0371: Girls! - Magnolia/Magdoline

Apr 10, 2004 18:07

This one's disclaimer includes something about not owning the song lyrics. Never a good start.

TITLE: Girls! (Sues!)


FULL NAME: Magnolia, though it appears to change to 'Magdoline' from time to time. Plus a Hermione-Sue and a Ginny-Sue.
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: 'her white-blonde hair showing a halo around her heart-shaped face', 'crown of amazing white hair'
EYES: 'piercingly blue eyes'
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: Magnolia/Magdoline, Hermione, and Ginny are the three most gorgeous and popular girls at Hogwarts! I'm sure that any minute now, Lindsay Lohan will be along to take 'em down...
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: This bears no resemblance to canon at all.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: pissing me off.

NOTES: When a fic begins by describing Hermione's perfect teeth, that's generally a sign that there will be no trace of canon in it anywhere.


This isn't such a fluffy start, bet hey, it's
a cool one :)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the hp charas
HOWEVER: I own Magnolia, mine, miinneee! Hands off! Grr! XD
Thanx. Rn'R I demand RNR!! *lol*


Let me lay it on the line
I got a little freakiness inside
And you know that a man has gotta feel with it (with it, with it)
I don't care what they say
I'm not gonna pay nobody's way
'Cos it's all about the doll in me (mmm)

I wanna freak in the morning
Freak in the evening
Just like me
I need a rough neck brother that can satisfy me
Just for me
If you are that kind of man
'Cos I'm that kind of girl
I've gotta freaky secret everybody sing
'Cos we don't give a damn about a thing

Cos I will be a freak until the day
Until the dawn
And we can all through the night
To the early morn
Come on and we'll take you around the hood
On a gangster lift
'Cos we can any time of day
It's all good for me

Boy you're moving kinda slow
You gotta keep up now
There you go
That's just something that a man must do (mmm mmm)
I'm packing all the things that you need
I got you shock up on your knees


Hermione grinned slyly like the Chesire Cat, perect teeth (made so by her muggle-parents, who were dentists) spreading her pretty olive-skinned face.
Charming brown curls tickled her face, making her tiny nose wrinkle and her pretty hazle eyes sparkle.

'Hey, Mags!'

'Yo, babe', a blonde-haired witch yet to be sorted gave Hermione a glance and a wink. 'Anything new..?'

Magnolia sat down next to her best friend, leaning back on the antique plush crimson seats, each cushion with it's own shiny gold button, they shone in
the wonderful sunlight that spilled through the crystal clear window, showing a blurred view of pleasent countryside as the Hogwarts train sped on.

'Oh, what do you mean by that?' Hermione said in a sweet voice, batting her slanted feline eyes innocently.

'You know perfectly well you little cat!' Magnolia tickled her hopefully-to-be-classmate with a pretty smile, her white-blonde hair showing a halo around her heart-shaped face. Magnolia's smile was
angelic and perfect, born in some cosy little English village, she had a most amusing accent which suited her face.

'Hey, are you guys having fun without ME?' laughed Ginny who came walking in, after performing her little "butt-wiggle" to some of the to-be first years.

Ginny lept up and sat on Hermione's back, her long, slender legs crossed on the table.

The three had changed utterly since their last year;
Ginny had wonderful fiery red ringlets and large deep warm chocolate eyes that seemed to reflect deep, chasms of space. Her skin, however, was still pale, not quite gothly, but still amazingly alluring,
this not-so-peachy complexion brought out her eyes well. Since her second year the freckles over her nose had faded considerably. She was incredibly thin and to her disappiontment...flat. (I'm not going into detail!! XD)

Hermione had spent a lot of her time in France, she took a liking for the tasteful country after last summer's trip, now, she had gained a permanent tan that blended well with her dark brown curls- no longer frizzy
and unmanigable- but sleek and perfect, each coil was awesome. She was proud to be unlike Ginny and was quite curvy (in all the right places *lol*!) and was pleased with her seamless skin and wonderfully rounded lips, quite
large, almost to a pouting point. Hermione had not yet changed into her uniform and was still wearing her sand-blasted jeans, strappy v-neck 'PRETTY GIRL' top and a pair of open-toed flower sandals flew off her feet.

