
Aug 29, 2019 11:38

Title: Soul Mates
Perpetrator: Cam-Moggy
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic (Seriously, I suggest not bashing the parents of your godchild and using them as an excuse regarding why you’re running away from your problems rather than actually doing the adult thing and facing them.
Cover/Banner Art: It's the cover for the Race to Witch Mountain movie from 2009.
Summary: "My OC character and her Godson Teddy moves to live with her Godfather Jack Bruno and gets drawn into the trouble that comes with helping two aliens, one who happens to be her soulmate."
Full Name: Iris Lily Potter-Black. Let’s just be glad “Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Le Fay, Ambrosia and Peverell” aren’t in there as they’re the other clans Iris belongs to.
Species: On top of being a female Harry she is the “Mistress of Death”. Apparently the writer thinks their female version of Harry Potter is an OC when it is not, but then again this is also the writer’s personal self-insert even if they don’t actually realize it.
Hair: “She has raven black hair in a low loose ponytail that is tied into a small braid at the bottom and a white lily flower at the side of her head…” How is that still a ponytail I do not know.
Eyes: She has Emerald eyes.
Markings: “She has two tattoos that represent her previous life. The first tattoo is on her right arm written in Greek. It has her mum, dad, godfather and uncle’s name show. The second tattoo is of a stag and dear, black grim like dog and a brown wolf in a field of lilies. This is places on the right side of her stomach under her breasts.” The author felt the need to tell us this seventeen-year-old is a D cup with an hour glass figure who weighs 51 kg at 170cm. This places her at being moderately underweight for her BMI which I guess is better than a high or very high health risk, but I’m still wondering how she’s got D cups at that weight and that age along with the hourglass figure. Also, when did Iris have time to get these tattoos being that she’s on the run from Voldemort?
Possessions: Why is Jack Bruno her godfather when Sirius already is? Apparently the writer is unaware of how this whole thing works, but then again Iris has a new godfather to conveniently run off to just because she can’t face her old life and old friends and the most important thing is discovering her Soul Mate who is in fact an alien. Yup. Despite the other fandom involving a place called Witch Mountain there are no actual witches involved. We learn the Mary Sue’s favorite colors are “Sapphire Blue and Emerald Green” while she likes “Burger, Fries and Coke” as her favorite food yet she is moderately underweight. Yeah, I’m sure.
Connection to Canon: The first actual chapter opens up noting that Iris has been with Jack for two weeks and already given her complete sob story. This is just the first paragraph, but we also need to be told “he wasn’t taken of me due to my age” in that exact same paragraph. This is after a character sheet and a prologue which I’m not sure is a prologue. The writer proceeds in plagiarizing the plot from the 2009 movie Race to Witch Mountain. Think two aliens on the run with a taxi driver trying to stop their race from invading, only now there is another teen involved along with a baby. A quick look through the story and the only really original material is the extra characters and the “oh, we’re soul mates’ bit”.
Origin: We’re supposed to believe this is a female version of Harry rather than the writer’s self-insert so she can have a female character with Harry’s achievements and a convenient child so the writer can have their wish fulfillment of being a mother without actually being one because there is no way their preferred soul mate Seth would be with them which completely ignores the fact a real soul mate wouldn’t care about such things. Here is a quote from the very short and very annoying prologue where Iris whines about the adults in her life before remembering she somehow has a second Godfather who is likely better than any adult in her life.
Special Abilities: She’s a strong affinity towards animals and children and conveniently has a mothering instinct despite the fact this female Harry is only seventeen, never had any interaction really with children before and yet we don’t get any negative traits. The first prologue presents her as an insufferable brat who blames all of her troubles on the adults around her like every other petulant teenager who thinks they know better than the adults around them and runs away making the reader wonder why Remus and Tonks placed their faith in raising Teddy into the hands of this immature brat. Then again, I doubt Remus or Tonks suspected this fake Harry to do such a thing let alone lump them in as the crappy adults in their life who should have done better despite both of them dying for the cause. We learn that, “My soul and magical core continue to be drawn to Seth. After everything I’ve been through, I’ve been gifted with the chance to have a soul mate?” Can I mention Teddy conveniently is rather non active despite being a part of the story?

Notes: What are the warning signs this one was a Mary Sue?
- the title
- the first chapter being a profile which is non-story content and against site rules
- the Mary Sue like body proportions
- the number of clans she’s from
- the pepper jack cheese
- no negative traits
- claiming a canon character as an OC

That was just the character profile mind you. I’d love to say this is a young writer, but the writer’s profile very clearly says they’re twenty-one meaning they should know better. Of course, I think I should bring in the articles Are millennials really a generation of spoiled brats? and 7 Hash Realities of Life Millennials Need to Understand, though I actually don’t agree Gender Studies are completely useless if you’re actually aiming to go into a field which focuses on working with women. Getting the degree though because you consider yourself pro feminist and can’t figure out an actual career direction is definitely a waste. Mind you, not all of them are this way. In fact, I suspect quite a few who follow are millennials.

I definitely need a tag for the Mary Sue/Gary Stu who pulls the “woe is me, the adults are out to get me card”. Any thoughts? As noted yesterday, I need a tag idea for when the writer didn’t do their research which is easily recognizable for both me and those following.

Actually, the writer is a serial plagiarist. A quick glance at their Home Alone, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Jurassic Park stories show more of the same behavior, but I sadly find myself suspecting all other stories are this way. Feel free to report this Suethor.


Originally I was going to put this in a part of the right up, but then learned the prologue is the only original content to this writer and this amounts to about half of said prologue.

“I am leaning against a tree with Teddy in my arms. I've defeated Voldemort but I'm not sure what I should do now. I know for certain that I am not staying here not after losing so much due to the adults doing nothing to defeat Voldemort instead they left it all to me and my age generation. The adults should have sorted it out before I was forced to take part. All because of a stupid prophecy Dumbledore made me do everything mostly by myself. He didn't help me much neither did the other adults apart from Pa and Uncle Moony.”

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), pb - taco-show, bp - tattoo, p - crossover, pt - soul mates, stu - harry potter

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