5072: I'll Tell You Mine (If You Tell Me Yours) - Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter and Veritaserum

Dec 14, 2020 14:54

I would like to introduce the Sueworts Sorting Tags which is yet another tag I am retroactively adding to entries at this point in time, but I’m still adding a section for the Sueworts Houses. Today’s entry is yet another from Lock Down Fest from which I’ve found both link of the day and stories to feature. Either way, I’ve definitely enjoyed the stories I’ve come across from this collection.

Title: I'll Tell You Mine (If You Tell Me Yours)
Perpetrator: MarchinoGirl
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “When a cauldron of Veritaserum explodes all over Harry and Malfoy, Harry has the chance to finally discover Malfoy’s secrets. And maybe something about himself too.”
Full Name: Draco, Harry and Veritaserum (Yes, I’m serious on this one)
Sueworts House(s): Quanonreip (all three), Draco and Harry (Tootsietramp)
Species: Draco is part Veela. I think he's turned into a Veela far more than any character including OCs.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: Harry is training to be an Auror when news of Lucius being part Veela is leaked to the media and Harry says that must be believable despite the fact everything else isn’t. (Um, sure.) Draco is working at the ministry creating a better version of Veritaserum which explodes all over them and they’re suddenly spouting out the truth without being prompted. This leads to them to having sex.
Origin: Draco’s created a special Veritasermum which they get dosed with. That said, so, my impression regarding Veritaserum isn’t that people just randomly blab things out. They must be prompted with a question. As I read the story, I was struck by the fact the characters were able to avoid actual prompts, but instead blurted out random stuff because of the game. As such, I don’t follow the logic of how playing the game will actually prove the Veritaserum’s rubbed off.
Special Abilities: Draco is part Veela which leads to the line, “People seemed to seriously not be affected by it, but Harry knew better- Malfoy had Veela blood, he was sure of it. There was no other reason for which he could find him attractive.”. So, either Harry is in major denial of being bisexual or he is being forced to go against his own sexuality. That’s what this implied to me. Also, a person must be Veela if they're beautiful is the other logic used in this story.

Note: Despite all of the above the story is still quite creative. I can't think of a way to actually pull this off without the above issues, but maybe somebody could.

“Fine,” Malfoy said, moving towards the counter where a melted cauldron was quietly bubbling. “Poor Harry Potter, I’m sure no one would resist, knowing you’re intoxicated by Veritaserum.” He waved his wand towards the door, locking it, and then towards the mess on the table to Vanish it. “If in an hour the effects aren’t gone, we’re going to the hospital, though.”

“Reasonable.” Harry watched as Malfoy retrieved another cauldron from his storage, setting up to prepare a new potion. “How do we know if the effects are gone?”

Malfoy glanced up at him, then down at the cauldron again. “We could play a game. ‘I’ll tell you mine, you’ll tell me yours’.” Malfoy’s cheeks turned a bright red as his eyes widened. Briefly, his eyes found Harry’s again, and he muttered, “I don’t know why I said that. It was stupid.”

Harry laughed. This chatty version of Malfoy was funny and it might serve Harry well in his mission to uncover Malfoy’s secrets. He crossed the distance to Malfoy’s counter, sitting on a stool in front of him.

“No, I’m in. Sounds like fun.” He flashed a smile to Malfoy, who blinked, cheeks still deliciously flushed.

Malfoy uncorked a deep purple flask and stuttered, “I- I was kidding, I need to start the potion again and, um-”

“I’ll start,” Harry interrupted cheerfully. He propped one elbow on the counter and leaned his chin on it. “When I was eleven, I was almost Sorted into Slytherin.”

Malfoy almost dropped the flask, looking scandalised. “What! Why? How? Why didn’t you- ”

The answers to Malfoy’s questions started circling in Harry’s head -I asked not to, I had just met you and you were nasty, I was afraid- but he shook his head, trying to resist the Veritaserum. “No questions, Malfoy. I’ll tell you mine, you’ll tell me yours.”

“Right. Er-” Malfoy tightened his grip on the flask, pouring ten drops into the cauldron. “When I was eight I had an imaginary friend named Harry Potter.” He blinked hard as Harry burst out laughing. Malfoy’s cheeks grew even redder. “Salazar, why the fuck did I say that!”

rating - awful, ct - veela (part), stu - dudley dursley, pc - relationship sue, stu - harry potter, p - plot prop, ss - object, ct - veela (draco - full or part)

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