4487: The Rairity Chronicles: Year 1 - Lavender Rarity

Oct 24, 2018 12:37

Title: The Rarity Chronicles: Year 1
Perpetrator: LavenderRare
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The avatar is a poorly drawn picture of a blond haired girl with blue eyes wearing red cat ears and a cat tail but who has also over done it on the makeup.
Summary: “Lavender Rarity isn't as well-known as Harry Potter, but she's been through a great amount of adventure as well. She starts her first year of Hogwarts, where two celebrities are in the same building she is. But weird things start happening, and she doesn't know whether or not she feels safe. Takes place during the events of the Chamber of Secrets.”
Full Name: Lavender Rarity, Gabriel Aeron
Species: She is the daughter of a Wizard working a Muggle tech job and a Witch who’s a famous author. He’s a dark and mysterious Stu, or so the writer tries to make the reader believe.
Hair: The boy’s hair is brown.
Eyes: The boy’s eyes are maroon.
Markings: None
Possessions: She has a kitten named Milo. (If the cat is still a kitten she didn’t get said cat the previous year, as after a year it wouldn’t be a kitten anymore.) However, it seems like she may be a first year, so why does she already have a kitten which wasn’t gotten from here. She goes to Ollivander’s and meets the strange boy. She asks where his parents are, and her mother instantly assumes  She gets a “Rowan Wood with Dragon Heartstring, and at eleven and a half inches.” They go to the bookstore and we get the Harry Potter scene where Harry meets Lockhart. She meets Luna, but hopes “she’s lucky enough to befriend Harry Potter.” Why? Possibly because he’s famous, but the way she meets Luna is the same way Harry meets Draco, so I don’t expect originality. She also has a sister named Rosemary (youngest), another sister named Sage and a brother named Basil. Chapter five opens up with the writer talking about how the characters classes aren’t like “regular school schedules”. Said schedule is different from a Muggle school schedule, not a regular school schedule because this is a regular school schedule for someone from a wizarding school. She runs into Ginny and realizes that she has a crush on her. That’s it, but I expect the story to be plot-what-plot except for where things connect with the canon plot.
Connection to Canon: She starts school in the first chapter and runs across Harry when he meets Lockhart. The second chapter s her going to school and her meeting the boy she ran into at Ollivander’s again. On the train she meets Ginny, Luna again, and Hermione as well. There is talk about Draco and how Gabriel isn’t much of a talker. Chapter three is the sorting and she has a friend in each of the houses so it is no surprise she ends up in Hufflepuff. (Sigh. This does not make your character special Suethor, but only creates a group of Sues and a Stu that consists of two canon characters. The only reason Ginny and Luna aren’t added to the list at this point is the fact they’re still in character and nothing added in regarding them.)
Origin: She’s obviously the writer’s self-insert, but we’re supposed to believe she is a super amazing Plain Jane. The
Special Abilities: The prologue which really isn’t a prologue says “Lavender Rarity wasn’t a notable witch. Not as much as more famous witches and wizards like Harry Potter and his friends at least.” We’re told by the writer “She assisted in the Second Wizarding War, and helped House Segregation be a thing of the past. She even was friends with a Slytherin boy who dealt with Harry’s arch nemesis, Draco Malfoy.” She’s supposed to be eleven, but speaks like a four year old.

Notes: I found this story a rather painful read. It started off with me wishing the writer didn’t brag about her characters accomplishments, but also wishing she hadn’t placed her characters importance as pretty much just below Harry and his friends. When I read the story I found a story which was comprised of sickly sweet perfection making it quite clear this OCs world is perfect. At the end, I don't see why this character deserves an entire fanfic series, nor do I see what they add to the original canon.


It was a couple of days after receiving her acceptance letter that Lavender Rarity and her mother decided to get her school shopping done. Her family lived in the Muggle World, so it took them a while to arrive at the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Why the Muggle World? Simple. Her father, Aaron Rarity, was good with Muggle technology. He knew how to work with computers. This may be frowned upon by fellow wizards, but it's not too bad if you convert his paychecks into Galleons. Her mother, Ginger Rarity, was an aspiring author in both worlds. She had been published in a Wizard Literary Magazine a couple of times, but the Muggles seem to have grown tired of "fairy tales".

Lavender's mother being an author was one of the reasons they had arrived to Diagon Alley when they did. The famous author, Gilderoy Lockhart, was doing a book signing at Flourish and Blott's. Her mother had a couple of his books (being literary hits and all), and would wish for them to be signed. Plus, she'd love an opportunity to get advice in writing from him.

There was plenty of time before the signing, so Lavender was able to get a few items off of her checklist. She had gotten her cauldron and necessary potion items, and was on her way to get her wand. She didn't need to go to the pet store since she was bringing her kitten, Milo, to school with her.

p - fluff train, rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - parasite sue

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