5040: The Rock's Last Lion - Tytos II Lannister

Dec 14, 2019 18:12

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic. Since Gamer Fic is a rather new concept in fanfic, I’ve added links to three entries which feature a Gamer Fic. I’m also working on a list of common traits we find in Sue stories which make them Sue stories called More Than Thirteen Reasons Why.

Title: The Rock's Last Lion
Perpetrator: Baelor Breakspear
Sue-O-Meter: Awfuk
Cover/Banner Art: Their cover art is of someone in gold armour.
Summary: “Tywin Lannister was disappointed in the legacy that he had left, his first son was a glorified bodyguard, his third was a whoremonger and drunkard. His second son, he had the smarts of Jaehaerys the Wise, the strength of Gregor Clegane, but also had the cunning of a Lannister. His son's name would be remembered, Tytos II Lannister. (No WW!/Original Ideas/Alternate Universe/Incest)”
Full Name: Tytos II Lannister (Shouldn’t it be Tytos Lannister II?)
Species: He’s supposedly an OC from the Harry Potter universe, but in reality he’s just an OC from the GOT universe.
Hair: “… instead of having long flowing hair like Jamie or Cersei, he looked more and more like his father over the years.” Beyond that, not willing to dig for the info.
Eyes: See markings.
Markings: “He adopted his mother’s high cheekbones and piercing green eyes that made their father remember Joanna..”
Connection to Canon: Why did we need an entire preface dumping information regarding the writer’s OC? Chapter two - yet another info dump regarding major events, but I’m not sure yet how this story connects to HP. In chapter three, the writer admits Tywin is removing Jamie from the line of sucession just to make it so the writer’s OC can be the new heir, because “…the Westerlands has begun to see riches like no other. They have also had more food and crops because of Tytos, with his techniques on breeding the animals and crop ideas. He has helped several Houses with their keeps, earning their loyalty.” That’s only because Tytos is the writer’s self-insert Gary Stu who is meant to be better than his canon brother including stealing his brother’s love interest. Chapter four - more info dumping of events and how amazing Tytos is. There are currently twenty-one chapters, but I don’t want that many more chapters of this.
Origin: The summary made me wonder what this particular story had to do with the Harry Potter universe. In the prologue which is not actually a prologue, but instead an a preface there is an author’s note at the end which says, “on to House Lannister, Tytos has found the Philosopher Stone but he is also from the Harry Potter world. Look out for that, now Tytos will be Paired with Cersei and her bitchiness will be toned down to a whole whomping number of 0…” We also learn that, “She and Robert will have Kids but so will she and Tytos, who will actually be involved in his kid’s life.”
Special Abilities: Here are some of the things people have pointed out in reviews.
- The writer didn’t understand the population and monetary cost behind armies.
- There is no mention of Harry anywhere.
- The OC pretty much takes over for his older brother Jamie.
- He found the philosopher’s stone. (Apparently the writer thinks this makes this a Harry Potter crossover when Nicolas Flamel was a real life person,  but other works have their own version of the stone.)
- The stone is there so the OC can magically create the strongest steel ever.

Notes: On of the reviews on chapter sixteen brings up the fact that “…Tytos was the made up nobody from Harry Potter that no one cares about…”, but the writer gives us absolutely no reason for caring for this OC let alone believing the character is actually from the HP universe. We’ve another review from someone who’s actually read the entire twenty-one chapters - which is almost 180,000 words by the way. “he story started out ok and ended as of this chapter as disappointing. Too many POV's that don't do anything, not enough cross over content to justify the tag, and a plot that doesn't know what direction it wants to go in. I don't recommend this story to fans of either HP or GoT fandoms.”


Tytos II Lannister ~

Born: 266 AC In Casterly Rock to Joanna Lannister and Tywin Lannister, he was born alongside his brother and sister, Cersei and Jamie, making them the first triplets in the Lannister line.

Tytos was born to Tywin and Joanna Lannister in Casterly Rock along with his Sister and Brother, Tytos while in Casterly Rock had read up on many things in the world, he expressed much interest in the Targaryen Dynasty so much that he is sometimes referred to as the Lion who Breathes Fire. Tytos had loved learning about the history behind his House and many others, he had even brushed up on the Bannermen to House Lannister. Although he spent most of his time around the Cadet Branches of House Lannister, more specifically House Lannister of Lannisport.

At seven namedays old he had learned from his father about ruling Casterly Rock, although Jamie was the Heir and he was the Spare. Jamie had never expressed all that much excitement or enthusiasm in ruling Casterly Rock, but Tywin had seen his son Tytos express much to desire about Casterly Rock, and so to his Wife's guidance and convincing, Tywin allowed his son to take on the training to become Lord of Casterly Rock someday. It would prove to be one of the Best moves that Tywin made for House Lannister in some time.

Tytos and his siblings had a somewhat weird relationship, this was only between himself and Jamie. He and Jamie had loved each other being brothers and all, they would play together and pretend to be the Targaryen Princes of old. It came as a shock that Jamie and Cersei had a terrible relationship with Brother and Sister, they outright disliked one another, due to the fact that one of them always wanted to play with Tytos, it had caused their relationship to sour. Although over the months in Casterly Rock, Tytos would no longer be close to his brother and instead spend time with his sister, Cersei. This would also lead to Tytos and Cersei loving each other like no siblings should, but also because of Tytos, a certain prophecy of Cersei would never come true...

Tytos was seven namedays old when he lost his mother, Joanna Lannister. His brother, Tyrion born a dwarf was introduced to the cruel world. Jamie had blamed Tyrion for their mother's death while Tywin had simply regarded Tyrion with coldness and hate, something that Tytos disliked about his father. Tytos and Cersei were the only ones that were kind to Tyrion, being parents to him when their mother had died and Tywin refused to take care of him. It was something both of the twins had welcomed with blushes adorning their face, but they had help from Aunt Genna. She was the only mother figure they had in Casterly, the twins, meaning Cersei and Tytos had taken to it greatly. Although they still missed their mother. They that Aunt Genna had meant well.

ap - athletic pursuit, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - crossover, rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, be - green eyes, ap - academic pursuit, b - unknown hair color, b - speshul hair

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