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Dec 11, 2019 22:27

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic. Since Gamer Fic is a rather new concept in fanfic, I’ve added links to three entries which feature a Gamer Fic. I’m also working on a list of common traits we find in Sue stories which make them Sue stories called More Than Thirteen Reasons Why.

Still working through the GOT stories I found.

Title: Fire and Shadow
Perpetrator: I LIKE FEAR 1-2
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is cover art for F.E.A.R. This was the last thing I looked at which was when I’d realized I’d featured a series from the writer before. That one was a crossover with Naruto and the entry can be found here.
Summary: “The child born of Dragon and Wolf, was not alone, and he brought with him, something terrible. Rage and Domination, given flesh. That is what she was. For countless Millennia, she waited in the abyss, and now, finally her time has come. The one who would hold dominion over all the free people of the Earth, has returned, and she bring with her, fire and blood.”
Full Name: Harriet Potter/Lyarra Snow
Species: She’s supposed to be Harry’s evil twin. Jon Snow may be Harry, but without the memories Lyarra got blessed with.
Markings: “Lyarra Snow, was a very pretty young girl of Eleven, whom would most definitely grow up into a breathtaking woman. Her hair was black as night, with eyes that were so crushing and dark that it was near impossible to tell pupil from iris without the aid of light. Her face mirrored that of her father's, she was beautiful, elegant, in a way that Stark's often weren't. Stark's were known for their hardiness, and wolfish features. Being strong, stout, and in many cases, grim. Her twin Jon was often mocked for how pretty he was. Better looking, than northern girls, some would say.” She plans on building a magical kingdom with her power.
Connection to Canon: Apparently we’re supposed to believe the battle with Voldemort went on for centuries, but the Harry Potter cast are fighting with swords like they are in Lord of the Rings. In regards to the Dark Lord, Harry “drove his sword into her heart.” Yup. The Dark Lord is a she. As she dies, she talks to Harry about how she loves him and then… we find out the Dark Lord is Harry Potter’s sister, just because the writer can do this rather than any logical reason. She starts wondering why “dearth was an interesting thing. She often wondered why Voldemort had feared it so, why he had gone to such lengths and ravaged his own soul just to avoid it. Of all the things she had taken from the previous Dark Lord, his fear of death was not one of them.” We then just to Lyarra Snow and get an info dump regarding what she looks like. The reader gets an info dump regarding how amazing this reincarnation of Harry’s twin sister is. It’s bad enough she didn’t get any character development in the Harry Potter universe, but there is none in the GOT universe either. As one of the reviewers points out, “why is Jon immediately so submissive?” but comments about him growing up in his twin’s shadow. Actually, I’m at chapter seven and I’m tired of how much the characters talk and really don’t do anything because the writer is too busy - well, info dumping and creating the perfect world for the OC and the writer’s favorites.
Origin: “This’ll be a GOT/Harry potter crossver, with heavy elements from Lord of the Rings, as well as several other fandoms.” The summary inside the first chapter also says, “FemHarrytwin, Evil femHarry, like really evil, she'll make Voldemort look like a softcore bitch by comparison, psychopathic femHarry, Dark Got universe, Overpowered femHarry, dominating evil, good's about to get punched in the dick. And for those of you wondered, femHarry, basically became like Sauron or Morgoth, in her own universe, like just as evil, just as powerful, just as dominating, her past will be explained in memories, or flashbacks, so you'll get to know more about how she fell, and what turned her to evil in the past life. FemHarry/Harem, Male and Female, some as husbands and wifes, others as concubines or servants. Blood, Gore, Language, Character Death, Incest.”
Special Abilities: As for abilities, “Lyarra was a cunning and ambitious child, a natural in everything she did. Her intelligence left lords, and maesters dumbfounded more often than not. She learned to walk as soon as her little legs could carry her, she learned to speak in full sentences, as soon as her vocal cords had developed enough. By the time she was five, she was reading books, most men four times her age, had trouble with. Lyarra, was a gifted child. A gifted child, that held a dark secret.”, but we also get “Beneath those coal black eyes, lay something monstrous, that yearned to be released once again. Her past and what she was, was well known to the girl. In fact, it was probably more accurate to call her a woman in a girl's body. Since the moment of her birth, or rebirth into this world, Lyarra had been aware of what she was.” And, “She remembered her life before as Harriet Potter, daughter of James and Lily Potter. She remembered Hogwarts, she remembered magical Britain, and most importantly, she remembered magic.” “Magic always came so easily to her as Harri Potter, and now, as Lyarra Snow, it came to her with even greater ease. In her past life, she had been born as a child of light, whom was turned to darkness, by betrayal, and the aid of a very depraved monster.” “This time around, Lyarra Snow was already Dark. The people around her could tell there was something off about her, and a few even felt something was very, very wrong. The way she understood things, her natural abilities, her speed and strength, and the eerie way she just knew what you were thinking whenever she spoke with you. All these things together caused many to be incredibly weary around her.”

Notes: I think the phrase “less is more” is apt for this one.


For countless centuries, he and his friends had fought. Magic had saturated the world destroying muggle technology, and allowing magicals to live for even longer than they had before. Harry, Hermione, and Ron, all looked to be old. In their late forties, yet each had walked the earth for half a millennia, fighting the Dark Lord. Now all three stood together, with their teacher and guide Dumbledore. All of them ready to finally end this war.

With a blast of magic, Harry tore the doors off to the Dark Lord's throne room. He and his group advanced inside, to find it near empty, except for the lone figure that sat, slumped on her throne.

There before him, clad in silk robes, was the Dark Lord. The greatest evil, the world had ever known. She looked tired, and worn. Her power exhausted. Her robes were stained with blood from a wound on her torso that refused to heal. It was obvious to those that viewed her, that she was very close to dying.

Looking upon the small troop, the Dark Lord smiled. Her smile was charming, and to those that viewed it, they found it beautiful. Her hair was pitch black, her iris's were red like blood. She had pale skin, that was even more so due to the bloodloss. Though even with the loss of blood, she was an immense beauty.

"I see you've made it." The Dark Lord stated as she rose to her feet. Her silk robes were almost translucent, and her voluptuous figure clearly visible beneath it as she made her way towards them.

All four stood, weapons at the ready. Two swords and two wands were focused on her, as she advanced towards them.

"Your reign of terror ends now. It's over." Dumbledore stated, his voice carrying years of authority and wisdom to it.

"This ends today. You wont live to see tomorrow." Harry agreed as he pointed his sword at her.

A chuckle was all they received as she reached within a few meters of them.

"Aw… what? You're just going to kill me, with no goodbye kiss? I even got all dressed up for you." She replied as she ran a hand over her clearly nude frame, beneath her see-through robes.

pc - villian sue, rating - toxic, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, b - speshul skin, p - crossover, b - speshul figure, bh - black hair, p - sue what plot? swp, be - black eyes, pc - relationship sue, related to harry potter

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