4216: Kiara Pride-Lander series - Kiara Pride-Lander

Apr 10, 2018 21:55

Title: Kiara Pride-Lander series which includes, Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6 and Book 7 which is for some reason to be separated into three books.
Perpetrator: Kimberly Joan Amethyst (I’m surprised this isn’t the name of a Mary Sue)
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “This is chapter 1 of Kiara Pride-Lander's story. This is a crossover between Potter and Lion King, with also some other different crossovers as books and chapters continue, but Potter and Lion King are the main ones. Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING, apart from my own characters. Please R&R and review. Enjoy!” The next summary reads, “This is the second book in Kiara's life. New characters and some more parodies from movies and books to come. DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING, apart from my own characters, of course. Please R&R and enjoy.” The third summary says, “The third book in Kiara's story. Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING, apart from my own characters, of course. Please R&R as you go along, for feedback would be great. Timon will make his appearance later on in the story. Sarabi and Sarafina are still included, just so you know. Thank you,” the forth, “The fourth book in Kiara's adventures for you all to enjoy. We start to go slightly darker this year, so hold on to your hats. DISCLAIMER: as usual, I do not own anything apart from my own characters. Thank you.” Fifth says, “The fifth book in my Kiara Pride-Lander series. Disclaimer: As always, I own nothing except my own characters. Enjoy!” Here is the summary for the sixth book. “The sixth book in my Kiara Pride-Lander series. All the main old characters, and some new faces, are there. DISCLAIMER: I own nothing apart from my own characters. Enjoy!” And here’s the last one. “This is the first part of the final book in the KPL series. DISCLAIMER: I own NOTHING, apart from my own characters. PLEASE read the foreword before moving on to the main story as it is important, and all negative reviews will be ignored, and Chapter 1 begins on chapter 2, so don't be confused if it comes up different. So please read and enjoy.”
Full Name: Kiara Pride-Lander
Possessions: She watches the Disney Channel. There is a cat named Crooks. (I’m afraid this may be Crookshanks.) “My grandmother’ party was a big sucesss - as per usual. Before everyone went home for the evening, they congradulated me on how I looked, and I thanked them for getting me such pretty, expensive and great gifts - such as CDs, DVDs, jewellery, clothes - gold and blue, of course - and other stuff.” Yes. She’s a spoiled brat who gets to be a hero like Harry.
Connection to Canon: Book one starts off with Kiara whining about how her life will be rife with strife, yet how wonderful it is that she was born in the blessed pride lands. In this chapter we see Kiara having her birthday party, which is much celebrated within the Wizarding world because she’s a princess. She had a “special protection” placed into her, so she is being sent away. Second chapter is her growing up in Wales with a ton of riches, including a stable. The writer then proceeds to rip off the scene where Harry meets the snake. This is worse than norm because all the bad stuff Harry goes through is gone. Second chapter is about getting letters. We have both the Harry Potter letters, and a letter from her parents whining about how our Sue can’t go and see them. She is to attend Dragon Mort Magical Academy. More whining in chapter four about how much she misses her family. Chapter five is more spoiling of the Mary Sue, but she also gets her school supplies in this chapter.
Origin: The writer says on their profile that, “I probably won’t do anything with Potter because let’s just face it it’s perfect ( don’t get me wrong, I appreciate those that do write about Harry, but with me, I can’t really do anything from pure perfection.)”. When the writer isn’t lifting scenes from the book, they are unfortunately padding their word count with useless information the reader doesn’t need to know. Chapter seven involves the entry hall, but I’m sick of the plagiarism.
Special Abilities: The writer claims this is parody. I say this is plagiarism. The writer thinks the twists in their story is amazing. Except, what I see is Rowling’s story. I also see a plagiarized story where everything the hero in the original story worked hard for is just handed to the OC.

Notes: The writer is twenty-three. I’m not fond of the writer’s attitude either. I honestly believe the writer is under the impression that their crossover series is an epic. I say this because I read the foreword to the seventh book - which by the way is non-story content and against site rules.

“I should like to point out that in this book, I am going to remind my readers of things they have loved from the last six books, so that they can remembere what they have laughed and cried about along with me. So, to my faithful readers out there, I than you with my whole heart for staying with Kiara and I on this rather wild journey that we have taken together. And remember, no matter what happens, accept love. DO NOT SHUN IT, like Lady Zira and Lord Voldemort did.”

If that doesn’t sound cocky to you, then let me point out the fact the largest number of favorites the writer has received so far on any of the books is twenty-three, but this number has gone down with each sequel. The largest number of follows is eleven. The total number of reviews for the entire series so far is ten reviews. One of these reviews says, “this is literally just the Harry Potter novels with another story somewhat combined which mostly appears just to be names switched around. I’d love to see some original work from you, and I mean 100% original not just bits and pieces.”

