4173: Fool - Hermione Granger

Jan 09, 2018 15:39

Again, why does FB have its own category? Does it really make the stories easier to find? I think the answer is - no, it does not.

Specifically, I found this particular story because I was trying to find out which story had the most reviews, in or out of the category. This one has just over 15k in words, only five chapters, but 356 reviews. The most popular story in the FB category have over 50k in words, 24 chapters and 205 reviews. Next popular is over 75k, 30 chapters and 191 reviews. Third is 15k, 19 chapters and 143 reviews. However, in the crossover section between FB and HP, the most popular story is only about 8k, 2 chapters and 88 reviews, while the next most popular has 3 chapters, 2,500 words and 30 reviews, and the third is 11 chapters, 5k, and only thirteen reviews.

Title: Fool
Perpetrator: Neurotic-GinjahNinjah
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The writer’s avatar, I’m not sure what it is.
Summary: “Hermione Jean Granger. Intelligent, witty, charming and about as stubborn as a Hungarian Horn-Tail. She was no fool; she knew bad things happened to witches and wizards who meddled with time...she just didn't count on the one time that time decided to meddle with her. Fantastic Beasts. Time Turner/AU”
Full Name: Hermione Granger
Species: She’s stealing Tina’s husband Newt.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: Nothing different from canon. Wait. She’s apparently five feet, seven inches.
Possessions: She still has the stupid Time Turner, but it is also broken. Even prior to Cursed Child this broke canon. She’s taking a train to America. Like Newt, she’s got her own magical creatures, but can be more open because Muggles are aware of the Wizarding world now - how convenient, but it also turns out that her Time Turner is a “broken original”. Oh, and Hermione’s horocrux earing which is supposed to be a safety charm. Officially, things became worse. Despite being anti-marriage with Ron, she has  a “Diamond Princess Cut engagement ring”, because we’re to believe that “after graduation they pair just lost that spark and Hermione felt a part of her missing.” Has no meaning simply because “Harry and Ginny said her rebelliousness would run out eventually…” Suethor! People do not think and act this way, but now you’re pushing the idea that a woman is only happy if she is with a man and married, something Ginny would never, ever do!
Connection to Canon: As noted in possessions, Hermione still has her Time Turner from third year, but for some reason it is broken. The story starts off with the Suethor wanting us to believe that - upon Voldemort being defeated by Harry - well, Muggles began to notice things. “The most curious of the Muggles even went to investigate the celebrations with their friends and families and found things beyond their wildest dreams. Upon arrival, instead of being Obliviated they were welcomed with open arms, and pulled into the festivities, watching as the magical folk flew on brooms and danced on tables preforming spells, while others awed at their culture and listened to their stories, ate their food and drank their beer.” The entire thing is turned into a joke, as they had very, very public funerals for “Professor Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, Nyphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Colin Creevy, and Lavender Brown”, of whom the second to last didn’t show up in the last movie, and the last of whom only died in the movies. No, seriously, I wish the Harry Potter fan wiki would stop taking stuff which occurs only in the movies as canon. We then skip ahead to May 2, 2003, which is five years later. We jump to Harry, Ginny, Ron and Mrs. Weasley being super OoC not because the story is AU, but because the writer wants a reason to character bash the characters, though they do claim otherwise. Ron hates the FB book for giving her ideas, but every one is out to get her with Ron. Molly maybe, but Harry and Ginny? Nope. Also, “though after starting at the Ministry she noticed her friends became more suffocating and Ron just a tad more degrading. Ronald never wanted her talking to anyone but his family and Harry or Ginny, he never wanted her to go to work he wanted her to stay at home and get married. Hermione was not one to listen to rules anymore. She was tired of people telling her what to do especially the Weasley’s.” Yet not all the Weasley family, because some encouraged her? Yet is that still seen as telling her what to do? Worse, “Due to that harsh judgement she showed them she was unpredictable.” Suethor, that is NOT a good thing, but Ginny’s always telling her what to wear, and yada-yada, just stuff Ginny and Hermione would never, ever do, like “Harry always told her that she should listen to Ron because they were Aurors they knew best.” We then jump to Newt, who is with his wife both saying that Hermione has potential, only, Hermione’s going to steal him away in this fic, because the secrecy act is now caput, and Muggles are learning more and more about magical creatures. (And this tells me the Suethor doesn’t get the reason for secrecy. And yes, I get the fact the story is an AU, but this does not justify human beings losing their common sense regarding plot devices, nor does it erase the fact the plot device is forced and unbelievable.) The writer hopes that Hermione wasn’t too OoC, and I’d say yes, yes she was. Then she has a nightmare about a bloody Harry, and her mind “shattered” for even more drama. Then she wakes up. We learn she fell out of love with Ron quickly, yet still has his engagement ring. The earing mentioned in the sample, well, it’s now a ward to protect people? No, Suethor, Horocrux do not do that! So far she’s had a few run-ins with Newt, almost as if the writer is trying to scream that they’re soul mates.
Origin: We’ve yet another story where Hermione runs away from her troubles rather than dealing with them, but according to the Suethor, Hermione’s “stubbornness and resolve” is what leads her to running away to the United States rather than chewing Ron out for wanting to marry, Molly for nitpicking everything she does and Harry and Ginny for being busy bodies. The problem is, the only person with a real problem outside of Molly is Hermione, but there is also a major difference between stubborn denial and stubborn resolve, and this Hermione does not fall into the latter. Okay, so maybe her wanting a vacation is different than running away. Actually, it is, so long as she didn’t intend for it to be a permanent vacation, which she didn’t. Or so it seems from the “sneak peek” which I thought was against site rules. The writer admits that, “this is an AU, so there will be some OOC and Potter/Weasley Bashing.” Except the first does not justify the second. Writing an AU does not mean throwing out sound logic, such as the fact magic is supposed to be secret from Muggles. Characterization is on that list, but bashing is immature. Bashing Ron for wanting to marry Hermione, and for Harry and Ginny worrying about her - would you do that to a person in real life. I kind of get the Molly thing, as that is an actual valid character trait, and not a good one of hers, but I see both Hermione and Ginny giving her what-for long before Hermione would need a vacation. But nitpicking because she sees Ron as perfect? If you have to make the characters OoC just to bash them, something is wrong with your story. The last chapter up so far (five) introduces Gideon, Medea and Barney, the OCs which will time travel, but more character bashing.
Special Abilities: The writer is breaking the rules of time travel in the Harry Potter universe, but as I noted, they’re breaking canon for things revealed prior to Cursed Child.

