, pf - marauder friend, ntr - sounds lovely titles, pf - marauder addition (fifth marauder), rating - awful, nts - speshul name, be - brown eyes, rom - remus lupin, sw-o - tootsitramp, bh - blond/blonde hair, pc - childhood friend, rom - oc, b - chocolate eyes/food descriptions, pw - subject matter not kawaii, pc - relationship sue

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