5008: Tained Blood - Geumji Doen "Taya" Tayag

Aug 27, 2019 16:11

Title: Tainted blood
Perpetrator: redsonic123
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: There is a drawing of some guy with what I suspect is wolf ears, but this is a basic line drawing.
Summary: “Imagan that you just found out you are a wolfblood in the worst posible way. Furthermore you killed your own parents. And to top it your best friend saw it and niw she says she will hunt you and kill you.”
Full Name: Geumji (This word is Korean. Some of the meanings include “restricted area”, “embargo” and “prohibition”) Her last name is Hashie which is Japanese. Her friend calls her “Taya”. Scratch that. Hashie is the name of her personal maid, but that’s how bad the grammar is. Her dad is definitely supposed to be “asian”. Eventually this gets spelled as Gumanji. We finally learn her name is Geumji Doen Tayag.
Species: If the name is any indicator we have someone of Korean decent living in Great Britain during the 90s.  For some reason it is important to know the age of her parents. Eventually we learn this story starts in North Korea and we're supposed to believe the Mary Sue has all the freedoms she does in said story.
Hair: Her mother has dark brown hair. As for the Sue, “Then I skillfully brushed my hair it is fairly long up to my upper back and my bangs covered one of my eyes once I was done I go downstairs.”
Eyes: “I came down in a lithe purple classic dres that brought out my purple hair and purple eyes. It was a cutie type dress that was to puffy and it felt very uncomfortable. It was to tight and I could hardly breath but in the end it fit…sorta.”
Markings: Her mother looks like a model. As for what she looks like when she’s sixteen, “This is for you horny people not it is not to much but it goes into detail of her now 16 year old body.” What does this have to do with the story? Why do we need to know she’s a C cup and has a curvy wave? She’s excited about her sweet sixteen. When she transfers her fur is purple.
Possessions: Her room is purple. Her family has a ton of maids and butlers. Her best friend wears a “classic school gir outfit in truth I find her relatively attractive in it. She has B cupped breat that really show in her outfit. She has a tiny waist yet still curvy.” (Why do writers think we need these details? No, I’m not some “horny people”, but someone who feels the description makes the OC and her friend obsessed with their looks. Her friend is named Suesaki or “sue”.
Connection to Canon: The first chapter is Guemji’s birthday and how good her life is when she is seven years old. Nine years later when she is sixteen we get treated to a bathing scene which adds nothing to the story, but the writer has to say, “Now that part is done on with the story”. The next part is about her getting dressed in some acid washed jeans and a red blouse. I put on a simple pair of panties.” She’s excited - yup, no connection yet. Second chapter continues with her talking to her friend about this in school and when we get home we get a sixteen-year-old excited about wearing a tight dress but who honestly thinks that her sweet sixteen “is my day the day I will no longer be a little kid instead I will be a young adult.” After getting her dress it is a detailed description of her getting dressed and putting on “colored lipstick”. Then the party ends and Mary Sue is asked by Sue if it is her period when it is her Wolfblood activating. We finally get into the Wolfblood canon in chapter three where “my purple eyes tuen yellow.” The writer warns that the next part will have a ton of blood and gore and she attacks her parents. Let me emphasize here that a Wolfblood is not only genetic, but Wolfblood can outside of the full moon transform at will yet her parents don’t defend themselves. It is just here so, “my mind rememberes who I was but is conflicted with what I did and what I became” and our Sue can have a sob story. The Mary Sue also loses her friend Sue because she walks in and we’re supposed to pity her for this as well because she’s not some uncontrollable monster and she runs away. She then makes friends with a young wolf that looks like a husky. We then learn that she has known she was adopted since she was twelve which explains why she killed her parents, except this is also North Korea we’re talking about. The three wolves she meets help her out despite the fact Wolfblood makes it clear packs are territorial and she’s not of their pack. She’s also purple. Chapter five, she runs into Sue and Sue tells her she is going to kill her because she’s a disgrace yet we never learn how Sue finds her again. She runs to the port and sneaks onboard, but she’s already heading from Korea to London. This is where she meets Maddy and Ridan who are Wolfblood characters. At least I thought she would, but instead she meets Grimbar in chapter seven and the finally find her at the end of chapter seven. Chapter eight is her whining and crying about her sad lot in life. (Anybody else think this North Korean doesn’t act like a North Korean?) Chapter nine switches to Sue’s POV where she decides she is going to go to London because a school for hunting wolfblood is opening up despite the fact this doesn’t seem like public knowledge, but we’re also supposed to pity Taya when she did things even Ridan didn’t do when transformed, and he didn’t grow up with his biological family either. The last chapter, ten, is her arriving in London. Yup. There wasn’t an ounce of Harry Potter in this story despite this being a Wolfblood crossover with Harry Potter.
Origin:  The first chapter titled “Introduction childhood” is pretty much original fiction with no ties to Harry Potter or Wolfblood. The writer misses the point of a coming of age ceremony in that a coming of age ceremony doesn’t guarantee that someone has actually moved from being seen as a little kid anymore, but instead is supposed to be about taking on more responsibility. In fact, the only indicator this character is “mature” is this sweet sixteen. Sorry, but a sixteen-year-old going “O M G” because they’re now allowed to wear a dress which is “purple the neck line took a nice dip and I knew that if I was to ware it well then I will be showing quite a bit of bosom.” Yet, even more bizarre is  “it looked less tight then most of the dresses that my mom made me ware.” We learn at the end of chapter three that “first the location of the story is North Korea, Not the demilitarized zone ok.”
Special Abilities: For someone who can’t remember much from their childhood they remember a moment as an infant. Despite being thirty-two Geumji’s mother looks like a teen. Our Mary Sue kills her parents despite the fact in Wolfblood canon the whole Wolfblood thing is canon.

