4497: Darling Dies At the End - Darling "Roach" Kuryakin

Dec 10, 2018 21:58

Title: Darling Dies At the End
Perpetrator: AnnualDayne
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: It is a picture of the character from behind, or at least I think it is.
Summary: “Darling 'Roach' Kuryakin's tale began with a hogwarts acceptance letter in 1991, seven years later the tale would end.”
Full Name: Darling “Roach” Kuryakin
Species: She’s an Anti-Sue.
Hair: She had “short dark hair”. If the cover means anything her hair is brown.
Eyes: They’re not yet described.
Markings: There isn’t anything specific.Title: Darling Dies At the End
Perpetrator: AnnualDayne
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: It is a picture of the character from behind, or at least I think it is.
Summary: “Darling 'Roach' Kuryakin's tale began with a hogwarts acceptance letter in 1991, seven years later the tale would end.”
Full Name: Darling “Roach” Kuryakin
Species: She’s an Anti-Sue.
Hair: She had “short dark hair”. If the cover means anything her hair is brown.
Eyes: They’re not yet described.
Markings: There isn’t anything specific.
Possessions: “Fortunately for Roach her vault was not disappointing either. The girl almost staggered off the ledge when her own vault was opened. The interior walls were lined with shelves of lavish gold and silver antiques; the heart of room was amassed with mountains of overflowing gold; and the most appealing item of all was the bejeweled rapier mounted to the wall.” She says, “I own fucking sword” and asks if she can take it home, but “it’s no surprise she came to revelation late: You had to have a family to have a family heirloom.”
Connection to Canon: I’m a bit confused regarding how the story starts. Dumbeldore is concerned that she was raised in a group home which is dilapidated, or is so based on rumors. For some reason the name “Luton” is enough to clue him into her being attached to the rumors. Roach as the kids call her is caught by Hagrid being in a fight. (Why are they sending Hagrid? He rather stands out like a sore thumb due to his size? Is it because he was sent after Harry? Harry’s circumstances were different in that while he lived with Muggles they were his family. This is not the case with Roach.) We then have talk about “special ED school” thrown around in the middle of the first chapter. (That’s what I picked for the sample.) Apparently she got delivered to the house ten years ago. He then takes her to pick up Harry. (How convenient.) She proceeds to bad mouth them and she gets lectured for not staying in the boat. She comments about Harry’s name being plain. We find out the OC has seen Scarface. (Why is a child watching R rated movies?) She thinks it would be a good nickname for Harry, but also tries the nickname Hazzer. She tells Hagrid eventually that “the boy-who-lived” is “a shitty nickname.” She is one to talk. She also wants to know if “will we be sacrificing chickens in a satanic ritual?” She asks Quirrell if he has tourettes. In case you haven’t noticed she’s been dumped into the existing plotline for no real good reason. So, the story changes a bit in the second chapter after they go through the part up to the bank and she runs into Fred. (Because she is going to be paired with both Fred and Percy.) The last line of the chapter is, “unbeknownst to Percy, Roach had already prompted a whole load of trouble and most of which could not be prevented despite Percy’s best efforts.”
Origin: The writer tried piling in as many negative things as they could.
Special Abilities: She is incapable of reading, loves getting into fights, but was tested for autism because that for some reason makes sense given her issues. (It doesn’t.) I am not sure why she is called Roach. She talks like she is older than eleven, but the toddlers don’t talk like they’re toddlers either. We learn in the first chapter she can burp the alphabet. I normally wouldn’t include the name in here, but the writer made their OC make a big deal about Harry having a plain name so obviously they think having a name that stands out is important, yet I’m clueless as to why she got the name she did. I’m even clueless as I said as to why she got her nickname.

Notes: The writer does a really good job of insulting people with handicaps with this story. Did they intend to? Probably not. I think they felt this was another way to make their OC as bad to the bone as they could only to majorly fail in the process.


"You're offering Roach a place at an elite boarding school." Snorted one filthy looking toddler. "She can barely read and write."

"Shut your mouth, ITV. Didn't I tell you to hoover the stairs before I left?" Said Derek as he looked pointedly at the toddler. Derek waited until the toddler had fled inside the building before responding to Hagrid. "No, seriously, Roach can't read."

"It's not that kind of school." Hagrid clarified.

"A special ED school?" Derek suggested. "I've had her checked for autism but-"

"Perhaps we ought to discuss this in your office."

"Sounds good." Derek agreed before turning his attention to Roach. "Oi, Roach, get your arse over here. This man is offering you a place at a school."

"Is it a special ED school, Derek?" Roach asked as she approached the pair of men. "I thought the doctors said I didn't have autism."

"Apparently not-" Derek narrowed his eyes as he registered the girl's scruffy appearance. His eyes lowered to her fist. "You've been fighting again! Out in the open!"

"Calm yourself, Derek." She responded remarkably steady. "I had to settle a dispute. Mentos reckons he's top dog when you're away and I had to set him straight."

"With your fist?"

"Would you have it any other way?"

rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, or - weapons, pc - relationship sue, pc - jerk/anti sue

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