4487: The Rairity Chronicles: Year 1 - Lavender Rarity

Oct 24, 2018 12:37

Title: The Rarity Chronicles: Year 1
Perpetrator: LavenderRare
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The avatar is a poorly drawn picture of a blond haired girl with blue eyes wearing red cat ears and a cat tail but who has also over done it on the makeup.
Summary: “Lavender Rarity isn't as well-known as Harry Potter, but she's been through a great ( Read more... )

p - fluff train, rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - parasite sue

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yemi_hikari October 27 2018, 15:54:16 UTC
I've never understood this obsession of naming a single fanfic let alone an entire series after your OC. I think I see this more often in series like Harry Potter where the titular character is a main character, but it is in these fandoms the stories have the most disconnect with the original canon.

I think it's because being the titular character carries so much weight and simply being said character is important, yet these characters never, ever seem important enough, or I say developed enough to have a titular role like Harry did. I'd even argue Naruto didn't deserve a titular role with the fact there were other characters who played far more important roles and if character developmentic indicate the character has no buisness becoming Hokage as he never did grow up and simply had a bunch of "fate" and "powers" tacked on which made no sense.

That's what I expect from these types of series, but the issue becomes even worse when the fandom you're writing for already has a titular character. It screams the OC is even better than them.

No, it's not per say a major offense, but it does say a lot about the writer and how they think of their OC.


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