Yup. I’ve not even started reading this one, and I’m sad to say we likely have a plagiarist on our hands. That would explain why a newbie writer three year ago now has a series with seven books with over a million words. However, so does the fact the writer’s been working on this since they were fifteen, but honestly doesn’t understand the plagiarism in their stories isn’t at all okay no matter how much original content they add. An example of such plagiarism can be found in chapter seventeen of the forth book, where Kiara replaces the “perfect” Harry and has her name drawn from the cup and - you get the picture.


The Pride-Lands are beautiful; lush green grass, a fresh, flowing river and a perfect blue sky, which - on a good day - never had a cloud in sight. However, these are dangerous lands, for they have wild, untamed animals that could potentially eat you! But never fear, for my people keep them far from us who live and make a living out here. These lands have a certain magical quality about them; for you see, they are enchanted! When dead leaves fall from the trees, they join together and make beautiful, petite leafy messenger birds, which fly from tree to tree, to send an important message to the current King and Queen of the Pride-Lands. The recently deceased King or Queen watches from above and has all control over the weather. In the spring and summer, fresh wild flowers would grow, their different warm and cold colours melting together beautifully to make a perfect collage. And when the wind blows through the trees, the flowers and trees sway lazily in the breeze. And, because the Pride Lands are in Africa, it is practically sunny all year round. The perfect paradise to live in, I'm sure we can all agree. And when the petals dropped from the flowers, they would merge into people and deliver messages to the King and Queen of the Pride-Lands, too. But it wasn't always a paradise, as you will find out.

Enough about the Pride-Lands, because I am sure that many of you want to know about my story? Well, wait no more, because it starts with my parents, who lived in the most respected and most beautiful place in these lands, Pride Castle, which over-looked the rest of the Pride-Lands. It was a gold building with red tiles on the roof tops. This is to represent the rising and falling of the sun, as every Pride-Lander has been told for centuries.

In life, my parents were called Simba and Nala Pride-Lander. They loved me with all their hearts. My father, Simba, had my face. He had a lovely wide smile which always mad him look twenty years younger, had light brows and brown coloured hair and light amber eyes (I on the other hand, had dark amber eyes which I had inherited from my grandfather Mufasa). I inherited my father's mouth (but mine is thinner), his fringe and his golden tinge from his skin. He was a strong man who looked after his beloved wife and lands, and he couldn't be any happier with how things could be.

My mother, Nala on the other hand, was admired for her fair beauty, which I have inherited from her. I have her same rich peach colour that she had from her face and her rosy cheeks, too. She also had waist-length golden hair which always seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. She also had orange-shaped eyes, whish were aqua-marine blue. You will have noticed that I used "in life" when I started to talk about my parents, and that is because they died for me during the big battle at - well, I'll talk about that more in the final book. Anyhow, back to the story. I had to talk to them and many others whilst I was at school so that I could get my facts right.

On the Friday 30th July 1993, I was born. Two weeks later, Simba and Nala decided to throw a celebration party for my birth, which many great witches and wizards attended. One of these great witches and wizards was my old headmistress, Professor Susan Louise Jane Winifred Crighton - who was a mother herself, and she was like a mother to me, and three of my best friends.
At this time she had recently had two daughters - who I will mention later on in this story - and she adopted a boy, too - who I will also mention later on in this story. These four people are very important characters, so keep up. Crighton's husband, Matthew Dawson, was babysitting the three, so he couldn't be there when he wished dearly that he could have been, seeing as it was a great party, with music and dancing and a buffet. The moment was as perfect as a golden vision painted into a dream. And then, that moment was gone, vanished into the darkness that tries to consume us all, for a dark shadow was slowly crossing over the world and especially the Pridelands.

This is where Zira comes in. You see, on Monday 3oth May 1994, I was with my bumbling babysitters - Timon and Pumbaa - who were arguing over nothing as usual. I was very intelligent and escaped my babysitters. I crawled to a space under a tree and sat under the shade of it - for it was a very hot day - when I heard something near me. I couldn't speak yet so I started to look around me. Then a woman showed up - Zira - pointed her wand at me, said something and then…vanished without a trace. I screamed and became unconscious. One of my grandmothers, Sarabi - wife to my dead grandfather, Mufasa, who was King before my father - found me. For those of you who are wondering, she was looking after me, which was why she was staying with my parents.

"You fools!" she yelled at Timon and Pumbaa, "you can't let a child like this out of your sight, not even for a second! What were you two playing at?"

"Well, er -"

"We were just - "

"Oh, never mind!" Sarabi said, waving an impatient hand at them. "The important thing is is that we get her to Simba and Nala and that they know so that we can do something about this. Quickly," she said, handing me to Timon, "take Kiara, go to Pride Castle and tell them what happened. In the meantime though, I will be back in my cottage in Wales with Sarafina, because my son wants me there to keep an eye on things for him over there. Now go! Go!" she yelled at them and with that, Timon and Pumbaa took me back to my parents and my grandmother Sarabi went back to Wales to see what would happen.

rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - crossover, sue - (other canon)

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