5018: Splatter Vers - Melchior Nimrod/Mel Potter possibly Rose Potter

Sep 08, 2019 15:50

Don’t forget about the first bi-annual Pottersues Contest which is replacing the old annual Pottersues Contest. The theme for said contest is Gamer Fic.
Title: Splatter Verse
Perpetrator: Ultimatedaywriter
Sue-O-Meter: Troll (The summary screams troll, but apparently those who like reading Gamer Fic don’t notice. Of course, this might not be a troll.)
Cover/Banner Art:
Summary: “No this isn't about Diarrhea. Its about blood, gore, and an incredibly evil Albus Dumbledore. Lawful Evil Dumbledore, who uses the imperious curse on students when they enter Hogwarts. Hogwarts is now 7 years of indoctrination. Gamer, fem Harry, and off the script Voldemort. Extreme AU Harry Potter Story. MA for nonsense enough said. Plot Bunnies everywhere.”
Full Name: Melchior Nimrod/Mel Potter
Species: He is the brother of Rose Potter the girl who lived.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: “My power was rising red bolts of lightning danced across my body as my blood magic reached new heights.” The story involves “a skinny three-year-old who ran outside and played in the mud. My body was hard as stone and bulging with impossible muscles.” I’m not even half way through the second chapter when I decided to stop. I mean, this kid wants to kill the Dark Lord by age four.
Connection to Canon: The scene opens up with a rather insane Melchior fighting Dumbledore to get his sister back. The battle is of course epic. She’s upset that he’s fighting the headmaster. She goes with Dumbledore despite the fact he won. We then jump twelve years previous and Mel is supposed to be a useless, but “yes, I was aware of the original tail of Harry Potter. That tale was no good here,” before stating, “Why did Dumbledore bind my magic?” He picks the Hulking ability because he wants a physical damage perk.
Origin: This is supposed to be a crossover yet the writer couldn’t be bothered with actually identifying what the series is crossed over with.
Special Abilities: “I broke off a nearby telephone pole and threw it at the old man.” Dumbledore tosses fire dragons at him. (Yeah, this has got to be a troll.”

Notes: Stop inventing stuff just to make your story work the way you want it to. Third story in a row and I’m convinced the reason the three writers so far are using the gamer power as some call it is because they think this will allow them to do whatever they want. Sorry, but the character is still a Mary Sue/Gary Stu.



Dragons, eagles, and serpents made of fire spiraled around a grandfatherly figure. The beasts set fire to neighborhood as the old wizard laughed. As he laughed, he pointed his wand at fleeing muggle families and the monsters of flame attacked. The old man moved in march with a invisible drum keeping an unstoppable pace. His robes billowed from the flames revealing a body covered in chains and tattoos. These chains and tattoos were golden and holy in nature. They were easily recognizable as tools used by exorcists to seal away powerful dark entities. As quickly as the robes flashed up to reveal the myriad of holy seals upon the headmaster Albus Dumbledore's body, they were hidden once more. A manic grin covered the Albus's face. His twinkling blue eyes locked on to mine as he marched.

"Melchior Nimrod a pleasure seeing you here." Albus said. I waited atop a nearby building but the old man's voice carried despite the distance and the roaring flames. I looked down on the headmaster waiting for him to reveal something of note.

"Dumbledore what is your business here?" I asked, even as I glared at the old man. He smirked and licked his lips. Something alien pressed against his skin only held back by the holy seals covering his body.

"I'm here for Rose Potter the girl who lived. You know the game Melchior even if you aren't yet my opponent." Dumbledore yelled above the flames.

"This isn't a game and I won't give you my sister. You'll have to take her." Dumbledore slashed his wand cutting the building apart under me. Using superhuman strength, I leap to the next building as a dragon made of flame crashed into me.

ap - athletic pursuit, pb - taco-show, related to the potters, af - blood magic, ntn - flower names - my name is rose, stu - harry potter, b - unknown eye color, b - unknown hair color

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