'Hermi- OW!' Harry rubbed his head and glanced at Ron when they saw Magnolia (the new girl to their class) and Hermione attacking each other, with Ginny sitting atop the mayhem, seemingly completely oblivious to the choas below her.
Ginny was giggling devishly, relishing the sweet taste of her vanilla edition chocolate frog. Happily, whilst her two girlfriends battled, bumping slightly around, took a thin hand out of the box revealing a card.

Ron sighed.

'Who is it, Gin?' he asked, deciding to himself, that trying to stop the war between two of the most sassyist girls at Hogwarts would be suicide.

'Oh, just another Marion Miggle', she tossed the card aside. Harry lept to get it, his hand open, arm outstretched, he jumped over the tossing Hermione and Magdoline to get to Ginny. The card landed neatly on the table, in seemed quite innocent just lying there,
but because of it Harry fell into the mini-riot in the carridge.

'Oh well', sighed Ron, he slapped his forehead and muttered under his breath.

'What was that Ron?' said an exstatic voice from the entrance, the door had slid open to reveal two identical flaming red heads.
They waved in a friendly way before eyeing the little fight and Ginny's regal consuming of her tasteful frog. 'Usual days'.

Harry shot the twins a despairing grin before disappearing into the fray.

'I was just saying that I can't believe Harry is still collecting the Cards'.

Fred and George gave him a look and slyly glanced at each other. It seemed the troublesome two could communicate by their eyes, not winking or nudging, but just by staring. Ron, being their younger brother
was still not too good at reading their looks.
The troublesome two sat on the left and right of Ron, so that their worrying brother was in the middle. They slung their arms over him and gave a sigh in unision.

'Trying to be cool, eh?'

Ron's ears blushed - it was quite funny.

'Yes, I think he suffers from a girl or something..', George began to poke Ron and check his ears.


'Yup- positive, see this hickey here..?'

Ron began to flush white as his brothers began to lift his hair to reveal on the back of his neck, a redish-purple blotch on his pale skin.
The two grinned manically.

'So who is it?' Hermione asked, sitting dead straight, ears pricked up eagerly like a fox, eager for some gossip.
Ginny was in a heap on the end of the sofa.

'I thought you two were fighting?!'

Hermione grinned and winked at Magdoline, Ginny smiled to but groaned as she heaved herself up, resting her little chin on the polished
oak table.

Ron knew there was no explaining some people- correction- some girls. These 'some girls' had reigned the throne of popularity already, and they
hadn't reached the school yet! Hermione was in 6th year, so was Mags. Ginny was raised up a year to Hermiones mixed shock and delight. Delight
and having done so and shock at having beaten a few of her records. Ron knew he would have to live and learn with these troublesome girls,
so he summarised that he might as well get along with them.

Afterall, one was practically his best friend, the other her sister. Mags was...well Ron wasn't to sure- Mags was a friend, not the girlfriend,

Heavens knew, he thought, their reputation!

'You're starting to sound like Percy, Ronald Weasley!' Mags said, now she had the Chesire Cat grin. Ron went red, again. He had forgot she could occasionally read minds,
she was taking highers in Divinination- to his suprise Hermione was supportive.

'Well, I'm right you know!' he flared angrily, the Weasley temper giving way.

'What, reputation?! Huh? HUH!!!!" Magnolia matched his rage with a bout of angry red sparks from her wand.

'Oh I think you know well enough', sniggered Ron.

Magnolia twirled around, suddenly she was in a long silver dress, her white blond hair swirled slowly as if they were furious snakes.
The air in the compartment turned deadly cold and a large puff of breath came from Ginny as she shivered. Light frost flecked the once
merry red seating, the dye turning black.


Ron curled up into the corner, George and Fred with horrified faces protected their brother by way of a human shield.
Hermione shook Magdoline's shoulders, her eyes welling with tears. She was so confused.

Magdoline dropped to the ground with a crack, her arms lay in odd positions about the floor.

* * * * *

How was that for a first chapter? :D

Sorry for the bad spelling mistakes (i.e. Griffindor lol XD) slap my hand, people!
*slap sap!* ;-;

Please Rn'R (I'm still not too sure what that is O.o'')

Anyway, this is my third story and second HP thing >:D


~ {Hattie}

* * * * *

rating - toxic

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