4440: When Life End, A New Hope Begins ~ Adam Gardener/Adonis Potter

Oct 01, 2018 20:35

Title: Harry Potter: When Life Ends, A New Hope Begins
Perpetrator: Forsaken Wolf C.A
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art:
Summary: “Adam Gardener is a normal sixteen year old boy, until he dies and wakes up in the Potterverse as Harry Potter's twin brother. How will he adapt to his new life in the wizarding world. And how will Snape react to a boy who eerily reminds him of himself. Caught in the crossfire between dark and light what side will Adam choose? Can he be saved or is history destined to repeat itself”
Full Name: Adam Gardner/Adonis Potter
Species: We’ve got a Fall-Into-Fandom!Stu today.
Hair: See markings for the details.
Eyes: See markings for the details.
Markings: “Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing reflecting back at him. In the mirror is a boy who stands about the average height for his age with a lean and very slim figure. His hair is combed and styled with a side swept undercut with a long fringe that has a red streak down the front which kept falling into his striking emerald green eyes. That when angered they would ignite with cold fury that reflected hard earned survival. His skin is so light, that it's practically white, and covered in blood sigils that give the appearance of black and red tattoos whilst the ones that had faded stood out on his skin as silvery-white scars. Despite, this overall, he is would be considered very handsome and his facial features bear a strong resemblance to his mother. He has an intense commanding presence when he does speak that many would find difficult to ignore. His fingernails are painted black and he wears a thick layer of eyeliner that draws attention to his eyes. H wears a black slim-fit jacket with a red hood, a black T-shirt with a pair of slightly baggy black pair of jeans, a pair of red and black trainers and a silver signet ring that bore the Vengal crest on his index finger.”
Possessions: Adam smokes so he has a lighter and pack of cigarettes in his pocket. (It is actually legal for a sixteen-year-old to smoke in the UK.) See markings for some of his other items.
Connection to Canon: We have yet another story where the Sue, or in this case Stu, gets hit by vehicle, ends up dying and then wakes up in the body of an infant or a child. Except this one adds in the whole “lets send the twin to some random orphanage despite the fact it is more logical for the twins to both have gone to the Dursley’s” and tons of markings/scars he should not logically have. He is specifically living in a place called Wandsworth Orphanage. Nothing much happens beyond the fact Adam knows he’s got SPECIAL ABILITES instantly.
Origin: Why is the character a high school dropout? Why is this supposed high school dropout also celebrating the end of summer vacation?
Special Abilities: He’s already got a ton of marks on him in just the first chapter, but I guess we should add coming back to life/reincarnating along with falling into a fandom to the list. He is apparently a Sanrier, something the writer decided to make up which deals with some kind of “long-lost powerful magic” called Blood Magic which is “instinctual” and “is a wordless kind of Magic”. It also involves Necromancy, but there is some kind of “stereotype that blood magic is limited to vampires, madmen and dark practitioners, this is not factually true.” Here I’m thinking, “stop making up your own facts which are obviously not factually true for the Harry Potter universe”.

Notes: The writer has seventy-two stories, but only four of these stories are complete. All of these stories are one-shots, but most of their stories don’t go past one chapter. Only five do, but only two are more than ten chapters. We get thing in the summaries like “self-confessed Psi-Vampire” in the summaries of stories.


My name is Adam, Adam Gardener to be exact. I was your typical sixteen year old high school dropout. I'd never given much though to how I would die. And here I was not even seventeen yet and dying on the side of the road. This is where my story ends and how my next story begins.

Adam had gone to the cinema with a group of friends to celebrate what was left of there summer vacation. It was around ten o'clock at night. Adam shivered in the cold drizzle, the film had lasted longer than expected as he walked to the bus stop. He rummaged a lighter and carton of cigarettes out of his coat pocket. He brought the cigarette to his parted lips and with a quick flick of his lighter lit the cigarette and drew in a deep breath inhaling the smoke.

He crossed the road but hadn't notice the headlights of the car that was speeding out of control in his direction until it was too late. Adam's head snapped up at the screeching sound of breaks. The cigarette fell to the ground as his body braced itself for impending impact. There wasn't enough time to move out of the way of the swerving car. A second before the car struck him he shut his eyes.

It wasn't so bad, dying like this. He wasn't afraid of dying. It was the fact that his life had been wasted and barely lived. That bothered him so much. "I guess the old saying was right that tomorrow is a hope, never a promise" with a sigh, turning his head to look up through the blood that was streaming down his face at the stars just in time to see a shooting star fall from the sky and send out a silent prayer. Adam couldn't remember the last time that he looked up at the stars. The night sky was lit up with a million stars, and it was absolutely breathtaking.

It wasn't long before Adam lost consciousness as he slipped away into oblivion. All he could see now was the darkness that encased him, he could feel his heart slow and he could hear his breath become still. There was nothing to do now, but throw himself into death's icy hands.

af - wandless magic (child mastery), rating - toxic, bp - tattoo, related to the potters, bh - black hair, a - made up ability, af - blood magic, pp - orphanage, pc - twin and/or such, be - green eyes, bp - scar

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