5022: Harry and Amber connected - Harry, Neville, Hermione, Luna and Amber

Sep 12, 2019 11:38

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic. Since Gamer Fic is a rather new concept in fanfic, I’ve added links to three entries which feature a Gamer Fic.
I’m also working on a list of common traits we find in Sue stories which make them Sue stories called More Than Thirteen Reasons Why. Since Did Not Do Their Research will be a long list on itself, I’ll be adding a list of some of the things we’ve seen writers not bother to do research on.
Feel free to participate in the contest or add input onto the list mentioned above.
Title: Harry and Amber connected
Perpetrator: Penny is wise
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art:
Summary: “Somehow when Amber gained her Maiden powers, a connection to a young Harry was formed.”
Full Name: Harry, Hermione, Neville, Luna and Amber
Species: Harry’s D&D party. (Sorry, but that is rather hard to resist given - just see the sample. Actually, just see possessions.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: For some reason Neville is now a “bear of a man”.
Possessions: For some strange reason Harry is carrying a sword. Neville wields an axe which is “like freaking huge.” (Yup, those are the writer’s own words.) I’m assuming Hermione is the one carrying the dagger and Luna is the one with the bow.
Connection to Canon: Ozpin is waiting for Harry and his companions to show up. A portal opens up where Amber is - I guess the best explanation is being kept in a comatose state. Any story which describes Neville of all people as a “bear of a man” is definitely HINO. We’re supposed to believe Harry already knows Amber and “when he saw Amber’s condition he almost went crazy by the knew he didn’t have much time. Thankfylly they already knew what most of the problem was since Amber had been able to communicate with Harry how she had been attacked and that she had been saved but lost half of her soul/power. The only reason it took them so long to get her was because they had been in the front line in the war against Voldy and his pureblood monkeys and had needed a few days to eliminate him and then research how to help her.”  In other words, they know how to solve a problem the canon characters of RWBY couldn’t. The writer also notes they need the readers to help them figure out how to solve the problem which results in them jumping back in time to their seven years at Hogwarts. Amber angst about how she will live a lonely life as the Fall Miaden and how she was an orphan along with a long winded info dump which takes up about the first third of chapter two. That’s when we jump to Harry who has eleven days until school starts. He sees Amber whose asleep and she pretty much uses him as a teddy bear. (The writer’s own words.) She awakes and he tells her it will be eleven days until he goes off to school to learn magic. She’s shocked because “I though only 4 people had magic at a time.” They’re then in each other’s dreams. We learn that there is a five year age gap between the two - Harry is thirteen and Amber is eighteen. Over the summer Harry and friends not including Ron for some strange reason, but this is seen as important to defeating Voldy. He gives her magic from his core. More info dump in chapter three and the writer wanting help coming up with a team name. Actually, the story is pretty much without plot. Eleven whole chapters worth.
Origin: “Haven’t posted in a while. Had this idea in my head for a few days. Consider this mostly a small teaser while hoping to have a little more explanation on how they know each other and for how long. Won’t spend much time describing the war on the Potter side of things and I haven’t really watched past season 2 for RWBY so the story won’t have much canon if any for that matter.”
Special Abilities: As the summary states, for some reason Amber gains a connection with Harry when her maiden power activates. (She’s a character in RWBY.) In the RWBY universe the maidens have powers which are the embodiment of the four seasons. She’s restored by Harry or is meant to be. We’ve another story with magical cores. Surprisingly, due to the lack of the plot this is as bad as things actually get.

Notes: I wish to make it rather clear the writer of this story was on the site for around seven years before he - I’m assuming this is a he because of their avatar picture - decided to write the story. That means if they didn’t sign up before the age limit they would be around twenty when they wrote this.

When he finally made it to the cliff-side he was just in time to see a portal not unlike the portals Raven was known for. Except this one was slightly bigger and was an very dark green color instead of reddish/orange.

Ozpin gathered his cane and saw that Glynda was there with her whip, Peter with his blunderbuss and Bartholomew with his trusty Thermos. He was glad that this was summer break and that his students were gone and not in the line of fire if this was an attack.

Out of the portal first came a teen with a sword in one hand and a stick in his left hand, he looked around a bit before speaking in his wrist. The teachers were too far to hear what he was saying but apparently it was a call of all clear because a bear of a man jumped out next and like the sword wielder looked around but instead of a sword had a big axe. Like freaking huge.

Next out where a pair of girls, one was taller than the first boy but shorter than the bear and had a dagger in one hand and also a stick in her other hand. The other girl was slightly shorter than the sword wielder was wielding a bow.

Once the last girl stepped through the portal closed. Both groups just looked at each other sizing the other up when the sword wielding boy started talking. "Where is Amber, whoever hurt her better wish they were dead because when I'm done with them they will regret laying their hands on her."

Harry looked around when he first jumped out of the portal and spotted only four others nearby. They looked combat ready, well except for that one guy holding a Thermos, but Harry saw the look in their eyes and while they looked ready for a fight it looked like they were mostly in defense of something or someone.

He readied himself anyway but called into his wrist. "Nev you first and then Mione and Luna. Get ready to defend but don't attack unless provoked."

sue - luna lovegood, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), stu - neville longbottom, p - crossover, p - sue what plot? swp, stu - harry potter, sue - hermione granger, sue - (other canon)

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