Notes: I was right in suspecting the writer of this one is a rather young writer as they point out they’re a teenager on their profile. They also say, “most of my stories are original, but i do have alot of fanfics. I have created around 300 oc all different in a certain way.” This may come from the fact “i am a role player since childhood.” Perhaps instead of focusing so much on OC creation the writer might actually focus on other aspects such as actually using spell check before posting. Yeah, I get the fact they’re busy with school, but using spell check only takes a few seconds of a writer’s time. The writer also thinks their description of their OC constitutes smut when it does not.

Of course, I suspect they think South Korea is the demilitarized zone, but the writer couldn’t be bothered to do their research and learn that the way our Mary Sue dresses would not fly in North Korea at all. They mention in the third chapter that the Harry Potter characters are going to show up, but I’m more concerned regarding how this OC gets out of Korea. Actually, how would someone with purple hair not stand out in Korea. Given the fact the writer simply strung three Korean words together as if they were doing a name in Western tradition, they definitely did not do their research on this one.


I look around my room is painted purple. I get up and quickly met with a soft likeness. With horribly contained energy I rushed to the Callander. I let a gleeful cheer. "Yes today is my birthday" then I sprint down the stairs only to bump into one of the maids and fell ~ooff~ as I fell I had to shut my eyes.

"You ok Geumji?" Said a soft milky voice and right away I recognized the voice so while opening my eyes at a slightly slower rate. I prepare myself for what I will see. The maid was miss,Hashie. She once told me that my eyes were unique whatever that means. She is like my grandma she took care of me whenever my parents were away.

I look into her soft milky brown eyes. She is slightly thicker then my mom yet she is still counted skinny. Her hair is chestnut brown with some red hairs that seems to fit her. She is wearing a bright blue maid outfit with a slightly shorter skirt. She is in her early 20s but she appears like she is still a teen. She has been with us since I was 4 yet you might mistake her as someone who has been with us since I was still a baby for she knows this place like the back of her hand.

"Y..yes miss. Hashie" she extends her hand for me to take it. Once I took her hand she gently pulled me up. "Guess what today is!!!" She appears to be thinking "I don't know...hmmmmm...what is today? Can you tell me" I giggle "today is my birthday heeheehee" she then pulls me into one of her comforting bear hug. "Happy birthday Guemji". I welcome this hug for she has always been nice to me. She lets go sadly. "W..what did I do wrong" I say with guilt . "Oh nothing you did nothing wrong Geumji.

But we cannot hug forever today is your birthday your parents will be here soon. Don't you want to look nice for them and all your guests?". "Guests?". "Yah you know friends family etc Guemji" in truth I never had friends mostly because I cannot keep up a normal conversation with anyone my age. "Am I a freak miss.Hashie" I don't know why I asked but I did. I looked down then she cupped my face and made me look at her passion and truth in her eyes "No...no you are not a freak".

pw - woobie/cry for me, ct - werewolf (full), e - korean, or - makeup, rating - toxic, or - clothing, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - crossover, e - asian, be - purple eyes, bh - purple hair

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