5065: Quarantine - Lily and James Potterr

Dec 05, 2020 11:07

As I look through the stories on the pit which I found via searching covid, I’m must say Harry Potter & The Covid Curse by Professor Humbug isn’t a bad read and could be used for some good inspiration. Sadly there was only ever one chapter posted for that particular story, though it may have been meant as a one-shot. Then we’ve got a troll I feel it’s better not to give the time of day to. That left one story.
Title: Quarantine
Perpetrator: petals-to-fish
Sue-O-Meter: Bad
Cover/Banner Art: A picture of what I assume was James and Lily.
Summary: “A COVID-19 curfew takes an accidental turn when the Potters both end up in the ER, Lily in her knickers and James barefoot in his police uniform (co-written with GryffindorMischief)”
Full Name: Lily and James Potter
Species: Canon characters in name only.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: None - this is as one reader put it, a quarantine AU. I didn’t at all feel like I was reading a Harry Potter fanfic, but basically it is as the summary says, yet ends with Potter being told he isn’t a cop and as one reader puts it, “James and Lily being sent to the hospital and still joking about sex”. The nurse insists he’s not a cop and that they’re just role playing because if - well, what you read in the summary, so the nurse is also an idiot.
Origin: We’re all going nuts because of quarantine.
Special Abilities: We’re supposed to believe this is James and Lily. Me, I felt it could have been any character had one switched out the names. One of the major take away from the story was that Lily was three months pregnant, didn’t know and still drinking.

Notes: I know that certain fans for the pairing found the one-shot hilarious, but I didn’t. Not when poor Harry is at risk for Fetal Alcohal Syndrome and Lily’s not at all acting like the intelligent person she’s supposed to be in canon.


She let out a garbled moan, that sounded not remotely human, and slid down on the sofa until her arse was hitting the edge. James chuckled and placed his badge down on the side table carelessly, watching his wife have a mental breakdown. The television was paused, but he saw she was watching Ella Enchanted for the third time and James considered that she had, indeed, been inside too long because she didn't even like that movie since she claimed it ruined the book.

There was a half empty bottle of wine on the table in front of her and it looked warm, as if she hadn't gotten around to finishing it. That was alarming within itself. Lily Potter was a notorious wine drinker, especially if she had nothing better to do with her time.

Lily spoke with her hands over her face, the sound becoming muffled, "it's past curfew and if I run out there, then you have to arrest me. I've lost the will to drink, James."

"That's not how this works Lily." James snorted, "you'd still be stuck...only this time in a jail cell. No telly, no wine."

"At least I'd get three seconds of freedom." she pretended to reach for the window, "three seconds of clean air."

"It's the same air in our backyard, go stand out there for three seconds. Also it's not quite clean...considering the virus."

"James," she gave a feeble sob, "I'm so bored that I'm thinking of calling my sister to talk, talk James!"

James rolled his eyes, knowing she wouldn't ever willingly call her brat of a sister, "dramatic, much?"

She shot the bird irritably and James let out a bark of a laugh.

She pleaded, "take me to work with you tomorrow!"

"The only way you're able to go to work is if I arrest you."

Lily held out her wrists, "cuff me Potter!"

pw - subject matter not kawaii, sue - lily potter, rating - bad, stu - james potter

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