5029: Wizards In Westeros - Ériu and CÁEL Brennan, plus Harry Potter

Sep 24, 2019 20:20

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic. Since Gamer Fic is a rather new concept in fanfic, I’ve added links to three entries which feature a Gamer Fic. I’m also working on a list of common traits we find in Sue stories which make them Sue stories called More Than Thirteen Reasons Why.

Here is day three. The writer did quite a bit of the work for me.

Title: Wizards In Westeros
Perpetrator: australianfanfic
Sue-O-Meter: Awful (The writer never really went into enough depth to get the toxic rating, but could have.)
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of a nice green medow.
Summary: “What do you think would happen when 800 witches and wizards get transported to the island Skane, north of the island of skagos in the north of Westeros. This is the story of 800 of those people and how they make their way from a grassy field to a powerhouse they will prove who is superior, muggle, wizard or maybe both... MORE INSIDE”
Full Name: Ériu Brennan and CÁEL Brennan, plus Harry added in during chapter two.
Species: They’re husband and wife from the world of Harry Potter who apparently fell into the world of Game of Thrones with seven-hundred and ninety-eight other wizards and witches. Harry is - I’m serious - a general in the fight against Voldemort.
Hair: See markings for the wife. The writer couldn’t be bothered with the male.
Eyes: See above.
Markings: “As such she is also an animagus, her form is that of a Haasts eagle which represents how much of a giant she is in this story as well as how unknown she and the bird are. She is the classic image of a Viking. Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6ft 1 tall with an average but good weight for her height of 75kg. As this is going to be rated M I will go in to detail on her breast size which is a DD.” We also get regarding the female character, “She usually dresses in revealing clothing almost always showing cleavage to everyone. She is very proud.” As for the male character, “His animagus form is a massive wolf, with brown and black fur and at least 3 metres in length, at least 2 metres high and one metre wide. He is 39 years of age.”
Possessions: “She is the envy of all women when she walks up the street and she is 40 years old with twin girls and one boy.” They’ve stolen the entire entire library collection of Hogwarts as well as all the wands poor Olivander is trying to make a living off of, but they still the books from Diagon Alley as well.
Connection to Canon: As one can see in the author’s note quoted by the writer, this has nothing to do with Harry Potter because the writer doesn’t understand the point of fanfic isn’t to establish your own OCs unless for some reason the story would only work with an OC. Moving along, Harry died which leads to 800 wizards and witches fleeing from their world into this other world. How do they get there? Why, the veil of course. They start making a community in this new world, but they have a functioning village within a weak. Since the readers complained about no canon characters they decided to bring them in during the second chapter. For some reason Harry - who for all intents and purposes is supposed to be dead otherwise they wouldn’t have made this stupid move is alive and discussing their battle with Voldemort as if it were one of the World Wars and they were the allied forces. Except, he says, “What about the Americans, Indians and Chinese where are their forces.” According to Neville, they are “Currently liberating Iceland, the middle east and North Africa. Basically trying to stop them advancing any further. Bad news though, the muggle American, Chinese and Russian know about Magic. The stuatue of secrecy has been broken and the muggles are sending their army over to Europe to help the aurors here”. This is so Harry Potter and friends no longer have to hide. This whole WWII like scenario is plot in the middle of the OC scenario where the OCs meet up with Stark a couple of times, but Harry is now - get this - a general. I clicked on the third chapter and found myself glad the only thing there was an author’s note even though over on the pit author’s notes as individual chapters is against site rules.
Origin: “What do you think would happen when 800 witches and wizards get transported to the island Skane, north of the island of Skagos in the north of Westeros. This is the story of 800 of these people and how they make their way from a small village to a powerhouse they will prove who is superior. This will not include any main characters from the Harry Potter series as I feel it's important to establish my own characters in this story and not follow the same idea as other fan fiction stories. So the main character in this story will be someone called Ériu Brennan a witch who is 23 years above Harry (she is an OC) and who she is married is named CÁEL Brennan. Haven't got a clue how either if they are pronounced so feel free to look yourself. As I have never read the books a song of fire and ice I will go off the TV show but incorporate some law of what I find out about on A Song of Fire and Ice.”
Special Abilities: “Ériu- She is intelligent, loyal, kind, adventurous, sympathetic and a very good leader. But can be irresponsible and close minded at times. What she hates the most is disloyalty, needless death of innocent people and most of all failing those who look up to her. What she desires most in life is Family and the strength to defend those who are loyal to her. She is a very talented magician and a knack for transfiguration, charms. Runes arithmancy and defence against the dark arts.” We also learn, “Due to her child hood she is a talented builder and ship builder, sailor as well as farmer.” As for the male character, “CÁEL- He is dedicated, kind, humble, disciplined, strong and a good follower. He can be selfish, jealous, dishonest and lazy at times. He fears for his family being destroyed or killed and will do anything to prevent it happening. His life goal is to shake up the establishment and change it. He was a quidditch player in school on Hufflepuff as a beater. He has a tidy appearance and very plain in his choice of clothing. He is talented at Herbology, astronomy, arithmancy, runes and Muggle weaponry as well as charms. He knows the natural earth and all its properties (he can do slight earth elemental magic). Hence why he is such a talented potion maker and herbologist of muggle and wizard plants. He studied muggle weapons like swords crossbows longbows long swords and a large array of them including muggle guns. He knows how to craft them and knows using a complex spell where to find the resources.”

Notes: There aren’t many reasons why a reader needs to know a characters bra size.


Harry Potter is dead. Everyone has given up hope as all the leaders of the light died in the battle of Hogwarts. Harry sacrificed himself in the forbidden forest to save everyone in the castle. I still don't know why to this day Harry Potter trusted Voldemort to keep his word. He attacked when no one refused to join his side and his corpse was cast aside. In the chaos of battle that ensued every single Hogwarts teacher died, all of Harry's class mates and followers of the light were murdered, raped and god knows what else. Lucky a bit of us managed to escape through to Hogsmede and collect the children really.

In 5 trunks we packed the whole of the Hogwarts library up as each of these trunks had massive extension charms on them. We then proceeded to collect the children in Hogsmede before going to Gringotts to collect as much funds as we can with the aid of the goblins of course. As well as collect every available wand left in Diagon alley in ollivanders as well as many other wand shops. We then proceeded to collect everything else needed such as all potion ingredients and everything needed to grow them as well as common crops and make them. We packed up as much books in Diagon alley's book stores as we could before proceeding to the ministry to the unspeakable department with everyone to collect more information. What we found shocked us, after shortly reading on recent experiments on the veil we deducted that it was a doorway to a different world or universe. That was when we decided with all of the stuff we collected to go through rather than face a magical Britain under an evil maniacs rule and that's where my story begins.

When I stumbled through with my daughters, son and husband with the 800 people behind I felt as if someone or multiple people were watching me as I travelled through what looked like a wormhole from those muggle science fiction shows. White lines streaked in a tube like shape with me in the middle all the way as far as the eye can see. Just before I appeared on the other side I distinctly heard, what sounded like Harry Potter saying to me.

"Follow your heart Ériu, the hopes and dreams of our world now rest on your shoulders goodbye." Before I was launched on to a flat patch of grass face first along with 800 other people and my family.

ap - athletic pursuit, or - weapons, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, pc - runaway, p - crossover, rating - awful, ac - animagus, stu - harry potter, ap - academic pursuit

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