5015: For Silent And Still Were We - Mara Tonks, Andromeda, Harry

Sep 04, 2019 14:06

Title: For Silent And Still Were We
Perpetrator: LikeArrowsInTheHand
Cover/Banner Art:
Summary: “HP/Twilight/Dead Like Me triple xover. HP EWE. Twilight AU. Dead Like Me OOC. After the war Harry finds a new purpose then moves to America where he finds love. Slash. M/M. Mentions D/S. Original Characters. M for adult language and content. R-rated scenes in chapter 6 removed and noted as posted on AO3. Total 10 chapters.”
Full Name: Harry Potter, Andromeda Tonks, Mara
Species: Mara is poor Teddy’s twin, but he’s also conveniently the “best younger/little brother ever” despite the fact this makes him seem much, much younger. Yes, Mara is a brat.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: Who’s Mara? Did the writer just give Teddy a twin or younger sister? That’s more than just EWE there. In the first chapter we learn “he was finally the owner of all the things he never was able to enjoy at the Dursleys; several television sets, DVD players, computers and the house was set up with telephone lines so the computer was connected to the internet, the best muggle invention to date, and to the high security suveilance system he had installed.” Apparently Harry is banking some serious money as he also pays for the repairs to Gringotts.
Connection to Canon: The first chapter starts off with Harry deciding to move to America because he wants to get “far away from the haunting memories of dead friend and family.” We then get a rant about how awful things are, but also how the power of love had nothing to do with defeating Voldemort and that Dumbledore was mad for thinking so. (I wish the writer had warned for character bashing.) There is even a line about how, “Love was never the power. How many mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, strangers, laid their life down for another in vain. Harry was not selfish enough to think that his mother loved him more than any other mother would love her child. He also couldn't desecrate the sacrifice of all those who died fighting for what was right, standing up for those weaker, dying because there was no other choice. He had no choice either. Love was not enough. Love is partial. Love is particular. No, love was not his weapon.” Okay, this story is officially getting the toxic rating for this. We’re supposed to believe he found something greater than love, but the writer refuses to go into it and instead says this is something Harry kept hidden. He says goodbye to Ron and Hermione and decides to take responsibility for the damage at Gringotts. (Okay, this writer officially does not understand how war works.) That;s when they move to Seattle, Washington. Chapter two consists of random bonding and - get this - some fangirl whose excited about getting to meet Harry Potter because she’s read The Philosopher’s Stone. (Suddenly I’m wondering how old this writer is, though in reality I should have been wondering this with the attitude towards war.) She’s Katie, and her brother is named Ralphie. The implication is that Harry is JKR? He then puts Mara to bed, but Teddy is forgotten except for when he changed his eyes to look like Harry’s. Chapter three involves Mara getting older and taking an attitude with Harry. At least she gets grounded. She then says, “but the sixth book is my second favorite. It has such a depressing ending. It makes me happy. And I was going to use my pocket-money to buy a Half-Blood Princess t-shirt to wear to school for show and tell. Please, Papa! I’ll kill them all right now if that means I get to go!” (Does anybody else remember this being official canon merchandise? I’m actually trying to do a search and all I’m finding is unofficial merchandise, yet she acts like this is official.) Teddy comes to her rescue and says he’ll go for both. (Why is he only conveniently there for humor and making things better for Mara?) Harry decides to get a “muggle vampire” to babysit her. That’s how she gets babysat by the Cullen family. (You have got to be kidding me.) We then get treated to the Cullen girls talking about outfits.
Origin: Why is Harry moving to America? Apparently he’s uprooting Andromeda and her family as well, but he’s a good man for asking. Three chapters are up, but no sign of Dead Like Me in this.
Special Abilities: We’ve yet another story where Harry or somebody runs away from their troubles. We’re also supposed to believe the battle of Hogwarts was in vain. Apparently a person participating in a war should take responsibility for their actions as if they were not in a time of war as well.

Notes: This particular story jumped out at me for a few reasons. One, the story is a crossover with Twilight. Two, the story is a triple crossover. Three, the writer admits the characters from Dead Like Me are OoC, but then again they might mean an OC due to the fact we’ve seen plenty of writers mess up on that one.

I found myself rather ticked off with this writer. No, it has nothing to do with pairing Harry up with a male OC - at least I think the writer is. That’s actually different in a good way.

No, I’m ticked off with the fact the writer spouted off their own mantra about how war is useless and anybody who fights in said war dies in vain. This kind of attitude trivializes people’s deaths, but can you actually say someone died in vain if they succeeded in making sure future generations are free from Voldemort’s tyranny? No, you can’t.

I then realized this author, despite having an A03 is likely quite young. The fanfic account's actually oldeer than the A03 account. I wished I hadn't looked though, as the tags indicate the pairings. Do you think Harry would get together with Edward Cullen and Charlie Swan? I personally see personality clashes. Yes, the writer did also mean OoC and not OC. By the way, the writer's not yet written their R-rated chapter six, or at least posted it. I was left feeling the writer is only writing slash and everything else because they're trying to be rebeluous.


"Both of us?"

"Yes, why not?"

Harry had just asked Andromeda to move across the world with him. Far away from England. Far away from the haunting memories of dead friends and family.

"This is a big decision. I don't know what to say."

"Can you promise to think about it? Really think about it? Please Andy?"

"Of course Harry. But what will you do if I say no? Take them with you?"

"No," he rushed out, "I would never do that to you. Teddy and Mara are your family too. If you stay, we all stay."

"Thank you. You're a good man. I'll think about."

Harry nodded and turned his attention to the sleeping babies in his arms. Poor little orphans, just like him.

It had been a very long six weeks since the Battle of Hogwarts. So many were dead. So many more alive, yet broken. He was somewhere in the middle.

rating - toxic, sue - andromeda tonks, pc - self insert (sue is me), pc - fangrrl/otaku, p - crossover, related to tonks, related to remus, stu - harry potter, b - unknown eye color, b - unknown hair color

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