4437: The Potter Twins - Harry and his twin Katherine "Kate" Potter

Sep 27, 2018 23:04

Title: The Potter twins: Year 1 and the prequel is The Potter twins: Pre-Hogwarts
Perpetrator: SassQueenPotter
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: I’m not sure what the writer’s avatar is of. I think it is of the OC.
Summary: “It's been four years since Harry and Kate discovered the Wizarding World. After a long wait, they're now finally ready to make their journey to Hogwarts, but they're soon caught up in mysterious, maybe even, dangerous situations along with their friends. Second in an eight part installation..”
Full Name: Katherine “Kate” Potter
Species: A very annoying twin.
Markings: From the prequel I found “the two of them were more or less identical”. More specifically, “They had the same thin face, black rimmed glasses which were slightly too big for their faces (Harry's was round and Kate's were square), short stature and the unhealthy pallor of someone who was malnourished. There were only a few differences between the two: Kate's cheekbones were slightly higher, her features more feminine, with black cherry hair in contrast to her twin's jet black hair; her eyes were a beautiful shade of Hazel while her brother had a lovely pair of almond shaped emerald green eyes.”
Possessions: “It was a narrow room with blue walls on which several posters of The Weird Sisters, a scandalous all-witch band called Spellbound, a handsome part-vampire singer Lorcan d'Earth and of several muggle bands and singers,several drawings of creatures, of games that were apparently played on brooms, banners and flags of some sporting teams, all of which were made by Harry and put up by Kate (she was the one who was rebellious enough to do so; Harry preferred to avoid trouble).” Also, “The trundle bed Kate slept on had already been pushed on under the bed. It was the most convenient option without the room becoming too cramped or making the twins share the narrow cot.” Here is what they got from Dumbledore. “Harry was holding a book the title of which read Charms of Defence and Detternce by Professor Catullus Spangle while Kate' book was Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science by Argo Pyrites.” She gets a cat with “shiny, sleek coat of black fur, green yes and a tail that were slightly large for its tiny body.” She calls him Elvendork.
Connection to Canon: They found out about the magic world, yet the story never goes into when they learned about this. Getting their letters is much smoother and there is less abuse going on. They got a present from Dumbledore. The books seem a bit odd. Remus comes for their birthday. That’s different, but once they get there it is them meeting Quirrel and Dedalus Diggle. (Oh boy.) We get Gringott’s as well. Chapter two is Olivanders. They meet Susan Bones earlier and also Neville. Moving along, we find out Kate is adding scholarly journals to her trunk. (My question for the minions is this. How many kids this age do you know who know what a scholarly journal actually is? How many kids this age would actually be able to get their hands on such things?) Sounds like Kate has replaced Hermione. Getting further ahead the kids meet the Weasley family. Things get painful. The twins calle themselves the “Princess Katherin’s followers.” Scratch that. They meet Ron, which goes differently. Apparently they tried running away when they were younger and the wizarding world knows that. (That really doesn’t make sense.)  Draco shows up and she ends up making the temperature drop and she slaps him. (I’m not sure if the writer meant to indicate something else, but they did write “the temperature seemed to drop drastically”. She starts beating him up and Hermione calls her out for fighting with them. Kate says she won’t get in trouble for that which Hermione disagrees with her. She says “Malfoy is not going to admit he got beaten by a girl half his size especially with those two goons around.” She is mad she gets stuck in a boat with Hermione. She wishes Hermione would also shut up. (I wish the Sue would get what is coming to her.) The letter they got from Remus encourages them to cause chaos and he gives them the Marauder’s Map. (Wow, no. Getting that before third year is so wrong. It’s something that is in Fred and George’s hands at this point, or should be, but I don’t like the idea of them replacing Fred and George. They’ve already done that to Hermione.) She gets a longer sorting than her brother. Like a good girl she writes a letter to Remus yet forgets to mention her brother, yet also bitches about Hermione. For some reason the writer has Hermione demand where Kate was, but her unpacking is supposed to be super amazing. (Don’t they keep things in their trunk?) Hermione wants to talk books, but Kate closes a door in her face. Everybody is excited about the twins, yet there wasn’t that much pointing during first year. We learn that they don’t get lost because of Dorkie. (Say what?) Snape rales into the twins or tries to. He favors the female one, but it is rather annoying particularly when the writer makes Hermione look worse and Kate takes great glee at this. “Granger sat, looking surprised and a little hurt. Kate almost snorted. Had it really not occurred to the girl that Snape was picking on Kate and Harry on purpose?” Things don’t end badly because the twins are now interested in books. At least she gets chewed out for being mean to Neville. Unfortunatly, because it is Granger who is pointing it out Kate tells her off. Neville almost doesn’t got to Hagrids with them, yet does. Apparently the fact he is in tears doesn’t matter because it has to do with thinking he wasn’t getting to go with the bully who is pretending to be his friend just to make herself look better than Hermione Granger. Next, Kate tells Peeves she wants to help him.
Origin: They’ve discovered the magical world, yet are still talking about their first visit to Diagon Alley. Apparently Remus stayed in contact and sent them goodies. Realization hit there is an actual prequel where Kate is already sewing at the age of six and is making them a blanket out of “strips of cloth from old dresses that had been resized to fit them.” Nice job of having them live in the cupboard despite the fact, as we’ve already discussed numerous times on Pottersues this isn’t believable.” The two suspect magic things are going on because they somehow shrunk a bullies shoes. (Why does there need to be another bully when Dudley suffices?) The two are talking about how they’re super independent. There is also another bully named Tiffany. For some reason they’re helping with a library. (No Suethor, the librarian would not ask some little kids for help. The whole, “My mother could use some assistance in running this library” acts like libraries are privately owned businesses rather than something supported by the community.) Thus they start “Potters’ Multitasking Agency”. They think Dudley wetting the bed after having a nightmare because of watching a horror movie is funny. Dudley steals the money they earned. He then accuses them of lying because it must be his money and Vernon believes him. (Would Dudley have an allowance when his parents just buy him whatever he wants?) Vernon gets stuck to the ceiling and they decide to run away. (So, third year event moved to pre-Hogwarts huh?) Dumbledore of course finds them easily. They learn everything. Kate writes to Remus. Their lives get better, but they’re super smart at everything. (The prequel actually made things worse.)
Special Abilities: Apparently Harry can draw now. Madam Longbottom questions Remus’ parenting style, to which he says, “I appreciate your concern, Madam Longbottom, but you should understand that I am neither their guardian nor a parent figure to either of them. Only Madam Bones, Profesor Dumbledore, Habrid and I know just how independent and responsible the twins are. Believe me when I say they are perfectly capable of making their own decisions. I am telling you this in confidence and I hope you can keep it you yourself because neither Harry nor Katie will appreciate any of this becoming public knowledge. You see, they’ve been taking care of themselves just about since they could walk and talk.” I’m not sure why she questioned in the first place, but Remus also goes overboard on this. However, the very fact they ran away says otherwise. In the prequel their cupboard expanded on them.