Notes: The fact the story is an AU is no excuse for the stories issues, but the fact the writer honestly thinks that being an AU justifies OoCness and character bashing, when nothing ever justifies either, as both are bad writing, well - it’s kind of sad.


Because of her new friends Hermione got gutsier and started living life the fullest, Ron got pushier about marriage and secluding her and her 'friends' got worse. They always followed her claiming they were making sure she was okay and always trying to taker her away from her new friends or listen in on their conversations.

Eventually, tired of their interference, Hermione did something that really pissed off her 'friends', she started helping Theodora and the Aurors collect left over followers of Voldemort.

Over the next 3 years she began to get stronger, gain experience and inevitably more scars including large slashes across her torso from a particularly nasty Splicing Charm and slashes on her neck and back from an over-eager werewolf. Both scars caused the Weasley's and Potters to flip their shit. She was starting to live her life the way her parents would've wanted.

The best part was that over the years and trust gained, her friends and her job gave her access to traded creatures and objects that were both illegal and dangerous, things that should be locked up. She saved all of her creatures from captivity and gave them lives in her silver and emerald studded 'Felicity Charmer' designer purse that was gifted to her by Medea and her parents Griselda and Hamish Jr. on Christmas.

Most of these items and creatures, none of her 'friends' or Ronald knew about.

A horocrux in the shape an antique brass and Opal dangled earring that Primrose obtained that was confiscated during a collaborative mission with Ukrainian Aurors that the Hufflepuff thought would be safer with Hermione.

