0042: A New Relation - Abigail

May 16, 2003 18:17

Saturday's Sue... this one is what the reviewers seemed to want Friday's Sue to be. Damn it all.

TITLE: A New Relation

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Abigail
SPECIES: Human/Muggle (possibly. She's only nine, so we don't know if she's a Witch yet)
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described

ORIGIN: Born in California. Her mother was Snape's sister, who married some guy named William and spawned a Sue. When her parents die somehow or other, nine-year-old Abby-Sue is sent to Britain to live with her Mysterious Uncle, for no better reason than Because The Plot Says So. Oh, and because she'll be safe from Voldemort there.

NOTES: Why do so many damn Sues need protection from Voldemort? Why don't the Canon characters come to their senses, tie the Sues to a stake in the yard, and bloody well let him have them?!

*pant pant*

I'm okay, really.


“Abigail? Abby, darling, you must eat something.” Nine-year-old Abby didn’t even bother to lift her face from the where it was buried in her arms; she just shook her head slightly. The mattress sank slightly as someone sat on the bed next to her and began rubbing her back gently.

“Go away,” Abby mumbled tiredly. The funeral had been just that morning, and Abby felt like she had spent her entire life crying. She rolled over onto her back and looked up at he woman sitting on her bed. Red-rimmed eyes met red-rimmed eyes and the woman smiled.

“I have some good news, darling,” she began, but was quickly interrupted by the child.

“Auntie Kara, I don’t think there’s anything you can say that’ll make things better,” the girl said bluntly.

“I’ve managed to track down your uncle,” Kara said simply. Abby was confused.

“Uncle Troy?” she asked, sitting up. “But we already know where he is. And Uncle Matthew lives right across town.” Kara shook her head.

“Your mother told me that if anything happened to her and she wasn’t able to take care of you any longer, you were to go live with her brother. I’ve been trying to track him down since they- since last week,” Kara explained. Abby frowned, trying to remember what she’d heard about her mother’s brother. All she could come up with was that her mother had a brother.

“Where does he live?” Abby asked.

“Britain. He’s a teacher there.” Abby’s jaw dropped open.

“I have to go live in another country?” she squeaked. Kara nodded a bit sadly.

“You’ll be living with him at the school. The youngest kids there are eleven, but I’m sure you’ll be able to quickly make some new friends. And though you won’t actually be attending the school, I bet the professors would be willing to let you attend some of the classes. You’ll like it there. You know,” she added, “that’s the school your mother and father and I went to when we were kids.” Abby finally started to look interested.

“What’s it called?”

“Hogwarts.” Abby giggled, not knowing that Kara had only told her part of the school’s name.

“What a funny name,” the girl said. “What does my uncle teach?” Abby was curious now; she’d never met any of her mother’s family, and they were seldom mentioned.

“I guess you could say he teaches something like chemistry,” Kara said, looking thoughtful as she considered her best friend’s brother. “Or maybe cooking. Or something like that.”

“Home ec?” Abby suggested. Kara smirked at the idea of Sera’s brother teaching kids how to cook and sew.

“Not really, you’ll see when you get there. I already booked a ticket for you on British Airways; you should be there just in time to catch the train with all the students on September 1st.” The smile immediately fell from the girl’s face.

“I don’t wanna go,” she pouted stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest. “Why can’t I stay here with you? Or Uncle Matthew? Or Aunt Crystal? I don’t wanna move away. I don’t even know this guy.” Kara sighed. She’d known this was coming.

“Baby, we’d love to have you stay here with any one of us, but your parents’ wishes must obeyed.” Besides, Kara added silently, it’s the only way to keep you safe. He wouldn’t dare try to hurt you at Hogwarts.

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), related to severus, nts - no last name, pf - voldemort is after them, rating - bad, related to snape, e - american, ntr - related to titles, sw-o - bitchiwitch, pt - death of parent(s), b - unknown eye color, p - plot prop, b - unknown hair color, rom - none

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