(no subject)

Dec 19, 2020 00:02

First off, I found a really cute story about the Black family called These Trying Times by MarieKavanagh, To make a point regarding today’s entry I’m linking to a Quora post called ‘In Harry Potter, why is Molly Weasley a stuck up judgemental bitch to Sirius and to Fleur?’ and a reddit post called ‘Who do you think was right in Sirius and Molly’s argument in Grimmauld Place?’ I also managed to squeek this entry in tonight despite the technical difficulties I was having. Nope. According to the post date, I didn't.

Title: Reclaiming the House of Black
Perpetrator: Fairywm
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of Sirius from the movies.
Summary: “Tired of the way he and his godson are treated, Sirius takes a stand and reclaims his house. No longer will he let others rule his life. Molly, and others, get a smack down. No longer a one-shot.On hiatus due to illness.”
Full Name: Sirius Black
Sueworts House(s): He’s in Bitchywitch for supposedly being less cruel because of his stent in Azkaban only to have become even more cruel. He’s in Quanonreip for being a God-Mode Stu in regards to his powers.
Species: This Sirius is supposed to prove the writer’s point regarding Molly only to actually disprove it. Siriusly, he is worse than he is in canon.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Sirius bonds with House Elves making it so he now has six thus making Molly’s role in the story obsolete.
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with Sirius getting upset because Molly is having Harry room with Ron rather than letting Harry have his own room like Sirius wants because she feels Harry will want to spend time with his friends and Sirius feels this is hypocritical because they didn’t bring Harry to Grimmauld Place sooner. (Wasn’t that Dumbledore’s decision, not Molly’s.) For some reason he thinks it’s a great idea to have Hermione’s parents there ignoring the question of how they’d actually get Hermione’s parents there without the ministry knowing and tracking down the location of the Order. They’re Muggles after all. He then proceeds to strip Bellatrix of her powers turning her into a squib before openly threatening Kreacher by telling him he’s the choice of, “You will serve, or you will die.” He then orders Kreacher to start cleaning the house. The reader is then greeted by the following paragraph starting the second chapter. “Sirius had once been a cruel man, he admitted that to himself, but Azkaban had cured him of that. Years of torture and guilt did that to a man. But now, he felt compassion for the tired old elf. He wondered if he could find more elves to help Kreacher. This house was huge, and it was disgusting. It really needed more than one old decrepit elf, who was on his last leg, to clean it. That and it might improve Kreacher's disposition if he had help.” This was after he gave Kreacher the above ultimatum, but in this same chapter he tells Molly he will get his way or she and her family will be kicked out of the house putting them in danger and apparently this isn’t a cruel thing to do when it really is. He then tells Dumbledore a thing or two about how he wasn’t consulted regarding Harry’s living arrangements because Sirius is absolutely right that Harry should be living with him despite the fact, you know, he’s just escaped prison and acts worse than he did in his teen. This is just the first two chapters of a story which is twenty-four chapters, but then the story is also almost a hundred words already.
Origin: The writer feels Sirius and Harry were treated unjustly in the Order of the Pheonix books. More specifically, the writer says in an author’s note in the second chapter that “It has always bothered me that in OoTP Molly completely takes over Grimmauld Place. If that was my house, I would have booted her out so fast that her head would have spun. Really, it was just plain rude.”
Special Abilities: Sirius has the ability to turn someone into a squib which I believe is a new one. Specifically, he turns Bellatrix into a squib because she is bowing to Voldemort, but he also steals all her fortunes for himself simply because he is the head of the House of Black. He then gives some of her magic to Narcissa and Draco. He’s also able to easily bond with House Elves so that they will clean. We’re honestly supposed to believe Sirius would be an appropriate guardian for Harry despite the fact he is just as hotheaded as when he ended up going after Petigrew, and we all know how that ended. There’s also the fact he’s wanted by the ministry, majorly lacks in the maturity department and treats Harry as he’s a mini James rather than actually acting like a parental figure. This Sirius, he’s definitely not acting like a proper parental figure.

Notes: I get not liking Molly. She can at times be a very unpleasant person, such as how she treated Hermione during the fourth book and Fleur when she first started dating Bill. Notice though how both of these individuals are other females? In the case of Sirius, though, I don’t agree with this idea that Molly took over Grimmauld Place. One of the things I noticed about the reddit was the fact most people believed both were right in regards to how Harry should be treated, though in the case of Sirius a lot of him being right is seen in hindsight. As for Molly telling Sirius he wasn’t a good Godfather, I’ve got to side with her being right.

