5077: Our True Nature - Petunia Evans and Remus Lupin

Dec 19, 2020 01:02

As I looked for a potential Sue or Stu to feature today, I discovered the BrantSteele Hunger Games Simulator.

Title: Our True Nature
Perpetrator: RodeRozen
Sue-O-Meter: Bad
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of a wolf.
Summary: “-twins are both muggle, both magical, or both squibs- Lily and Petunia are twins. This changes things. Petunia is a muggle. Until she isn't. She's still very ill, though. Remus hated Moony. Until he didn't. He's still a werewolf, though. Petunia/Remus.”
Full Name: Petunia Evans and Remus Lupin
Sueworts House(s): The fact they’re relationship Sues/Stues means they fit right into Tootsietramp, but they also fit into Quanonreip because of - well, the issues I describe below. It is actually quite mild in comparison.
Species: They’re cute and fluffy romantic buddies. Well, Petunia isn’t fluffy, but hopefully the minions get the point.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Petunia is in a wheelchair. Which, I know the writer meant well when they wrote the scene of her being in a wheelchair, but having Lily use a spell to move her into the dorms felt majorly insensitive, but Lily having lived with Petunia would know that.
Connection to Canon: The story starts with Petunia getting bit by a brown dog and Snape taking off because he knows that an adult will arrive and handle the situation. Only Lily gets a letter, but because she already knows about the wizarding world it is sent via owl. Petunia runs back to the car when she learns that they need to walk through a wall in order to get to platform 9 ¾. We then jump ahead to the summer before sixth year and Lily convinces Petunia to go with her. Moving to the second chapter, we learn about a marauder tradition of sneaking into the first staff meeting despite this fact this would likely be going on while the students aren’t at school, but they decide to bring Petunia to school late because they knew all along that twins are always the same. (Face palms because the adults would have thought of this the first year, not right before the sixth year.) Turns out Petunia’s magic isn’t working because of some kind of illness which needs to be healed, which is a good idea until we learn it’s never been seen before. (Or it could explain squibs, except they’re not ill like Petunia is.) After arriving at Hogwarts, the story goes into plot what plot territory before we learn Petunia does better in the moonlight and a cure for Remus may be found. Turns out she was bitten by a were-dog which can roam around during the day. Then, randomly the Maruaders end up royally screwed ranging from broken wrists to being mangled. I’m not sure how that happened. Then, well, read the sample to see what results, but also know that after that Petunia and Remus get to be together and happily ever after despite the fact the story isn’t yet marked as complete.
Origin: I actually think the writer came up with an interesting idea that could easily head into Sue territory, but as I clicked on the title I was hoping to give this one a Good or Okay rating. I then read the first part of the story and realized the writer must be a young writer and confirmed this by looking at their profile where they note that they’re not yet an adult.
Special Abilities: Twins will always be the same in this.

Notes: I may not have been able to give the story the Good or Okay rating, but I was still impressed with the writer’s creativeness and do want to see how they grow as a writer in the future, because what I see is a lot of potential. So yes, unintenitionlly bizzare on the writer's part, but well loved and adored by Pottersues.


"Albus! It seems that Mr Lupin has regained his mind," she explained. Remus nodded.

The Headmaster hummed.

"You'll be pleased to learn that Miss Evans has made a full recovery, and is currently receiving private tutoring."

Yipping happily, Remus wagged his tail.

"I suspect that the past month, what we have been seeing is the consciousness of the werewolf inside of you," Albus addressed Mr Lupin.

"Albus," Poppy softly interrupted. "He doesn't remember anything."

"You don't? That's rather worrying. But no matter."

Remus barked.

"Oh, of course, you must be quite curious."

At this point, Poppy had had enough.

"Albus! Tell the boy what's happened."

"Ahem. My apologies. Poppy and I have reason to believe that the wolf inside of you has managed to take over your mind."

"Reason to believe?!" Poppy cried. "Albus, he's been behaving like a transformed werewolf for the past month!"

stu - remus lupin, rating - bad, pa - au - unintentional bizarro universe, sue - petunia dursley, p - fluff train, ps - spechul needs, ps - illness, a - made up ability, pa - au doesnt excuse the impossible, ps - wheelchair bound

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