5066: Quarantined - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco

Dec 06, 2020 02:38

I’ve found yet more COVID related stories.
Title: Quarantined
Perpetrator: endoftheziam
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None, since this is A03.
Summary: “It's the seventh year of Hogwarts for Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and everyone else who survived the Second War with Voldemort. Everyone's gearing up for spring break, when a curious disease called Corona Virus starts spreading through the magical and muggle communities.”, “Stuck in Hogwarts for spring break, Draco and Harry suddenly find themselves facing the most harrowing enemy of all: Quarantine. Together.”, “Harry just wants to heal from the trauma he suffered during the war with Voldemort, to come to terms with the guilt and distance he has built between himself and everyone else.”, “For Draco, quarantine means staying away from his sickly mother, and being unable to interact with a large human population. which is a serious problem if you're an extrovert, or a vampire...” and “With only each other to focus on, Harry and Draco have never hated each other more. They hate each other so much, they might finally figure out that they're actually in love...”.
Full Name: “Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and everyone else who survived the Second War with Voldemort.”
Species: Draco’s a vampire, but everybody are angst ridden teens incapable of acting like the adults they are.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: I wrote in the special abilities part that Harry is incapable of acting like an adult, but in reality this applies to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco. Every single one is acting like an angst ridden teenager who hasn’t gone through a traumatic event at all, but one would think every single one would have outgrown this behavior by the time the war ends. Apparently the Weasley family is going on a retreat, having waited for some reason to heal from Fred’s death until the following spring, but to also reconcile with Percy. Harry’s not invited because we’re supposed to believe Molly doesn’t want Harry to feel guilty. For some strange reason he gets invited to Malfoy manor and they’re still acting bratty to each other. Next thing we know everyone is stuck at Hogwarts because this Muggle illness also *gasp* just so happens to affect wizards and witches. Draco is upset because he can go home to his mother who is ill, but he’s stuck there all alone with nobody because - well, I guess none of the Slytherin’s returned. Chapter two jumps back and forth between the two, but Draco is also worried about his blood supply running out because *gasp* he just happens to not just be an angst ridden teen, he’s an angst ridden teenaged vampire. That’s as far as I’m going to get on this one, because the characters are horribly OoC, but this is only two out of the thirteen chapters.
Origin: “I realize this is a sensitive subject, so please, feel free to not read this if you think it's too upsetting or timely. I'm just trying to find a way to keep occupied during quarantine, and I thought it might be fun..” Given the story from the other day where readers attacked the writer for using COVID as the subject matter, I don’t think it’s tactless to write about COVID specifically, though it can be done in a tactless manner. In fact, I think it’s a great way for coping with the whole COVID pandemic, hence why I’ve been featuring such stories. All of us have gone mad in their own way.
Special Abilities: Harry is incapable of acting like an adult after the war ends while Draco is for some reason a vampire. Oh, and we’ve supposed to believe that their hatred for each other is really love, and that’s just the summary.

Notes: One of the writer's tags for this particualr story is "I've seen canon and it's not cute enough", but my thoughts were that seeing the characters act like they're still in their younger teens is far from cute.

“I just feel so horrible,” Draco said, making sure his voice carried so that Harry, Ron and Hermione could hear it all the way across the Great Hall, “For the students who have to stay here over spring break because they’re not wanted at home.”

“Like anyone would want to go to your home, Malfoy,” Harry muttered. “No one wants to watch your father drink mimosas and impulse-buy expensive art.”

Ron snorted into his pudding, but Hermione pulled a face. “Why do you let Malfoy get to you, Harry? It’s not like he’s coming up with anything new.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Harry protested, his voice at a normal volume now. “Voldemort’s dead, we’re all back at Hogwarts, and he’s still on. The same. Bullshit.”

“You always have to have a problem with Malfoy.”

Harry looked at her incredulously. “He tried to kill all of us! Several times!”

“And he also saved your life!” Hermione’s left hand twitched, and Harry knew she was thinking of the Mudblood scar carved into her skin, one which no amount of potions and elixirs had ever managed to remove entirely. “Maybe it’s time to put all this aside.”

“Fat chance, Hermione,” Ron mumbled around a mouthful of kippers. “Malfoy’s a whiny little bitch, and always has been.” He took a massive swallow and continued. “I wouldn’t put it past him to finish his master’s little mission posthumously.”

“I’m shocked you know what posthumous means, though since you’re using it incorrectly, it really can’t be helped.” Hermione said nastily.

“Can the two of you stop bickering? I’d like some peace and quiet.” Harry glared down at his pancakes. A part of him looked forward to spending the break alone, but the other part wanted to listen to Ron and Hermione bicker some more.

stu - draco malfoy, ct - vampire (full), pt - adults are useless, rating - awful, pc - relationship sue, stu - harry potter, stu - ronald weasley, sue - hermione granger, pc - jerk/anti sue

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