As littlebunnyears from the reddit thread says, “well, there was some truth to the accusation. this is a man straight out of prison with a dash of stunted adolescence treating a child like his long lost buddy.” Even Sucharita Jayanti from the Quora question points this out by saying, “Sirius was not necessarily the most mature at the age of 22 when he went to Azkaban, and it’s generally agreed upon that the prison did not do wonders for his mental stability, and didn’t help him mature at all. So Sirius in OoTP essentially has the maturity of a 22 year-old, maybe less.” They also say, “Harry looks a LOT like James (as is made clear throughout the books), and at age 15 he probably looks almost like a replica of the 21 year old James Sirius last saw. Sirius has a tendency to therefore treat Harry a lot like a friend or a slightly younger sibling than he does to treat him like a godson.”

Why is this important? In trying to prove their point that Molly was wrong they ended up proving her right by making Sirius act even more like someone in stuck in adolescence. Was she rude? I think the important point here is, as the person from Quora I quoted managed to point out she wasn’t trying to be rude, but instead was trying to look out for Harry. The fact Sirius saw Harry as his new buddy wasn’t a good thing either. Also, I need a tag for character bashing that can be used when Ron the Deatheater trope doesn't apply. Suggestions?


Taking a deep breath and he said, "I, Sirius Orion Black, hereby claim the Head of House for the House of Black. Let it be known from this day forth all Blacks will answer to me." Feeling magic wrap around him, judging him, he took another deep breath and waited. His core soon felt the tug of magic, like strings on a windchime.

"I hereby recall all who were cast out to be reinstated, and that they will know the power of the House of Black again," he said, knowing that if the family was to survive he would need those people. "Any Black that kneels to one other than the Head of House is henceforth an Oath Breaker. All rights, privileges and monies will be claimed as forfeit. As is my right, I hereby claim the forfeit of all oath breakers. May their magic be stripped and distributed to each Black that stayed true to themselves by my own discretion."

He felt the magic flow into the pedestal and start to fill him, the red light surrounded his body and then it burst out of him and dispersed into the air, feeling, searching and fulfilling his command. He could feel Andromeda, Tonks, and Harry through the magic, and they were getting stronger. He knew Andromeda and Tonks would know what that meant. Poor Harry would more than likely be scared.

The only reason the boy was getting Black magic was because of the godfather oath that Sirius swore when the child was born. Because the Potters died, Sirius was now his guardian, therefore, magic saw him as Sirius' heir. Harry was distantly related to his second cousin twice removed, via marriage, but he didn't hold Black blood. Sirius thought of changing that, but it would be up to Harry.

Putting aside that wonderful thought, the new Head of House wondered how Bellatrix was doing-he could feel the magic leave her, making her a squib. Would she take her own life now? He didn't care. That crazy bitch needed to be put down like the rabid bitch she was. He did like the fact that all her vaults would now be his and no one could enter until he went to Gringotts and claimed them completely. That blight on his family would be gone, finally.

He relished the power for a moment then turned his thoughts back to the others.

Narcissa was getting a small portion of the magic, as was Draco. It was at his discretion, after all. He did wonder what would happen should they take the Dark Mark, and then brushed those thoughts aside. Some of the more distant cousins, including the Weasleys, not Molly, were getting minute increases as well. It was such a tiny bit; they probably wouldn't even feel it.

"I hereby claim this house to be mine," he uttered steadfastly. "No one will rule but me. It is my duty and privilege to command that it serve me as it's Master. All wards will strengthen and listen only to me. All charms placed on this house are mine to command. Any with ill intent upon the House of Black will henceforth be denied access." He needed to have the control of the wards so that no one would be able to order him around in his house.

The wards flared, and he knew that Snivellus would no longer be allowed in the house. Neither would the thief, Mundungus. That was too bad; Sirius actually liked him. Maybe if he could get him to take a vow to keep his sticky fingers to himself…

Bringing himself back to the task at hand, he felt the Fidelius was now his and he was the Secret Keeper. Dumbledore would not be happy, but he didn't care what that old man thought right now. Trying to keep Harry and him prisoners didn't make Sirius like him all that much. Oh, he respected him and would listen to him about some things, but he didn't like him.

pw - character bashing, stu - sirius black, rating - toxic, oc - house elf/elves, pa - au - alternative timeline mangled, a - made up ability, pa - au doesnt excuse the impossible, p - plot prop, pa - au - what if logic fail, pc - jerk/anti sue, pa - au - character facets mangled

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