4205: The Rise of New Darkness - Aaron Zakhorov

Mar 25, 2018 20:32

Title: The Rise of New Darkness
Perpetrator: aaron.zakhorov
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is this green AMD thing.
Summary: “Four years after the Dark Lord's disappearance, a new prophecy foretelling the coming a new Dark Lord emerges. Dumbledore rushes to act on it. Has he succeeded? Or has he fallen for the same trap as ( Read more... )

b - speshul other, pc - villian sue, rating - toxic, pc - godmode sue, a - unknown ability, ac - accidental magic, b - speshul figure, af - magical cores, b - dna error, pp - orphanage

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yemi_hikari March 27 2018, 17:25:12 UTC
I honestly don't think a prophesy would actually predict someone becoming evil. That's a bit cruel even for a prophesy.


ext_4600874 April 6 2018, 04:11:02 UTC
That was actually the point. It said he's a dark lord not an evil lord. But most people (in the story) don't really grasp the difference thanks to Voldemort's reign of terror. And Lol I didn't think it would get a toxic on the sue-o-meter


pottersues April 6 2018, 04:43:36 UTC
I'm not sure whether to point out the fact there is no difference in canon, or whether to ask if you were purposefully trying to get the toxic rating on Pottersues without getting caught and given a troll rating instead. If you're not familiar with the blog, then you likely don't get that going the dark powers issue is yet another issue, but explain the second question simply as some who follow do attempt getting featured here without getting noticed ( ... )


ext_4600874 April 6 2018, 06:59:42 UTC
This is actually the first time I've come across pottersues. An anonymous person mentioned in the reviews that my story was featured here.


yemi_hikari April 6 2018, 11:03:00 UTC
Which is precisely what Pottersues was highlighting in the last paragraph. It's discouraged to tell the writer their story was featured here because those who cannot handle criticism tend to start drama here (and assume a lot of things without reading any other part of the blog). Your claiming that the toxic rating is undeserving implies at least some understanding of how the blog rates stories, is why the Troll rating got brought up. If you don't know, you should compare entries for the different ratings and think about where the lines are being drawn.


ext_4600874 April 6 2018, 14:32:24 UTC
Guess I should have worded my first comment better. I didn't mean to say it was undeserving. It is after all a matter of opinion. I was just surprised that it got rated and featured at all. That said I am working on the next chapter and I will try to do better with the stuff I've established in the narrative till now. Reviews positive and negative are welcome


pottersues April 7 2018, 03:01:15 UTC
I actually took your comment as taking everything in good stride. The Sal tactic is meant to bring in other disgruntled writers, but I've found more often than not those Sal picks take things well.


pottersues April 7 2018, 02:58:22 UTC
Thanks for clarifying.

I actually think I know who they are despite the fact they're an anonymous reviewer. What I can get into is they're a younger writer who didn't like being featured. They're either attempting to get an apology for being featured or a deletion of said journal entry, but they also want others to feel bad whether it be us, or one of the writers featured here.


yemi_hikari October 16 2018, 20:26:17 UTC
I'm a bit late, but to add to what Pottersues said the story might be better off as a crossover with a fandom where those concepts are real. However, if not blended well you might still end up in the same boat as before.


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