5019: Fighter - Harry Potter

Sep 09, 2019 22:45

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic. I'm working on fixing the numbers on the newer entries. Apparently some of the 3600 ended up being 3900.

Title: Fighter
Perpetrator: jh831
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “Harry potter is left at his mothers sisters after Harry's brother is mistaken as the BWL. So basically a wrong BWL sent to his aunt, abandoned in america to become one of the best magical fighters ever to be known. Alive Lilly and James, Not so bright Albus. Blood, violence, adult themes later. Not good at summaries, so take a look inside.”
Full Name: Harry and John Potter (Apparently his brother doesn't really show up.)
Species: John is Harry’s younger brother and the child mistaken for the “boy who lived.”
Hair: John has red hair.
Eyes: John’s eyes are the same color as James’ eyes, so hazel.
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: We start off with a rather ludicrious reason why Harry is an unknown and Voldemort bitch slapping Lilly rather than just using the killing curse on her. She’s worried about choosing between the two despite both being in the same room and decides upon John. How does Dumbledore decide? Not based on prophesies but this non-existent magical core and the fact it is low, but Lilly is alive. So is James. They send him to Petunia and Vernon. “So the next day Vernon and Petunia and her son Dudley took Harry to America and they left him on a random orphanage doorstep in New Orleans, Lousiana. There the matron who ran the Orphanage Ms. Kane felt a magical core from the child and took him into an expanded hallway where she called her friend Sarah from the AMM.” At age four he’s reading and sending magic at other children knocking them into trees. In the second chapter a man “wearing a blindfold and had a Katana on his back” ends up showing up. Harry tells him he’s only four, almost five and Kenshi bemoans loosing an argument to a kid despite the fact he never did. One of the characters can read his mind, but Harry doesn’t act like a four to five-year-old let alone one with the memory recall the writer mentioned. Another has healing abilities. They then go to the bank, but apparently the AMM standards and Harry gets books on “magic, wandless magic, dueling, transfiguration, conjuration, potions, defense, dark arts, spell crafting, and ruins, voodoo and a self updating book on world languages.” He’s going to school for ages “6-13”? In chapter we learn each fighter is teaching him each year. “After the training sessions needless to say Harry was a good fighter. He was allowed to roam around by himself and use his sorcery to open portals and go into the different realms by himself.” Later in the chapter Lilly gets mad because her sister took Harry to America and she’s called out for abandoning her child despite the fact anyone with common sense knows her actions had no common sense let alone the Dursley’s sending them to America, but they both get their nosed rubbed into by each other. The focus is on how Lilly is a “horrible mother”. (Only because the writer made her do some things which actually don’t make any sense.) They learn that Harry was adopted and went to a “real home”. This is because “In America, our law states that if a magical child is abandoned and put up for adoption for mre than one year, than the guardians of said child loose all rights to that child.” (Except, did the Dursley family have the legal ability to put Harry up to adoption.) This is so that the Potters can’t get their kid back. Harry is in the mean time running around and - let’s just say chapter eight is titled “Defeat voldemort".
Origin: “Harry was older by three years. Lilly gave birth to him in the United States when they were touring the world. He was born on July 31 and was a happy baby. They did register him with the American Ministry of Magic (which from now on will be called the AMM. However due to the war they were fighting they never got around to registering him with the British Ministry or Gringotts. Lilly and James just assumed the other did that.” According to the writer, the first chapter is simply an info chapter” to let people know the basics of what is happening.”
Special Abilities: Despite the specifics of the prophesy his younger brother by three years is thought to be the boy who lived. In fact, the writer doesn’t think about the fact there is a reason why certain things are the way they are in canon. Apparently they’re able to identify who Harry is because he was registered in America. The writer also tells us to “remember Harry has a perfect memory recall, so he is a little more mature and knowledgeable.” On top of not dealing with any flaws, this is in reality being used an excuse to tack on even more positive traits onto the character. As such he is reading by the time he is four and uses accidental magic Dragon Ball Z style on another kid who called him freak. This is sadly an apt given who shows up right after. At five he’s into boobs.

Notes: Apparently this is a crossover not marked as one.. MK, Full Hose, X-Men are just some of the things listed. Of course, the writer claims the MC characters are their OCs. (As in Motal Combat.)

I wish I could say this was a rather young writer, but they’ve been writing since 2011.


The next morning when Vernon Dursley went to get the paper he found Harry laying on blankets with a letter. He called for Petunia who red the letter and turned red from hatred. She hated her freaky sister and wanted nothing to do with her freakish son. She read that he was born in the United States and she figured that she would take her "nephew " there and let the American's deal with them. After all, her sister didn't even have the common courtesy to ask her in person.

So the next day Vernon and Petunia and her son Dudley took Harry to America and they left him on a random orphanage doorstep in New Orleans, Louisiana. There the matron who ran the Orphanage Ms. Kane felt a magical core from the child and took him into an expanded hallway where she called her friend Sarah from the AMM.

When Sarah got there she did an identification and showed it to be Harry Potter, She did a quick call to see if he was reported missing. While she was waiting she asked Harry if he knew what was happening. So he told her that his name and he was from Brittan also, he remembers was his mother choosing his brother over him and then getting hit with a spell. (remember Harry has a perfect memory recall, so he is a little more mature and knowledgeable).

Sarah was surprised at what she had heard and was angry at his mother for saying it was ok for one kid to die while the other lived. She then got a call saying that he was not reported missing, or even a British citizen. So they had full control over Harry's well being. So she signed papers saying that he was now a ward of the state and able to be adopted.


A year later (Harry is 4) Harry was reading a book outside when he did his first accidental magic. Harry was reading a book on hand made paper fans, and one appeared. He was surprised when a voice from another kid behind him yelled at him for being a freak. The boy was an older boy about the age of 10. Harry yelled that he wasn't a freak, but the boy said he was and was going to beat the freak out of him. Before the boy could do anything, Harry punched forward and a fist made out of magic shot out of Harry's fist and sent the older by shooting back into a tree knocking him out.

Harry looked down at his hand amazed when another voice behind him spoke up. "Well now, that's unexpected."

rating - toxic, ap - athletic pursuit, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), e - american, pf - boy/girl who lived (different one a, pp - orphanage, stu - harry potter, ap - academic pursuit, ar - eidetic memory, related to harry potter

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