An unaltered golden Time Turner from Barney that, according to him was broken and an illegal original over 100 years old.

Finally, she received the mysteriously repaired Elder Wand from an unknown source with a note saying 'Use it Well.'

Her creatures caused people to look at her weirdly, even wizards who understood the concept of 'larger on the inside' if she told them what was in there. Though, for being the Department Head for Magical Creatures this wasn't that strange.

She had a whole environment in that small purse that she and Magnolia created to protect the illegally transported characters, two of which were completely illegal and would be killed on sight for being in a populated area.

She had a Bowtruckle named Mimsy that had attachment issues and always swung on the Horocrux safely situated on her right ear squeaking in glee or nestled into her curly mane peeking through occasionally causing her co-workers to laugh hysterically.

Buckbeak, the Hippogriff who she obtained from Sirius Black in his Will and Last Testament because he could no longer care from him.

Fawkes, Headmaster Dumbledore's beloved Phoenix that she smuggled from Hogwarts before Harry could get ahold of him. Harry was going to release him into the wild. She couldn't allow that; Phoenixes were magical creatures. They imprinted on Magical beings. He wouldn't have survived.

A 13ft baby Peruvian Vipertooth; a golden, white and yellow Dragon native to Peru that had one large horn on her nose and four large horns on her feathery head. Hermione confiscated her from the Trade and Regulation's Execution Squad.

Tiamat, as Hermione named her was abandoned by her mother because she was too small and then she was captured and beaten by poachers resulting in scratches, cuts and magic bullet wounds. She was still a baby but she was big enough to carry Hermione.

Tiamat shouldn't've been executed in the first place. Hermione was Head of the Creature Department. Tiamat should've been notified immediately. She suspected her 'friends' and 'fiancé' had something to do with it.

Hermione's final creature was a Basilisk named Shesha that she had saved from a warehouse transporting Magical Items. Though Hermione saved Shesha she could save Shesha's 2 eggs because they were already dead. She was 45ft long and she weighed several tons. She had mesmerizing copper-green scales, covered in spikes and yellow eyes with huge fangs that could crush a human being, but Hermione found her adorable.

A regular Newton Scamander she was.

Adoring dangerous creatures, she just found them to be misunderstood. She prayed that eventually they would be accepted.

It would be a longways away but the 'Great Revelation of 98' was certainly a start.

Since the Wizarding Community revealed themselves to Great Britain in 1998. Hermione was always hanging around with her new friends and their families and their friends; a lot of which were Muggles themselves. Hermione's life was turning out for the better and it started with that reveal.

Some were scared, other angry, most accepting and believed that magic existed all along, as to be expected. Hermione would've been nervous if they didn't have angry Muggles.

After the Wizarding Community came out to the Muggle public, they were nervous at first and weary of the Muggle reactions.

However, they were pleasantly surprised when Muggles demanded to know more about them in excitement and welcomed them with open arms. Since that night the United Kingdom was proud that they were the first fully integrated community.
Hogwarts was eventually rebuilt in 2001 and in the courtyard they put a marble statue of a phoenix with the names of the fallen and an inscription in Latin translating to: "Evil Never Prevails" and Muggles could finally see it and enter Diagon Alley and Platform 9 ¾.

The Community was growing and Muggle-Wizard relationships were on the rise and this included (To Hermione's surprise) strict Pure-Bloods and Muggles. Yes, the United Kingdom currently had more Muggleborns and Half-Bloods attending Hogwarts than any time in history.

People were becoming aware of magical creatures and how to help or avoid them, the Ministry was teamed with The Queen and The Prime Minister to keep things at ease and the Ministry even lent out Aurors to help Muggle Police catch criminals. Things were becoming better.

But, the United Kingdom and Great Britain were the only ones accepting and as enthusiastic about these developments with France being a close second and Japan being third.

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - toxic, pc - b swanitis, pf - fantastic beasts era, sue - hermione granger, pw - ron the death eater

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