4184: Healing Love - Harry Potter, Yuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov

Feb 08, 2018 22:23

I’ve decided to do a Yuri on Ice!! week. I wonder why? (I think the answer should be obvious.) I don’t know if I’ll find enough stories to do an entire week, but here I go.
Title: Healing Love
Perpetrator: Douchanfan
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: I didn't pay attention.
Summary: “After his third year at Hogwarts, Harry is back at Privet Drive and suffering nightmares after the Dementor attack at the end of the year. After waking the Dursley family once again, they have murder in their hearts. He sends a letter to Sirius and begs for help. The help he sends is in the only family Harry has left Viktor Nikiforov. Will Harry finally have the family he desires I”
Full Name: Harry Potter, Yuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov
Species: We’ve got a poor-abused!Harry going on.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: Normally I would but n/a here, but I think mentioning the fact Viktor and Harry really don’t look like they’d be related, but that Viktor looks more likely to be related to a Malfoy. Actually, that makes a lot more sense.
Possessions:  Sirius sends him a pendent. Specifically, “the pendent that is with the letter should help in protecting you. It makes it harder for people to want to stay around you. As soon as you put it on, the Dursleys should leave you alone a lot more. I just hope it is strong enough to deter them if they have murder in their black hearts.” Can we add character bashing the Dursley’s to the list of issues with this particular fic, what with the turnaround we see for both Dudley and Petunia at the end of the series? There is also a clock Petunia wants.
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with Vernon kicking Harry. He writes to Sirius, and suddenly Harry is to contact the Goblins at Gringotts. (No, Suethor, the Goblins are not in charge of magical contracts of any kind let alone wills. That falls under the jurisdiction of the ministry! They’re only in charge of what would end up in a vault.) We then jump to a romantic scene between Viktor and Yuuri. (That’s the way the writer spells said characters name.) Oh, and the fact they're fiance and not simply dating reminds me that the to series occur during different time periods.  (Plus the timing of introducing it within the first chapter of a major fic.) Suddenly, Viktor and his mother are going to rush to Henry’s rescue, but his mother is magical! (I’m still not understanding how they’re related. (At least it’s better than Harry being related to Yuri.) Of course, the goblins have to get involved despite the fact they wouldn’t be. There is talk about how Harry should have always been with his Russian family members. (Yup, you heard that right.) Viktor and Yuri show up at the Dursley household and Viktor says, “accio Harry Potter’s belongings” which includes a clock that Petunia goes super OoC over, and tries to grab it away. Vernon ask who they are, and Viktor says “well, your guardianship of Harry has been revoked. I and my fiancé will now be looking after him.” (Why not Viktor’s mother?) This is after barging into the house unannounced. (Though, truth be told the Weasley family did it as well, but Arthur’s very unaware of how things work in the Muggle world, and Viktor’s not. Add to this, Arthur was at least polite to the Dursley’s. So, I was debating the awful rating, but that pushed it to a Toxic rating, and I’m sure this won’t be the last issue.
Origin: Please, please stop with the “Harry needs to be rescued from the Dursley’s” stories. The physical abuse you put into your stories does not exist within the canon, nor is it more realistic than the canon material! In fact, it’s always unrealistic! I’m always left wondering if the writer’s only knowledge regarding abusive situations is what they read in the news when they manage to crop up, rather than doing actual research.
Special Abilities: Harry is abused, oh woe is me. He's somehow related to Viktor. Also, a story which is supposed to be about Harry finding himself in the family home he always wanted, but instead there is far, far more focus on Viktor and Yuri's relationship. This isn't to say I didn't expect said relationship to come up in the story. I actually did expect said pairing. I didn't expect it as the main focus.

Notes: I bring you the TV Trope called Author Tract. To quote the page, “All writers put something of themselves into their stories, but some of them go just that little bit too far. For them, the real point of writing is not to shape worlds or create characters, but to preach their ideological beliefs.” Is anyone else bothered when an ideological belief is done well in a fandom, only for a fanfic for said fandom ending up as an Author Tract?


Harry woke up with a scream, the last remnants of his nightmare beginning to fade away. He shivered as he felt the coldness that came with Dementors. Harry knew that there weren't any around him, especially as he was back in Privet Drive after his third year at Hogwarts. But the nightmare, the chance of losing Sirius before he even got to know him. Feeling himself fade away as the Dementors closed in on the two of them, hearing the screams of his mother. It all plagued his mind and had done since he had returned from his third year at Hogwarts.

"Potter!" came a vicious yell from outside of his room. Uncle Vernon unlocked the door and thundered into the room.

The back of a hand connected with his cheek and Harry went flying off his bed and onto the wooden floor. Harry curled up protecting himself as best as he could from the kicks and punches that began to rained down on him. The thirteen, almost fourteen year old kept the pained cries from passing his lips. He didn't want to give his uncle the satisfaction of hearing them.

"I've had enough. You've been back five days and each night you have woken us up with your freakish screaming!" Vernon panted, standing up looming over his curled up nephew.

"I'm sorry Uncle Vernon," Harry apologised. It wasn't like he could help it. The nightmares had began as soon as he went to sleep that first night back at Privet Drive, and they didn't let up.

"Sorry isn't good enough Boy!" Vernon yelled, kicking him one last time.

rating - toxic, e - japanese, p - crossover, e - russian, e - asian, jr - guardian (legal guardian), of - inheritence will, pw - ron the death eater

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