Notes: Contrary to what one reviewer says in a review for the prequel, the Potter twins do not act in an age-appropriate manner. However, when said reviewer compares their behavior to how Harry acted in Philosopher’s stone you know you’re four years ahead of yourself regarding what is age appropriate.


"How?" Kate had asked.

"How what?" asked Uncle Vernon. Aunt Petunia pursed her lips; to her, asking questions was like breaking the law.

"How is hitting other students when the teacher isn't looking good training?"

"It just is," replied Uncle Vernon shortly.

Kate refrained from laughing. "Why do they need sticks anyway? Are their hands to delicate or something? I mean you'd think that fatso's hands would be pretty thick-skinned and all that, right?"


Harry and Kate snickered all the way back to the bedroom. They were unfazed by their Uncle's threats, seeing as Remus always sent them better food.

Having sat through most of the breakfast without making any remarks, Kate was contemplating on how she and Harry deserved an award for having put up with the Dursleys all these years when there was the click of the mail slot and flop of letters on the doormat.

"Get the mail," grunted Uncle Vernon. There was no doubt he was addressing Harry and Kate. Harry stood up resignedly and made his way into the hallway and to the front door. A moment later he yelled "It's here."

There was no questioning what he was talking about and Kate shot off before the Dursleys could do more than process what Harry had said.

"You two get back in here right now," snapped Aunt Petunia. "You know you are not supposed to leave the breakfast table unless you've been given permission."

rating - toxic, pc - child genius, pc - parasite sue, related to the potters, related to the evans, ap - academic pursuit, ap - fine arts pursuit, pc - jerk/anti sue

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