5036: Magicans of the North - Persephone Bellatrix Black and Draco Lucius Malfoy

Dec 10, 2019 20:33

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic. Since Gamer Fic is a rather new concept in fanfic, I’ve added links to three entries which feature a Gamer Fic. I’m also working on a list of common traits we find in Sue stories which make them Sue stories called More Than Thirteen Reasons Why.

I'm still trying to get back into the routine of posting.

Title: Magicians of the North
Perpetrator: 10868letsgo
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is possibly a clip from GOT, but may just be a picture the writer wanted to represent their OC.
Summary: “Catelyn Stark had a prophetic dream that her family is taken, slaughter and kill. She came to the Tree to plead the Old Gods into sparing her family and take her life instead. And just like that a boy and girl came upon her. Just who are they and why do they have magic?”
Full Name: Persephone Bellatrix Black, Draco Lucius Malfoy
Species: They’re cousins in love with each other.
Hair: See markings.
Eyes: n/a
Markings: For some reason Draco and Persephone’s dark marks are visible in GOT despite the fact Voldemort doesn’t exist as a living being in this world. Persephone is also described as “looks almost close likes norther girl, like brown hair and fuzzy curls and softens oval and gentle features.”
Possessions: “Judging by their clothing, he would have to guess that they must be some nobility of sorts. Yet he noticed their sigil on their cloaks that has a silver snake in the green background.”
Connection to Canon: Draco and Persephone are making out only for the two to flee from Ferinir. We jump to Catelyn who is bemoaning the fact the future she sees is “punishment for not keeping her promise to loveless child, Jon Snow!” She then find Draco and Persephone, but the writer thinks the title “The Boy and Girl who Snuck in Winterfell” is a good title for them. Moving onto the second chapter, there is question whether they will live or not. They wake up and rejoice the fact they are free. They talk about potentially erasing memories.
Origin: Reading the first part of the first chapter, I was left with the impression that romances between cousins are societally wrong and thus Draco and Persephone are needing to flee to another world where they’ll be accepted. The writer is from the United States where cousin marriage is illegal in half of the states “outright”. As such they’re unaware of the fact such marriages are completely legal in the UK.
Special Abilities: “Draco is not on a trusting side because of the bad history of witch hunts and propaganda of Muggle-born from his family .Persephone is caution about them, but she doesn’t hate all muggles and muggle-born. Next Chapter, Lord Stark and Lady Stark meet the wizard and witch.”

Notes: The writer currently has sixty-six stories.  Of these stories only three are complete. Only two of the stories don’t involve an OC, or at least according to the character and summaries.


The swamp is dark, gloomy and the air is stench of mixed smells. The forest on the edge of the woods are cover the foot to the ground of mist and fogs.

The shadows are moving that formed two people. "Keep quiet!" One whispered to the other, which she has nodded.

This is the only chance they got.

"Where do we go?" She questioned him whom he quickly replied, "Anywhere, but here. Somewhere, far, far away, so that both our fathers cannot find us and we can live in peace. Together."

He holds onto her body closely to his. He loves her. Despite that they are cousins from their mother side, but that never stop anyone in their family on marrying their blood. He doesn't care who her father is. She is not his father. And he is not his father.

He overheard that they are going to sacrifice her to make her bear another man's heir. He met him once or twice from pureblood parties.

He is a drunken and bedded many women. That man has no quells on hitting women if you pushed his temper too far.

He will never let her go through that.

"Amare," She spoke in Latin that means love.

He passionately kissed her. She moans and eagerly. Sounds of teeth clashes, trying to reach their emotions and bruising lips are pressed. He cupped her and stops to look into her eyes.

They smiled until….


"Fenrir!" She gasped as she is being forced out of her trance to run.


He urged her.

They both ran as fast as they can.

"They're this way!"

Oh no! They are catching up to them.

They stop upon the tree that carves up a face and red syrups are dripping. They never had seen that kind of tree before.

"Draco, I will always love you till the day I die."

Draco Lucius Malfoy. Yes, this is her cousin and the man she has openly loved.

"And I will love you always, Persephone Bellatrix Black."

related to the blacks, p - crossover, related to the malfoys, rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, bh - brown hair, pc - relationship sue, b - unknown eye color

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