5122: Finding My Heart in Wood? - Bella Swan

Jan 22, 2022 21:03

What fandom is Harry Potter most crossed over with on the pit? Twilight. There are over 4k.

Title: Finding My Heart in Wood?

Perpetrator: Maggie Davis

Sue-O-Meter: Awfuk

Cover/Banner Art: The writer's avatar is a picture of the Twilight, Harry Potter and Hunger Games covers mashed together.

Summary: “Bella is 12 years old and believed she was a normal human girl... well, until she received a letter from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Follow Bella as she explores the world of magic, dangers and of course many suitors.”

Full Name: Isabella “Bella” Swan

Sueworts House(s): Quanonreip is a house I debated, but is her changing Wood's age just to ship enough. Is there more to it? That said, I do know that does qualify her for Tootsietramp as she's a relationship Sue and she's a woobie kidnapped victim so she also gets sorted into Bitchiwitch. I'm just not sure about the first one.

Species: An American Sue!

Physical Description: Nothing specific.

Possessions: Bella gets a letter (more than one actually) which she shouldn’t be getting as she is a Muggle and lives in America.

Origin: It’s a Twilight fanfic.

Connection to Canon: Bella and her father travel to England because she received a letter they have no way of knowing whether it is real or not. During her first shopping trip at Diagon Alley she instantly becomes infatuated with Oliver Wood. Fred and George take her under their wing because she managed to run into everyone at the same time Harry did.

In chapter two, “I squealed as I jumped up and down, clapping my hands!” and I’m left feeling this isn’t Bella Swan but an OC with her name.

She gets sorted into Gryffindor. The troll incident leads to her being lectured after using Petrificus Totalus on the troll and she’s sent to the hospital wing by Snape because she’s bleeding which is where she meets Carlisle because apparently Pomfrey can’t handle the infirmary.

By chapter five she’s kissing Oliver who is a fifth year. (The writer says he’s in third year.) Sixth chapter is an author’s note. Seventh chapter has a four year time skip. Eight chapter is an author’s note, as is chapter nine. Chapter ten starts off discussing the fact “it has been five years since I was kidnapped from Hogwarts” because Edward is creepy. Story rambles around until chapter thirteen where she discusses being worried she never is found and sadly she defends Edward’s behavior. I’m guessing it happened when she was seventeen? The writing is a bit all over the place.

Special Abilities: I’d say she’s a first year for crying out loud. Bella having a crush her first year is different than actually being in a relationship or headed towards a relationship. Which it does.

Notes: Yes. The story is bad. Yet, it’s not bad in the way Twilight fanfic is normally bad which is a good thing.


I was more than surprised when I received my first letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I thought it was a joke, but it turned out it was very real. After I thought about it, it did make a lot of sense. I had accidently set Jake's hair on fire when he upset me last week! Then even before that, at my friend's eleventh birthday party, I accidently spilled my grape juice on Rosalie's white skirt, but before I could do anything to clean it up, it was all gone. We both stood there staring at each other, but neither of spoke of it. I thought she had done it and she thought I had done it. Well, it turns out that it was actually me. I'm not sure I'm allowed to tell her that though.

So, after the fourth letter came for me, my daddy and I talked it over... we figured it would be best if I went to school where people would know how to help me. And now I am on my way to Hogwarts. I'm really excited, we're in England! I have never been to England before, but I have always wanted to. Daddy thinks I would fit right in with everyone here. First we have to find a place called Diagon Alley though, it's where I'm supposed to buy all my school supplies. It's funny the things I have to buy like... a wand, no witch could be a true witch without a wand, you know! I also need to get a cauldron, a set of glass phials, a telescope and a set of brass scales. I have no idea what most of this stuff is, but daddy thinks we'll be able to find someone who can help us.

Once we arrived in England, daddy and I got into a taxi! Thankfully the driver knew where Diagon Alley was and drove us right over there. The driver, although nice, seemed a little spooked by me. Does he know my secret too? That I'm a witch? He seemed a little too eager to get my daddy and me out of his car. We still waved good-bye to him and he sped off, before we could even pay him. Oh well. Silly driver. Do I really look dangerous? I giggled to myself and daddy took my hand and we walked over to a huge building called Gringott's Wizarding Bank. This is where daddy took our American money and exchanged it for wizard money. I liked the goblins that worked there. They were funny.

rating - awful, of - hogwarts letter, e - american, p - crossover, sue - (other canon)

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